EDIT: New Question, is LeBron the second greatest player of all time? So, has Steph Curry overtaken

Who is the best basketball player in the world?

  • LeBron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yall only see what you want to see and point out facts that fit your narrative. Those games that lillard and wall had career games, how much did steph drop?? And we're talking about guards that are constantly eating up opponents.
LeBron and no great 2 way player would ever be a repeated target on defense.

Curry is a minimal defender and can get away with it at a position that you can generally hide on that side. It's okay, his offense more than makes up for it.

I would not use stats - esp basic FG% stats to tell you who can or can't defend.

Tape is the best and generally only way to gauge it. Too many variables.
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****** pulling up defensive resumes from when bron was guarding tp and d rose...3 and 5 years ago :lol:

Right now he's not an elite defender. Period.
Paul George is my man, and is emerging in this league as a star but seriously? :lol:

CP3 is a solid defender against average guards, but he stays getting exposed.:rofl:


Dog...you are really exposing yourself here. That video you posted....is basically an idiot YouTube post. Just selected clips. Hell, look at all the comments and dislikes :lol:. It's very clear that your out of your element here. I'm guessing you just watched the finals this year. You strike me as the casual-est of casual fans.

Go to BballBreakdown if you want to learn some real basketball from YouTube.
I absolutely agree that the knock on Curry is his short resume despite high bright it is. His shooting is unreal at times. 2 seasons of GREAT basketball and suddenly he was the best to ever to lace them up :smh: , too soon. Hell that was my nitial knock on Bron when SI had him on the cover as a HS player. He hadn't done ish! But, after Bron's tenure I don't think anyone can objectively be fan of basketball and not respect Bron's game. Off court I understand people may have issues that influence their opinion of the person. Let Steph do his thing and in some more time let his tenure speak for itself. I don't think I can actuallly do an over all top 5 of pro players, it's easier for me to go by position played :D
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Bron is a bad defender and Steph is above average? I can't eem tow it, man.
Bron is a bad defender and Steph is above average? I can't eem tow it, man.

Nobody said that man. They are both above average defenders. Dudes are just pointing out that Bron isn't an elite defender all of the time like some people think. And Steph isn't a terrible defender. They've both had some bad defensive momments on the biggest stage. Idk why that is so hard to co pretend.
Well, if you aren't good at something you are either bad or average...this is the type of stuff I'm referring to.

Bron has far too many lapses and just poor efforts on a consistent basis to be even considered a good one let alone an elite one.
Well, if you aren't good at something you are either bad or average...this is the type of stuff I'm referring to.

In 2016 he is not, for the majority of this and lay season he was an average defender, eye test and the numbers back it up, sorry. He used to be a very good defender consistently...in Miami.
You replace LeBron with any other toward on defense and hit heat and cav teams would be be average. His athleticism, basketball IQ, versitily, and command of the team defense makes him elite.

**** that anlaytics don't account for
Again with the "real basketball" all your comments are based on bias and has nothing to do with real basketball. I've watched CP3 over the years, dude struggles against elite guards.

Fake *** basketball experts.

How do you explain the 5 straight all defensive 1st team selections though if he struggles so much? CP0 is by far the best defensive PG in the league and my stance on the guy is well documented.
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I absolutely agree that the knock on Curry is his short resume despite high bright it is. His shooting is unreal at times. 2 seasons of GREAT basketball and suddenly he was the best to ever to lace them up :smh: , too soon. Hell that was my nitial knock on Bron when SI had him on the cover as a HS player. He hadn't done ish! But, after Bron's tenure I don't think anyone can objectively be fan of basketball and not respect Bron's game. Off court I understand people may have issues that influence their opinion of the person. Let Steph do his thing and in some more time let his tenure speak for itself. I don't think I can actuallly do an over all top 5 of pro players, it's easier for me to go by position played :D

Lol what has LeBron done off the court aside from "the decision" that is really that negative.

