eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

Originally Posted by A2J4Ever

won these cement IIIs for 56$ plus shipping. pretty good deal right??
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=350071141037the auction i won
seeing that another pair in sz 12, in i would say worse condition went for 200 plus shipping from the same seller.

another pair of cements he had

lol damn son, posted that with the QUICKNESS. that joint just ended not a half hour ago
lucky I slept on it, I had it up, refreshing every couple minutes, then as sooften happens I forgot about it

the new rules on ebay are so stupid, buyers dont pay anymore because there are no longer consequences
i've had 4 different auctions end in the past weekand not one of them has been paid for
I feel like a hyenna picking at a 10 day old buffalo carcas out of sheer neccessity for food. in this case, these 2000 trainer 1s. beat up and ripped and used,but im still scavenging for more.. thank you nike for not using the nice suede and leather on your trainer 1s anymore. sythentic has got to go. even those itseasier to clean.

35 shipped

my beaters are worse than how these appear to be. so having a backup for a beater is simply ideal.
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