eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

Originally Posted by Sneakerboy13

You better go and do your research before posting stuff like that bro.

Trust me, I know diamond dunks and I also know steals
. But whateverit's your money to spend as you choose right.

i tried to buy just one pair of the DMP XI's from that same seller that was selling two pairs. they said they had some house fire and said i could stillbuy them and never sent other pics, i was gonna cop the 10.5 for 180.
EmAych417 wrote:
A lil off topic, but does anybody use any sniping programs? or do you snipe em manually?
theres no sniping program like that genius said..its done manually..

wow....1725.00.....damn, it's like baseball cards and comics back in the day....nobody thought they'd be worth anything so nobody kept them. I betthere's alot of runners/joggers from the 70s that wish they would've kept there Nikes.
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

wow....1725.00.....damn, it's like baseball cards and comics back in the day....nobody thought they'd be worth anything so nobody kept them. I bet there's alot of runners/joggers from the 70s that wish they would've kept there Nikes.

i totally agree. back in the day some stores were just givin away nikes because sales were so bad. and look at the prices they go for now.
wow those waffle trainers are sick tho, if i had money to burn i would definetly bidded on them for collection purposes, OG box? wowzers
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