ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama


"You choked %$#!*...lol."
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by Raginl3ull

Originally Posted by KICKS OFF
Dude, she looks so fricken nervous (Never let them see you sweat).� She sounds like shes outta breath, not to mention how she's even struggling to say "Charlie" as if she is not intimidated.� Damn, first impression counts and that interview sucked major %$+.�
Cosign. You notice how they didn't show her face at all? that was probably part of the contract. Her campaign knows that if they showed her face, she would look robotic and expressionless, or she would appear clueless when he asked her a tough question.

Compare that to Obama's interview with O'Reilly. Bill was just SLAMMING him and he looked Bill right in the face and spoke to him straight up. The camera was aimed at his face, and you could really see that he knew what he was talking about.
Cosign as well.� Not to mention, Bill was a savage, even tried to humiliate Obama to admit he was wrong.� And this was a walk in the parkinterview, she couldn't even hang.� Very bad day for the republicans
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I agree with what McCain said about ROTC not being allowed in Universities.

I don't know many schools who don't allow ROTC, but apparently they exist.

Considering the government employs about 90% of minorities, I tend to agree as well.
Originally Posted by Essential1

"Mayors have the toughest job in America" REALLY? Just admit she's bs and you didnt pick her.

Politically speaking, Mccain can say that with very little argument.
eh I would say idk just spitballing here. president, vp, secreatry of state, head of treasury dept, house speaker, even an attourney are tougher jobs. I meanif your saying no one will question what he said because of the backlash i agree 100%
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Can't wait for the debates. Obama is going to destroy McCain and Biden will walk all over Palin.
You're nuts.
There is absolutely NO WAY Obama is "destroying" anyone or anything.
It should be clear to everyone now that Governing a state that's in physical proximity to Russia DOES NOT equate to international relations experience...So PLEASE PLEASE never bring that embarrassing argument up again.

Right now I'm sitting in a classroom where I can confidently say that every single student has a stronger grip on foreign relations than this woman. Nooffense to her, but she's been exposed for that at least.
Best for her to take the L and promise to do her homework.
Originally Posted by Raginl3ull

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by Raginl3ull

Originally Posted by KICKS OFF
Dude, she looks so fricken nervous (Never let them see you sweat).� She sounds like shes outta breath, not to mention how she's even struggling to say "Charlie" as if she is not intimidated.� Damn, first impression counts and that interview sucked major %$+.�
Cosign. You notice how they didn't show her face at all? that was probably part of the contract. Her campaign knows that if they showed her face, she would look robotic and expressionless, or she would appear clueless when he asked her a tough question.

Compare that to Obama's interview with O'Reilly. Bill was just SLAMMING him and he looked Bill right in the face and spoke to him straight up. The camera was aimed at his face, and you could really see that he knew what he was talking about.
Cosign as well.� Not to mention, Bill was a savage, even tried to humiliate Obama to admit he was wrong.� And this was a walk in the park interview, she couldn't even hang.� Very bad day for the republicans

Lets not forget...this is OBAMA VS MCCAIN....not OBAMA vs PALIN....

Stop with the comparisons.
Being a Mayor is tough job. Mccain can say it's the toughest job in America. I don't see him receiving flack for that statement.

It's clear why he said it. Palin was a mayor. He has to say this.

I don't necessarily agree with that statement, but I also think he can get away with it without anybody contesting it.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Can't wait for the debates. Obama is going to destroy McCain and Biden will walk all over Palin.
You're nuts.
There is absolutely NO WAY Obama is "destroying" anyone or anything.

I don't feel the debates will be a landslide by any means (barring any huge mistakes on anyone's part). If they stay on the questions regarding theissues, Obama should win.

I'm actually nervous for the VP debates. I don't feel Biden will be this "monster" most believe against Palin.

Biden has a tendency to get emotional and that could play against him. God forbid he attacks Palin and she comes across as the victim. It's a wrap then.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Raginl3ull

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by Raginl3ull

Originally Posted by KICKS OFF
Dude, she looks so fricken nervous (Never let them see you sweat).� She sounds like shes outta breath, not to mention how she's even struggling to say "Charlie" as if she is not intimidated.� Damn, first impression counts and that interview sucked major %$+.�
Cosign. You notice how they didn't show her face at all? that was probably part of the contract. Her campaign knows that if they showed her face, she would look robotic and expressionless, or she would appear clueless when he asked her a tough question.

Compare that to Obama's interview with O'Reilly. Bill was just SLAMMING him and he looked Bill right in the face and spoke to him straight up. The camera was aimed at his face, and you could really see that he knew what he was talking about.
Cosign as well.� Not to mention, Bill was a savage, even tried to humiliate Obama to admit he was wrong.� And this was a walk in the park interview, she couldn't even hang.� Very bad day for the republicans

Lets not forget...this is OBAMA VS MCCAIN....not OBAMA vs PALIN....

Stop with the comparisons.
Huh?� Hows that relevant?� This is a TEAM of top ticketers competing for the White House.� DF?
Originally Posted by AG 47

Being a Mayor is tough job. Mccain can say it's the toughest job in America. I don't see him receiving flack for that statement.

It's clear why he said it. Palin was a mayor. He has to say this.

I don't necessarily agree with that statement, but I also think he can get away with it without anybody contesting it.

I was agreeing with you 100%. But he could have just said it is a tough job I would be like ok. But he takes stuff too far to try to prove she is a viable VPwhen its been proven everywhere that is not the case.
obama has been extremely specific in what he says since o'reilly. dude is giving examples every time
I thought McCain did a pretty good job.

Palin just seemed very weak in that interview, almost like she's going to burst into tears out of nervousness or something. BUT...that also means Biden hasto be very, very, very careful in the debates.
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