ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by acidicality

On Faux News, they're going to do everything they can to make Palin look good and ask very easy questions.
Kind of like how Obama was treated by Charlie Gibson or other liberal main stream media in interviews?

That being said I don't think the questions are going to be "very easy".... but you won't know if you don't watch.

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Real talk right here. This is what the election is going to boil down to...Like it or not.

I think race probably isn't playing too much of a factor in polling as of right now.... but where I think it's going to have the biggest impact is on Election day. When independents, or people undecided/on the fence about who to vote for go to vote, race could play a factor. For the most part liberals/democrats are going to vote for Obama and conservatives/republicans are going to vote for McCain. It's the other people who are going to play the biggest role in who wins this election.

Really? You don't say Capt. Obvious.

Obama has taken the lead in state polls and national polls, but they don't matter.

McCain has been left and is not kicking rocks.
dont be naive tbone, i dont think anyone would put it past fox news to have given the mccain camp the questions a week prior to the interview
. there wont even be softball questions, more like tee ball, you can trust wewont see any bush doctrine moments from this
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Watch Sarah Palin on Fox News' 'Hannity & Colmes' Tonight at 9 p.m. ET

Part 1 tonight
Part 2 tomorrow night

50 to 60 minutes of video footage (in contrast Obama on O'Reilly was only 30 minute)

I'm sure lots of you will tune in since it's Fox News....

[h3]Exclusive: Sarah Palin[/h3]
Sean Hannity sits down with the GOP vice presidential nominee, Wednesday night at 9 p.m. ET. Watch a preview

Is it just me or did she lose her spotlight real fast? I bet the ratings tonight will be minimal at best.

I mean just look at McCain on Monday in Jacksonville without Palin. Dude could barely get 3,000 people in the arena that sits 16,000.

[h2]Empty Seats Greet McCain at Fla. Rally[/h2]http://voices.washingtonp...s_greet_mccain_at_fl.html

[h1]EmptyChairs: Lots of Them at McCain Rally[/h1]

[h1]McCain's Crowd Numbers Plummet InPalin's Absence[/h1]



John McCain returned to the campaign trail on Monday, only this time without his popular vice presidential pick, Sarah Palin. The results were somewhat lessthan enthusiastic. As reported by MSNBC's First Read, the Republicanpresidential nominee addressed a crowd of roughly 3,000 people in a stadium that seats 16,000.

The pictures, however, tell many more words. The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena where McCain spoke had large swaths of sections entirely empty, anAmerican flag draped over the seats.

Palin has helped McCain make up much of this enthusiasm gap he had with Barack Obama - though, as as Bloomberg News reported on Sunday, the campaign has beenexaggerating its crowd numbers. And it remains to be seen how many people the Alaska Governor attracted at her own stop today in Colorado. But McCain's lowattendance figures on Monday may, in the end, persuade his campaign to plan more joint appearances going forward, a small but potentially importantdevelopment.

UPDATE: Jonathan Martin at Politicoreports that Palin drew approximately twice as many people as McCain this morning. All of which, the McCain campaign says, is no big deal -- taunting a bitby pointing to the polls.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Watch Sarah Palin on Fox News' 'Hannity & Colmes' Tonight at 9 p.m. ET

Part 1 tonight
Part 2 tomorrow night

50 to 60 minutes of video footage (in contrast Obama on O'Reilly was only 30 minute)

I'm sure lots of you will tune in since it's Fox News....

[h3]Exclusive: Sarah Palin[/h3]
Sean Hannity sits down with the GOP vice presidential nominee, Wednesday night at 9 p.m. ET. Watch a preview
Is it just me or did she lose her spotlight real fast? I bet the ratings tonight will be minimal at best.
I mean just look at McCain on Monday in Jacksonville without Palin. Dude could barely get 3,000 people in the arena that sits 16,000.
The ratings will be good. Plenty of people still want to learn about her & Fox News always dominates ratings. Therefore theratings should be good.
For the first 2 weeks of September for the 3 prime time hours of cable news (8 to 9, 9 to 10, 10 to 11 eastern)....
Fox News beat CNN & MSNBC combined & beat MSNBC head to head by 3 times as much.

But yeah it's not like McCain ever got BIG crowds... and the only time he did is when he was with Palin because of the Palin buzz & people really likeher.
The pictures, however, tell many more words. The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena where McCain spoke had large swaths of sections entirely empty, an American flag draped over the seats
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by acidicality

On Faux News, they're going to do everything they can to make Palin look good and ask very easy questions.
Kind of like how Obama was treated by Charlie Gibson or other liberal main stream media in interviews?

