ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Joe Biden trying to lose the race

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) says that if Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) becomes the first female vice president it will be a "backward step for women."

Asked by a local television reporter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin if electing Palin would be a step forward for women, Biden said, "well look, I think the issue is what does Sarah Palin think? What does she believe?"

"I assume she thinks and agrees with the same policies that George Bush and John McCain think," Biden added. "And that's obviously a backward step for women."

So Sarah Palin is a step back for women. Nice Joe
Sure you're going to get a lot of women votes saying things like that

UPDATE: Republican National Committee spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson has a response:

"The only person taking a step backward is Joe Biden, whose appalling and arrogant statements are better suited for the back rooms of his old boys club. Sarah Palin's nomination as the Republican vice presidential nominee is an historic opportunity to break the highest glass ceiling." (for women)

You know Biden is stating the facts, based on Palin's political positions on women's issues.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Joe Biden trying to lose the race

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) says that if Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) becomes the first female vice president it will be a "backward step for women."

Asked by a local television reporter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin if electing Palin would be a step forward for women, Biden said, "well look, I think the issue is what does Sarah Palin think? What does she believe?"

"I assume she thinks and agrees with the same policies that George Bush and John McCain think," Biden added. "And that's obviously a backward step for women."

So Sarah Palin is a step back for women. Nice Joe
Sure you're going to get a lot of women votes saying things like that

Well lets see where Palin stands on several issues including a woman's right to choose and let me quote her regarding a question onABORTION..

I'd Oppose Even If My Own Daughter Was Raped
So Biden's comment about women's civil rights diminishing and going backwards is on point and shared by an overwhelmingnumber of Women advocacy groups.

Eleanor Smeal, president of the nonprofit Feminist Majority Foundation, says:
"Sarah Palin strongly opposes women's abortion and family planning rights. She is a proponent of teaching creationism in schools; a global warming skeptic, and an opponent on key environmental issues, such as protecting the polar bear in Alaska, and is for oil and natural gas drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Sarah Palin stands with John McCain, who is opposed to affirmative action for women in public employment, public education and public contracting, is opposed to legislation fighting wage discrimination for women (the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act), is opposed to the Violence Against Women Act, authored by Senator Joe Biden [the Democratic vice-presidential candidate], and has a zero rating with women's rights groups."

Marcy Bloom, civil liberties advocate and executive director of Aradia Women's Health Center, Seattle's first nonprofit abortion and gynecologicalhealth center, writes:
"[Palin] is a self-described hockey mom, mother of five, is in favor of capital punishment, does not believe that global warming is human-made, is a long-time member of the National Rifle Association, and supports the teaching of both creationism and evolution in public schools. As would be expected, Sarah Palin also opposes medically accurate sexuality education programs and stated in 2006 that "she would fund [only] 'abstinence-until-marriage' education."

it took sarah palin 6 years to get a communications degree. this terrible mom went to 5 different colleges cuz she had bad reputations at each one (allegedlyfor sleeping around) this trick is a joke. what if mccain died of old age and this %$*!$ was our president?

does she still believe in abstinence only education after her tramp daughter got pregnant?
Originally Posted by pleasesaythe4th

it took sarah palin 6 years to get a communications degree. this terrible mom went to 5 different colleges cuz she had bad reputations at each one (allegedly for sleeping around) this trick is a joke. what if mccain died of old age and this %$*!$ was our president?

does she still believe in abstinence only education after her tramp daughter got pregnant?
I dont know if you are trying to be serious or funny, but it just makes you look stupid. You could have said all of that in a much better way.
So Sarah Palin is a step back for women. Nice Joe
Sure you're going to get a lot of women votes saying things like that

she's against abortion EVEN if its rape or insest.....that's what i call a
Nice one Obama.....

September 09, 2008

Categories: BarackObama[h1]Obama: 'Lipstick on a pig'[/h1]
Amie Parnes reports from Lebanon, VA:
Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin's new "change" mantra.

"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

"We've had enough of the same old thing."

The crowd apparently took the "lipstick" line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in asingle word: "lipstick."
Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) says that if Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) becomes the first female vice president it will be a "backward step for women."

Biden is using the wrong tactic in trying to bring in women votes toObama's side. if they think Palin has the wrong views and policies, they need Palin to self-destruct on her own with her upcoming interviews and debates.for Biden to comment about "backward step for women", they know not only will Mccain get a hugebounce from republican women votes in November, but McCain leading in some polls this week must be a reflection that a good number of Hillary Clintonsupporters will be voting for Mccain. Hillary campaigning in Florida this week is evidence the dems are nervous about Palin.
that Bidean comment about Palin is SPOT ON, honestly TBONE if you dont agree with that then the wool is pulled over your eyes.
I'm sick of feeling betrayed as an American. I really hope the democratic ticket can win out this fall.

The republicans sure know how to win an election. But they have proven they do not the ability to govern this country well. Just reference the last 8 years ifyou think otherwise.
The republican effort to present Palin as change is sickening. She is just more of the same as is McCain. Infact she isn't even intune with modern scienceor life. She doesn't believe in man-made global warming, she is anti-birth control, she is pro-life, she believes in creationism and that it should betaught in PUBLIC (secular) schools (doesn't believe in dinosaurs and that the world is 5000 years old), etc. I would be appalled by the thought of Palinbeing VP, as she does in my mind represents the opposite of growth of women's right.