He's one of the most giving athletes, he's number 6 in the world in humanitarian contributions.

Dude has never been in any type of trouble with the law

No rape cases

Wholesome family man (I heard rumors about the skeezers tho)

What are these off the court issues you speak of?
I don't have a problem with his off court persona so I don't know. I've heard the decision, arrogance, being friendly with other players and skeezers as a few. I do understand that people take issue with that stuff and let it fuel their hate emotions towords Bron...
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Well, if you aren't good at something you are either bad or average...this is the type of stuff I'm referring to.

In 2016 he is not, for the majority of this and lay season he was an average defender, eye test and the numbers back it up, sorry. He used to be a very good defender consistently...in Miami.

I'm not eem gonna disagree eith this because I can see it being true. I would just like to know which numbers back this up. I'm curious to see what metrics you use to grade defense.
His last defensive team selection was 2 years ago man. What are you talking about. It does nothing but give credence at this point that he's not that elite defender anymore. CP0's all first team each of the last 5 seasons including this one. I already said Bron was a very good to elite defender...in Miami (guess what year he left 2014). He's not anymore jeez. And keep ignoring how poor he was defensively the first 4 games of the finals and just tout the last 3 (even though he was getting cooked by Dray in Game 7). Makes perfect sense.
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Lebron is not playing elite defense for 82 games anymore, all great player reach this point eventually.

But when necessary he can summon it.
Lebron is not playing elite defense for 82 games anymore, all great player reach this point eventually.

But when necessary he can summon it.

His extreme detractors acted like his defense went from being elite to current Paul Pierce or something :lol: sure, his defense isn't what it once was, but it's terribly overstated
His extreme detractors acted like his defense went from being elite to current Paul Pierce or something
sure, his defense isn't what it once was, but it's terribly overstated
I don't know man, I don't htink it's terribly overstated. He obviously wasn't paul pierce but it legit looked like he didn't care most nights. 

There were moments off the ball this year where he looked James Harden-esque. Hell even his defense on Draymond Green in the finals at certain points was apathetic. 

Trust me I love lebron, but I call it how I see it. He defintiely can still lockdown when need be, but he doesn't do it consistently anymore and for that reason, you can't call him an elite defender, or even a "great" defender.
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Exactly, dudes want him to be playing OD game 7 finals defense for 80 games. Ain't nobody got time for that. Dude coasted through the Eastern conference, if you want him to pay better defense, throw better competition at him.
So you're admitting that he's coasting on defense, but still call him an elite defender?!

lmaooooo incredible logic. 
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But when necessary he can summon it.
Exactly, dudes want him to be playing OD game 7 finals defense for 80 games. Ain't nobody got time for that. Dude coasted through the Eastern conference, if you want him to pay better defense, throw better competition at him.:lol:  

yet people still defend the east like there's parity between the two conferences. would love to see lebron match up against all the 1-4s he can supposedly lockdown in the West. people like yourself have argued that steph can hide on defense yet turnaround and say that it's okay for lebron to coast on defense throughout the season. so by that standard, shouldn't steph just "coast" on defense for 82 games?

let's see, how did those Western conference PGs perform against the cavs this season:

Lillard: 33/6/6
Westbrook: 20/9/11, 27/3/10
CP3: 17/5/10, 30/3/9

Obviously Lebron isn't guarding these players, but these are the same players Steph is tasked with guarding. their numbers against the cavs are hardly "shutdown" numbers by any stretch of the imagination. i bring them up to show that lebron generally isn't guarding the opposing team's main scorer, unless it's paul george and KD on occasion.
Steph chooses not to use his mcl as an excuse, why is that so hard for you to accept? Mcl injury is not even being close to "knicks and bruises", you are blind. The sheer fact that many are saying that Steph doesn't have the same burst or elevating as usual tells you all you need to know. It's not like only a few people are saying that.
According to these dudes, since he cooked for a few games post-injury and he said, "I am back" while on fire, he was healthy
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