ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by nyk buc

my first comment regarding her interview was based solely on her answers and even then it wasn't a good debut. now i saw the vid, she seems very robotic basically giving off scripted answers. charlie tried to repeat the question and she just says the same things or just basically ignores it.
we have the same problem here on nt
Originally Posted by Essential1

AG 47 wrote:

Being a Mayor is tough job. Mccain can say it's the toughest job in America. I don't see him receiving flack for that statement.

It's clear why he said it. Palin was a mayor. He has to say this.

I don't necessarily agree with that statement, but I also think he can get away with it without anybody contesting it.

I was agreeing with you 100%. But he could have just said it is a tough job I would be like ok. But he takes stuff too far to try to prove she is a viable VP when its been proven everywhere that is not the case.

You're right. The toughEST job in America? It's almost as if "come on Mccain".

It's funny because Obama said that mayors have one of the toughest jobs. Not as forced.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Essential1

AG 47 wrote:

Being a Mayor is tough job. Mccain can say it's the toughest job in America. I don't see him receiving flack for that statement.

It's clear why he said it. Palin was a mayor. He has to say this.

I don't necessarily agree with that statement, but I also think he can get away with it without anybody contesting it.

I was agreeing with you 100%. But he could have just said it is a tough job I would be like ok. But he takes stuff too far to try to prove she is a viable VP when its been proven everywhere that is not the case.

You're right. The toughEST job in America? It's almost as if "come on Mccain".

It's funny because Obama said that mayors have one of the toughest jobs. Not as forced.

when i heard obama say it i was like eh Obama i disagree with the EST but really you have no agenda to say that so ok.
Originally Posted by houser34

I can't wait for Biden to crush Palin.
I hope he will but I doubt it unless she becomes frazzled like she was in the interview.. Joey said he will only speak issues he needs to go infor the kill in a debate if she leaves an opening.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Can't wait for the debates. Obama is going to destroy McCain and Biden will walk all over Palin.
You're nuts.
There is absolutely NO WAY Obama is "destroying" anyone or anything.
I don't feel the debates will be a landslide by any means (barring any huge mistakes on anyone's part). If they stay on the questions regarding the issues, Obama should win.
I'm actually nervous for the VP debates. I don't feel Biden will be this "monster" most believe against Palin.
Biden has a tendency to get emotional and that could play against him. God forbid he attacks Palin and she comes across as the victim. It's a wrap then.
Exactly my point. There will NOT be any landslide by any means barring a huge gaffe.
It's going to be close either way.... Obama winning by a small margin or McCain winning by a small margin.

Biden definitely better be careful in the way he goes about the VP debate, I definitely agree with you on that.
No disrespect to the Republican candidates but both of them just don't seem bright enough to handle Biden or Obama in a debate.

I think Obama is going to run circles around McCain.
isn't it ironic that a woman is running for VP (showing how far women have come) and yet the mccain camp always complains when she gets asked toughquestions or if she gets attacked b/c she's a woman?
Originally Posted by nyk buc

isn't it ironic that a woman is running for VP (showing how far women have come) and yet the mccain camp always complains when she gets asked tough questions or if she gets attacked b/c she's a woman?

shussshhhhhhhhhhhhh no1 else has noticed that but yes it is ironic. I talked to one of my professers she is like 65 white, republican and conservative and isvoting Obama. She said this is the most offensive thing she has ever experienced as a woman.
I heard this quote somewhere, I'm not sure if this is exactly it but it's along these lines: "People don't usually get the leader theydeserve. They get the leader they want, but not the one they deserve."

for real though, mccain is the mavrick candidate
he's gonna keep ameirca strong
and protect us from those terrorists hell-bent on killing innocent americans
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck



You know I saw the "Mavrick" poster during the RNC and just laughed out hella loud. I was waiting for somebody to mention it.
I am typing in extra-large font in the off chance that TBONE95860, may actually read a post that calls into question his fervent support of theMcCain/Palin ticket and his denial of all relevant issues in this election. Now, this might seem crazy to some but I have concluded that said NT member mayactually be a closet Obama supporter for the following reasons-

1.First and foremost, he himself has said that he hopes Obama wins the election because of the change and direction our country needs.
2.His refusal of answering fellow NT'ers questions about his views on issues relevant to this election, and uncanny ability to pop in and out of threadswhen youtube videos demand republican defending.
3.His blatant declaration that yes, he is in fact a McCain/Palin supporter by way of his avy (further concealing his support for Obama).
4.He is using his own election thread to reach NT legend status by sparking furious political debate by continually updating us with various polls and emptycommentary, thus increasing page count, and more obviously, keeping his thread alive and not allowing another election thread to take over.