I don't how republicans remain so hopeful in 2008? Especially after basically driving America off a cliff with Bush's presidency. America is weaker andmore isolated abroad than before, we have become the world's largest debtor, our dollar is debased and our economy dependent on foreign banks, threemillion manufacturing jobs have been lost, the wealthiest %0.1 grew (those with incomes of $5 mill or more), billions have been plundered by corruption andcronyism from our national treasury (halliburton, enron, world-com, big pharma and big oil), the Iraq debacle has squandered over $1 trillion dollars andcounting, etc. . . . Oh yeah let's not fail to mention Katrina & 9/11 which happened under their eyes.

I want to see real change in America. None of this fake change that the republicans insist we will experience (no way I'm voting for someone who supports90% of Bush's decisions). Enough with the fear mongering (especially Rudy Giuliani who insists a bigger/badder 9/11 will happen if a democrat is elected)and the fixation of religion in government - there is no place for either.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

that Bidean comment about Palin is SPOT ON, honestly TBONE if you dont agree with that then the wool is pulled over your eyes.
How come like 45+% of women are voting for McCain/Palin then in recent polls??
Those 45+% want to take a step backward?
Oh got it. Makes sense.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by FeelMode

that Bidean comment about Palin is SPOT ON, honestly TBONE if you dont agree with that then the wool is pulled over your eyes.
How come like 45+% of women are voting for McCain/Palin then in recent polls??
Those 45+% want to take a step backward?
Oh got it. Makes sense.
Are you really arguing that Palin represents progress for women and women's rights? If so, please explain. Just because polls showed that 45%of women are voting for McCain/Palin does not mean Palin represents progress.
[h1]Obama: 'Lipstick on a pig'[/h1]
Amie Parnes reports from Lebanon, VA:
Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin's new "change" mantra.

"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

"We've had enough of the same old thing."

The crowd apparently took the "lipstick" line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: "lipstick."

Quit it.
Talk about reaching. Do you have anything else to do, besides posting irrelevant garbage?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by FeelMode

that Bidean comment about Palin is SPOT ON, honestly TBONE if you dont agree with that then the wool is pulled over your eyes.
How come like 45+% of women are voting for McCain/Palin then in recent polls??
Those 45+% want to take a step backward?
Oh got it. Makes sense.
Let me emphasize.. RECENT!
Tbone are you going around the house celebrating because McCain got his temporarybounce from the RNC?

Dude's response to everything is well look at the polls, McCain/Palin is winning!
Not a day goes bywhere I don't laugh at you.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by FeelMode

that Bidean comment about Palin is SPOT ON, honestly TBONE if you dont agree with that then the wool is pulled over your eyes.
How come like 45+% of women are voting for McCain/Palin then in recent polls??
Those 45+% want to take a step backward?
Oh got it. Makes sense.
A lot of them are voting for the ticket only because a woman is on it. Hillary supporters that now support Palin disgust me. It's obviousthey only support her because she's a woman regardless of their almost opposite stances on the issues. Either that, or they have a problem withObama's skin color.

I definitely call that taking a step backward.
Wow TBone you're taking those polls and those political fairy tales way too seriously......you acting like its over for Obama, @@@#
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by FeelMode

that Bidean comment about Palin is SPOT ON, honestly TBONE if you dont agree with that then the wool is pulled over your eyes.
How come like 45+% of women are voting for McCain/Palin then in recent polls??
Those 45+% want to take a step backward?
Oh got it. Makes sense.
They're voting for the ticket only because a woman is on it. Hillary supporters that now support Palin disgust me. It's obvious they only support her because she's a woman regardless of their almost opposite stances on the issues. Either that, or they have a problem with Obama's skin color.

I definitely call that taking a step backward.

And personally, I know not one black person who is voting for McCain, besides the dusty ol' Bojangled war vets that were at the RNC.
It's like we have our very own FOX news!!! I'm waiting for Pastor Manning to come out any moment now. Meghan McCain thinks Obama is sexy, further proofthat Obama is a long legged macdaddy!!!

Please stop reaching.
anyone catch part 3 of o'rly's interview with Obama? It was about all the associations he had. If it were someone else, I know O'Reilly would haveraised his voice. But Obama did quite well I thought.
A lot of them are voting for the ticket only because a woman is on it. Hillary supporters that now support Palin disgust me. It's obvious they only support her because she's a woman regardless of their almost opposite stances on the issues. Either that, or they have a problem with Obama's skin color
That's a major group of people who are voting for Barack based solely on the color of his skin.
we still arguing about the polls say this the polls say that, some of you are damn near better than politicians at avoiding all the relevant questions. iappreciate the continuous update with the polls tbone but you, tylerdub, and lilstar and a few others absolutely refuse to discuss both mccain's andpalin's main policies and courses/plans of action. until we hear some concrete ideas it's impossible to take y'all seriously with your posts,sidestepping everything. you can explain away what the polls mean and think that's enough justification to believe in mccain/palin ("look at thepolls, mccain's winning!!!!! i'm gonna post on nt that i'm with the right ticket", smh) but that's easy enough to see right through

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

A lot of them are voting for the ticket only because a woman is on it. Hillary supporters that now support Palin disgust me. It's obvious they only support her because she's a woman regardless of their almost opposite stances on the issues. Either that, or they have a problem with Obama's skin color
That's a major group of people who are voting for Barack based solely on the color of his skin.
I don't agree with them either.

I am, however, okay with the fact that this means more votes for Obama.
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