Eddie Huangs "fresh off the boat" ...new abc sitcom

This show is very funny :lol:

Last 2 eps were really good.

The mom is the best thing about the show with Eddie's little subplots keeping you entertained. They also picked a really good husband to play off of even if he's corny.

I'm not talking about a sit-com or some serial show he had. I'm talking about his talk show that was launched a year or two I think after Conan premiered on TBS and it was canceled shortly after cuz it was trash
So those ppl don't know what funny is or have slim pickings. I never said he didn't have fans. I said he wasn't funny.

This is where we disagree.

Plenty of trash tv shows, movies, comedians, actors, etc. still get paid to do the trash they do. It doesn't mean they're actually good, especially if it's my own opinion that they aren't.

Again, I've never said subject matter is what made him unfunny.
I don't give a **** if he stayed true or he's been a fraud his entire celebrity career. He's not funny.
Ahh, like I thought. We come down to this. Only Mexican-Americans from LA will find Lopez funny or if you're not that's the only way you can see someone not liking him. Wonder what nonsense you'd come up with if a Mexican-American from LA also said he wasn't funny?

Go somewhere with that bull **** man :lol:

I said the ************ wasn't funny. You disagree. Should've left it at that.
You seem vexed and bottom line is your opinion doesn't really hold any more weight than someone who would say he's funny.
I never claimed this.

You seem incapable of grasping the notion of agreeing to disagree but it's even more clear that you're reaching so far to push the idea on me that George Lopez is funny that you're even willing to say only Mexican Americans from LA will find him funny :lol:

If you can't get that someone stating an opinion as THEIR opinion instead of try to come up for reasons for why they had that it's a problem you need to address on your own.

That's just pathetic.

No need to go back and forth any longer, we have both stated our opinion on it.
I told you that several posts ago. You're the one that decided to bring up bull **** reasons for why you think he's funny and then after I shut all that nonsense down you're left with accusing me of being vexed and claiming I'm doing things I haven't done.

I see through all those fallacies bruh. Using that as if you're taking the high road is also pitiful. Next time, just say you disagree and keep it moving.
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"How u livin'?"

"Go 'head girl....taste the rainbow!"

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[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] I don't know about y'all but this show is on point. I can def relate to some of stuff on the show.

I'm chinese if that matters.
aye these two episodes were way way better than the first two. I was entertained. :pimp:
The mom w/ a perm :pimp:
That Miata :pimp:

Success Perm was funny but it really annoyed the **** outta me bc I know way too many Asians like that, trying to keep up w/ the Jones. I know that every race has people like that but I think it just hit me hard to see TV reflecting real life so closely lol
So far the funniest characters are the women. The mother and her sister with their constant back and forth was real funny.
Wen they were trying to one up each other on things they got on sale looool.

The types of comedy in this show is all over the place .
I hope next weeks is as good as the last.

Patiently waiting for the episode where he gets sum js
I just watched the show. It's pretty good and I'll continue watching it since I'm Chinese.

The mom. I need that in my life.
This show is gold. I can't recall the last time I followed a non cable series, but this one I definitely will.
Its crazy that the show tells the story of my childhood almost exactly! (I'm Filipino btw, but I'm guessing this story can be true for anyone)

The lunchables was real life for me.

The older cousin getting me into hiphop and then trying to get me into alternative/grunge was real life for me.

Getting hurt by someone or something else, and then Mom asking me "What did YOU do?" is still real life for me! :lol:

Etc, Etc, Etc.
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I'm half Korean

I went to a school that was 90% white

I got really deep into basketball and hip hop around 11 years old

My mom owned her own business

This show is too much real life

It's very solid so far, a couple laugh out loud moments for me
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Jessica shooing Honey off the stage when she tried to joined her on stage.

"This is not a duet!"

The grandmas thinking OJ was an imposter.
Between the dial up scene..
"Tupac is for baby ears"
Success perms..
Straight Tears..
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