If this is infact the case, I commend you, TBONE95860, for playing devil's advocate this entire time, and for making it apparent to more NT'ers (whomay have been undecided before) that yes, in fact, Obama should be president. If this is not the case, however, I expect you and your henchmen; tylerdub,lilstar, and more recently mr delorean (and any others i may have missed) to at some point entertain us by indulging in the issues that this election isactually about. If by chance, you don't know what these issues are and/or do not know your party's stances on them - you will be given a grace periodof 15 days (thanks for the update on that as well) when the first presidential debate has convened.

**ai voice** we talkin bout issues???ISSUES?!?!?no,not the polls,not the polls - we talkin bout issues??psshhh **ai voice**
Originally Posted by back1ntheday

I am typing in extra-large font in the off chance that TBONE95860, may actually read a post that calls into question his fervent support of the McCain/Palin ticket and his denial of all relevant issues in this election. Now, this might seem crazy to some but I have concluded that said NT member may actually be a closet Obama supporter for the following reasons-

1.First and foremost, he himself has said that he hopes Obama wins the election because of the change and direction our country needs.
2.His refusal of answering fellow NT'ers questions about his views on issues relevant to this election, and uncanny ability to pop in and out of threads when youtube videos demand republican defending.
3.His blatant declaration that yes, he is in fact a McCain/Palin supporter by way of his avy (further concealing his support for Obama).
4.He is using his own election thread to reach NT legend status by sparking furious political debate by continually updating us with various polls and empty commentary, thus increasing page count, and more obviously, keeping his thread alive and not allowing another election thread to take over.

If this is infact the case, I commend you, TBONE95860, for playing devil's advocate this entire time, and for making it apparent to more NT'ers (who may have been undecided before) that yes, in fact, Obama should be president. If this is not the case, however, I expect you and your henchmen; tylerdub, lilstar, and more recently mr delorean (and any others i may have missed) to at some point entertain us by indulging in the issues that this election is actually about. If by chance, you don't know what these issues are and/or do not know your party's stances on them - you will be given a grace period of 15 days (thanks for the update on that as well) when the first presidential debate has convened.

**ai voice** we talkin bout issues???ISSUES?!?!?no,not the polls,not the polls - we talkin bout issues??psshhh **ai voice**

basically. i just ignore him. im about to start a new post myself.
Debates? We will see, but Obama has been historically horrible at debating. Last night on the "Service in America" interviews, he stuttered,stammered, and danced his way around every question. How someone can be asked about the importance of the size of government in America and respond by talkingabout AIDS and Malaria in Africa is beyond me. In a timed response debate the "uhhhh, welll, you see....I, uh, I, uh," will be all the policy he hastime to get out. If Barry fails, maybe Biden will ask another parapalegic, wheel chair bound state senator to stand up when he debates Palin, or, perhapsdemand that she grow a penis before she may considered vice presidential material.

We are certainly in for an interesting couple of months, that is for sure.
[table][tr][td]Friday, September 12[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Race[/td] [td]Poll[/td] [td]Results[/td] [td]Spread[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Missouri[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]McCain 51, Obama 46[/td] [td]McCain +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Washington[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 47[/td] [td]Obama +2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Gallup Tracking[/td] [td]McCain 48, Obama 45[/td] [td]McCain +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Rasmussen Tracking[/td] [td]McCain 48, Obama 45[/td] [td]McCain +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Ohio[/td] [td]Univ. of Cinci[/td] [td]McCain 48, Obama 44[/td] [td]McCain +4[/td] [/tr][/table]



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