eBAY auctions won...don't post live links


got outbid on these. the soles are beat though
Got these in this week $100-10 for no box-8 cashback= $92.



Like I needed them.


Let me ask you something. The pair I got is in the middle and the soles are super icey but the netting is not and the pair on the right the netting is iceybut you can see the soles have some yellowing. Which pair would you wear and which would you keep put up?
3thaman - I would defintaly wear the pair with the icey netting and keep the pair with the icey soles DS. I'd try sea glow on both though, I just startedusing the stuff and it works well.
basically passed up on a pair of B Grade CDP 12s for the same price for these...

I needed a pair of 4s... These a some wat VNDS (Except they have some dirt that will be a breeze to remove..&minor creases)

Steal? i think so imo
and was it a good decision to passup on Bgrade CDp 12s for these?
got some spare time, picking these up to try out some midsole painting. leather is spotless, so they should come out nice.
Could have had these for $80 shipped but forgot to bid, got re-listed and wasn't going to chance it again.

DS sz 6 for my girl:
joey's listing made this thread???

flights for fpr $90+ shipping isn't really a steal,they aren't DS either.

those CG IVs on the other hand
Originally Posted by UPandCOMING32

joey's listing made this thread???

flights for fpr $90+ shipping isn't really a steal,they aren't DS either.

those CG IVs on the other hand
I knew that font looked familiar
. A steal? no. But I amlookin for these and I can't find them at a decent price
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