That being said I don't think the questions are going to be "very easy".... but you won't know if you don't watch.
I don't think you can honestly make that argument.Imagine Obama going through the exact same interview as Palin did with Charlie Gibson. Do you think he would have struggled nearly as badly? At all even?

I am fully aware that many people vote their party, and not for the candidate. But honestly, come on dude. Are you REALLY trying to argue that Palin did poorlyin her interview because Gibson was picking on her? And that Obama does well in interviews because the press is on his side? Do you really, honestly thinkthat? That the media is trying to float Obama to a victory by hoilding back the tough questions? Is that what's happening?

I don't know any of the 4 candidates personally, but I'm pretty sure Obama does well in interviews because he's an intelligent, calm, well spokenperson. Palin is faking all of these traits.

And don't come back saying "they're not running against each other!!!
" because we all know that and it's besides the point.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

But yeah it's not like McCain ever got BIG crowds... and the only time he did is when he was with Palin because of the Palin buzz & people really like her.

[h3]Palin's Favorability RatingsBegin to Falter[/h3]
12:29 PM, September 16, 2008 | Comments (549)

To know her, it seems, is not necessarily to love her. When John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate late last month, the Alaska governor quickly became a media phenomenon. Largely unknown, she existed at first in something of an information...
[h3]Today's Polls, 9/17[/h3]
There is a veritable orgy of polling out today, so let's give you the numbers first, and then take a gaze from 30,000 feet.


There are certainly some hints that Barack Obama has gained back a couple of points' worth of ground in the past 24-96 hours, although so far this remains more apparent in the national trackers than in state polling. Our model is designed to react somewhat conservatively to new information, lest it mistake noise for signal. I know that a lot of Democrats out there -- including myself, frankly -- believe that the movement is real, as the country reacts to the Wall Street crisis and other news from the campaign trail. But there have been other points -- such as following Obama's Berlin speech -- in which the polls changed sharply for a couple of days and then settled back down.

One of the disadvantages of the method we use to model our trendline curve (LOESS regression) is that there is no a priori answer as to just how sensitive the curve should be in terms of reacting to new information. My attempts to come up with an empirical answer were mostly fruitless, although there is some evidence that the curve should become more sensitive as we get closer to the election. A week or so ago, as the model was slow to recognize the McCain bounce; I tuned the sensitivity up slightly then, and I tuned it up very slightly again today. I will also make the curve quite sensitive in the week or so before the election, such that we can adequately capture any late movement. But for the time being, Obama is either going to have to sustain his relatively strong tracking poll results for a couple more days, or get some slightly more consistent results from the state polling, before we are again ready to call the race a tie or an Obama lead.

The other thing that's happening is that, even as the popular vote gap has narrowed, the gap between the popular vote and the Electoral College -- which had been working to Obama's benefit -- has also diminished. We now show about a 7 percent chance that Obama would win the Electoral College while losing the popular vote; a couple of days ago, that figure had been as high as 12 percent. This is mostly because the state-by-state polling has been frankly very difficult to interpret in the post-convention period. There are four key states in which Obama is hoping to play offense: Colorado, Virginia, Ohio and Florida. Winning any one of those states will probably win him the election. But in each of these states he has had a mix of good and bad polling. In Colorado in particular, which is probably the most favorable to him of these states, the two polls out this week (ARG and Rasmussen) have shown him slightly behind.




Obama Invokes Rush Limbaugh in New Spanish-Language Ads...

ABCNEWS: Ad Es Erróneo...

Limbaugh Lashes Back: Obama 'Stoking Racism'...
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

But yeah it's not like McCain ever got BIG crowds... and the only time he did is when he was with Palin because of the Palin buzz & people really like her.
[h3]Palin's Favorability Ratings Begin to Falter[/h3]
12:29 PM, September 16, 2008 | Comments (549)

To know her, it seems, is not necessarily to love her. When John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate late last month, the Alaska governor quickly became a media phenomenon. Largely unknown, she existed at first in something of an information...
Sorry to break it to you... but the people going to her rallies aren't Democrats & not THAT many independents... of whichthose polls include.
The people going to Republican rallies are generally mostly conservatives & Republicans.

So yes.... there is a large majority of conservatives who really like her..... which is why McCain/Palin received those large crowds together.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Exclusive: Sarah Palin
Sean Hannity sits down with the GOP vice presidential nominee, Wednesday night at 9 p.m. ET. Watch a preview

Is it just me or did she lose her spotlight real fast? I bet the ratings tonight will be minimal at best.

