Eating healthier.. Where to start?

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Well for starters, you have to cook. Plain and simple.

The easiest way for me is to take a protein (fish and chicken mostly) and go from there. Anyone can be a gourmet chef if you can follow instructions. I cook great healthy meals a couple times a week now.

Check out I use it just about everyday

Good looks bro, will be trying this in the next few days:

Sounds great. But don't get canned salmon if you can get fresh. I was a commercial fisherman, I know what goes in those cans.
I practically live off of that. info?
Drink only water and 100% fruit juice or buy a juicer and make your own juice 
Cut out coffe and drink tea instead especially green tea 

Cut out extra sugary foods like ice cream,cookies , soda etc you can eat plain yogurt with live cultures in it as a dessert instead

Cook your own meals and completely cut out junk food

Eat fruits and veggies

Stop drinking milk a lot of people don't know this but 90% of the population has trouble digesting milk and a lot of people are unknowingly allergic to it you can drink goat milk,rice milk or soy milk instead but don't drink too much of it

Eat a salad everyday and you can mix it up and add different things in it to get some variety 

Don't eat white rice because when your body digest it the rice becomes pure sugar so eat brown or wild rice instead and you can add beans too

And the number 1 rule is never add white sugar to anything you eat and stay away from candy 

Follow this and if you have weight problems you will be skinny with in 2 months of doing this diet especially if you working out too
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Eat more fruit and veggies. 
This, also look up paleo diet. It's not really a diet per say it's a way of eating.
Be warned though there are different ways to go about it, you can go full paleo to the extreme or just cut out foods that are known to be bad for you Ex (Grains, Sugars, and pasteurized dairy) which is like to staple of the regular american diet LOL.

this is one of the major reasons so many fat, sick people in this country.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Stop drinking milk a lot of people don't know this but 90% of the population has trouble digesting milk and a lot of people are unknowingly allergic to it you can drink goat milk,rice milk or soy milk instead but don't drink too much of it
Im gonna need to look this up. Ive always been one of the cats that said dirnking milk cant really be natural but Ive started using it with my protein after lifting lately.

Another thing OP, get used to making a salad with your dinner. I eat salad every single night with my food, with a rare exception every couple weeks. Dont use ranch dressing or anything like it either because its full of fat and calories, instead go for balsalmic. After a while you wont be able to stomach the though of anything else. I get the
face everytime I see someone ODing on ranch.
Throw away any type of junk food you have in your kitchen, like chips, soda, candy, cookies, etc.
For carbs, start eating brown rice, whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, etc., basically anything that's the least processed. Cut out the refined stuff like white bread and white rice.
I'm Asian, and in most of our meals we have at least 1-2 servings of vegetables/fruits with each meat portion in our meals. Shoot for at least a serving of produce with each meal you eat.
Also exercise. Besides eating healthy, staying active helps burn the calories you consume and keeps your body in shape.
The best thing I did was cut out salty foods and increased my water'll be leaner and its better for you in the long run.
awesome inputs! Thank you very much. Is there a goto site for meal ideas? We usually use epicurus on android.. but wondering if there is anything else out there.
Also, is it possible for healthy eating to be tasty? I know it becomes an acquired taste after awhile.. but do you ever think.."man this is good"?
The book "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf will change your life and how you look at food.  The whole idea is cutting back on grains and starch and upping the meats and veggies.
Start with his blog @
Like many other have said fruits & veggies. Just a matter of finding which ones you like & adding them to your diet.
Focus on the whole nutritional label. I find a lot ppl only focus on calories/fat & disregard other things like sodium/cholesterol
Seasoning food with natural herbs & spices and cutting back on the salt.
Eating whole grains
Since I've changed my diet for the better I've noticed it's hard for me to eat fast food w/o feeling sick. So after awhile I kinda had no choice but to maintain my eating habits
Solid recommendations thus far.. It also heavily depends on your budget OP.. But there's some healthy foods that are always convenient and affordable (i.e-oatmeal). 
I have a question fellas, I dislike eating fish it doesn't taste well to me . Are fish oils essential to a diet in the long run?
Drink noghting but water and save calroie consumption for food. Makes no sense to drink calories, incorporate salads and fruites into your meal plan and cut out the fried stuff, cakes cookies and candy. Do it one at a time.
Start using your blender and get a bag of frozen fruit (lasts a long time and cold). Perfect for making smoothies to start the day. Frozen fruit + milk + ice + a bit of honey (not sugar) + scoop of protein, excellent to compliment your workout
Originally Posted by H01YshNIK3S

I have a question fellas, I dislike eating fish it doesn't taste well to me . Are fish oils essential to a diet in the long run?

fish oils help you in a lot of ways but if you don't like fish you can just take fish oil supplements 
Have been eating better these 2 past week and it feel incredible. Its hard to adjust the first couple of days but youll get used to it quick.
Cook yourself if you can, and also if you're going to eat out, you can start off by making better choices. It's really simple- just opt for grilled foods instead of fried foods, get some salads, try not to drink sodas, etc.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by H01YshNIK3S

I have a question fellas, I dislike eating fish it doesn't taste well to me . Are fish oils essential to a diet in the long run?

fish oils help you in a lot of ways but if you don't like fish you can just take fish oil supplements 

Appreciate it.
for the last month, i've been eatting nothing but turkey, chicken, wheat bread, brown rice, tuna, salad, fruts, green veggies and drinking club soda instead of soda cuz i need that carbonated water without the sugar after every meal to help me burp lol. I don't eat anything after 8 pm. I've lost 9-10 pounds in 4 weeks without even exercising lol and my blood pressure went from 165 to 109.

Some nter started a thread about green smoothies about a month ago and i've been on that too. i bought the naked green drink and its cool but started making my own green smoothies and it taste much better. I start out my morning with a green smoothie instead of coffee.
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