I mean just look at McCain on Monday in Jacksonville without Palin. Dude could barely get 3,000 people in the arena that sits 16,000.
focus has shifted heavily to the economy (away from the whole lipstick on a pig thing but has turned to "troopergate") i heard a smallpart of her speech yesterday and in that small part she repeated what she said at the convention, it sound like she is fighting for the culture war while obamaand biden are fighting mccain over the economy - which she has nothing to say about other than "trust mccain"
Focusing around the issues is the Democratic party's strongest weapon. There is no way that McCain should be able to escape the catastrophe of the last 8years. As long as Obama continues to make this comparison on hot button issues like the economy, I believe the American people will realize that we just cannot afford an extension of the GOP regime.
questioner paraphrase - there have been some questions by the opposition about your foreign policy experience, what if any do you bring to the table

palin paraphrase - yes, there are certain area that the democrats are going to attack me on and i find this area to be one of them but on january 20th johnmccain and i will be ready and thats what i think i bring, that readiness

yes its not a direct quote but seriously, come on, can this woman please answer the question, i can just imagine the crowd erupting in cheers after thisresponse
Originally Posted by Fede DPT


I listen to Limbaugh, he tore Obama apart.

I don't even wanna see this lady and her scripted questions and answers tonight. It's gonna be all bull anyway.

I'm done with this crap until the debates come.

And I'm also waiting on the result of that Trooper investigation.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

Originally Posted by Fede DPT


I listen to Limbaugh, he tore Obama apart.

I don't even wanna see this lady and her scripted questions and answers tonight. It's gonna be all bull anyway.

I'm done with this crap until the debates come.

And I'm also waiting on the result of that Trooper investigation.
same with me. i wish they would do more investigation into the troopergate scandal. i cant wait for the debates
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

SunDOOBIE wrote:
TBONE95860 wrote:
Watch Sarah Palin on Fox News' 'Hannity & Colmes' Tonight at 9 p.m. ET

Part 1 tonight
Part 2 tomorrow night

50 to 60 minutes of video footage (in contrast Obama on O'Reilly was only 30 minute)

I'm sure lots of you will tune in since it's Fox News....

[h3]Exclusive: Sarah Palin[/h3]
Sean Hannity sits down with the GOP vice presidential nominee, Wednesday night at 9 p.m. ET. Watch a preview
Is it just me or did she lose her spotlight real fast? I bet the ratings tonight will be minimal at best.
I mean just look at McCain on Monday in Jacksonville without Palin. Dude could barely get 3,000 people in the arena that sits 16,000.

The ratings will be good. Plenty of people still want to learn about her & Fox News always dominates ratings. Therefore the ratings should be good.
For the first 2 weeks of September for the 3 prime time hours of cable news (8 to 9, 9 to 10, 10 to 11 eastern)....
Fox News beat CNN & MSNBC combined & beat MSNBC head to head by 3 times as much.

Yesterday for example....

1. HANNITY/COLMES 3,136,000 [fox news]
2. O'REILLY 3,060,000 [fox news]
3. GRETA 2,908,000 [fox news]
4. HUME 1,977,000 [fox news]
5. COOPER 1,828,000 [cnn]
6. RACHEL MADDOW 1,801,000 [msnbc]
7. SHEP SMITH 1,724,000 [fox news]
8. KING 1,710,000 [cnn]
9. OLBERMANN 1,635,000 [msnbc]
10. GRACE 1,166,000 [cnn headline]

Within TOP 10....
Fox News = 12,805,000
CNN/CNNH = 4,704,000
MSNBC = 3,436,000


Originally Posted by behemothcoa

WILLINC wrote:
Fede DPT wrote:

I listen to Limbaugh, he tore Obama apart.

I don't even wanna see this lady and her scripted questions and answers tonight. It's gonna be all bull anyway.
I'm done with this crap until the debates come.
And I'm also waiting on the result of that Trooper investigation.

same with me. i wish they would do more investigation into the troopergate scandal. i cant wait for the debates

They're not going to find anything, so I'll be happy to see the result too so people will stop talking about it and focuson more important things.
As a person outside the US looking in, I hope you guys get Obama into office. Nothings gonna get better in the states with the old man
Old age is McCainsmost defining feature, which makes this awful VP woman even worse.

I mean doesn't it annoy people who are on the fence when they see that she's only there to get a certain group of votes and that she could potentiallybe president since McCain is so old?

I don't want China taking over the world
i dont understand how its tied....

if i had to think of the worst..it would be that powerful people are making it seem that its tied...so that it wont be surprising if mccain wins....
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