ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

OK I read through all of that and it's not very convincing. Limbaugh assumes a LOT.

1. For example, I'm not quite sure the whole world agrees that a white Democrat that doesn't vote for Obama is racist. And so to use that as an argument that somehow because Powell is a black man endorsing a black candidate in the other party is about race is.... a reach.
2. Also, what is this nonsense about 95% of black voters voting for Obama because he's black? Why did the majority of black voters vote for Kerry? Gore? Because they... were.... democrats....

3. Secondly, how naive of him to assume that Colin Powell owes his position and status to the Republicans that appointed him. As if he weren't granted those appointments and accolades for his achievements and talents. That's like saying I owe my degree to the president of my university, or I owe my driver's license to the DMV. If you analyze these arguments with any objectivity at all, they're actually really dumb.

4. AND, if it WERE about race, and NOT about ideology, do you think Powell would have done this? Do you think because they are both black, THAT is a strong enough incentive for a decorated republican to jump ship from his party and endorse the other guy?

Would you?
1. How is it a reach? So he's going to go from being this conservative and working for/with all of them, to now supporting Obama's views that are the exact opposite? And why would you bring up the term "racist" with a white Democrat? No one is saying Powell is racist... no one said he's voting for Obama because he can't vote for a white man in McCain. Now perhaps some of his views do indeed correlate with Obama's (as Rush conceded with several examples) more so then we know, which there is a chance is possible.

2. The % clearly is going to be higher this year then in past years. And MORE importantly... the turnout would NOT be anywhere near as high.

3. Obviously Powell earned his stature to be appointed to those positions.... but you have to realize how politics works... or how any type of high level job anywhere in America works... it's all about that kind of stuff. And to some extent he does owe the Republicans who appointed him because what if they hadn't appointed him to those positions? He would not have had the career he had (at least in the same way) so who's to say he'd have this possibility of having some powerful endorsement. Who knows. But of course Powell has done a lot of great things and deserves the honor he's received.

4. Why would Powell be siding with someone with these far left views? It is a major incentive and also a major historical time.... and since Powell is black it'd make sense that he'd be supporting a fellow African American about to become the 1st black President of the US. Also another incentive is there is a decent chance that Powell would/could then become part of Obama's cabinet. Now we don't know if Powell is even thinking about that or would even take such a job.... but it's certainly a possibility.

Why race then? why not bring up the fact that Powell might be seeking a cabinet position? Are you implying that he would be in the running because he is black?
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

OK I read through all of that and it's not very convincing. Limbaugh assumes a LOT.

1. For example, I'm not quite sure the whole world agrees that a white Democrat that doesn't vote for Obama is racist. And so to use that as an argument that somehow because Powell is a black man endorsing a black candidate in the other party is about race is.... a reach.
2. Also, what is this nonsense about 95% of black voters voting for Obama because he's black? Why did the majority of black voters vote for Kerry? Gore? Because they... were.... democrats....

3. Secondly, how naive of him to assume that Colin Powell owes his position and status to the Republicans that appointed him. As if he weren't granted those appointments and accolades for his achievements and talents. That's like saying I owe my degree to the president of my university, or I owe my driver's license to the DMV. If you analyze these arguments with any objectivity at all, they're actually really dumb.

4. AND, if it WERE about race, and NOT about ideology, do you think Powell would have done this? Do you think because they are both black, THAT is a strong enough incentive for a decorated republican to jump ship from his party and endorse the other guy?

Would you?
1. How is it a reach? So he's going to go from being this conservative and working for/with all of them, to now supporting Obama's views that are the exact opposite? And why would you bring up the term "racist" with a white Democrat? No one is saying Powell is racist... no one said he's voting for Obama because he can't vote for a white man in McCain. Now perhaps some of his views do indeed correlate with Obama's (as Rush conceded with several examples) more so then we know, which there is a chance is possible.

2. The % clearly is going to be higher this year then in past years. And MORE importantly... the turnout would NOT be anywhere near as high.

3. Obviously Powell earned his stature to be appointed to those positions.... but you have to realize how politics works... or how any type of high level job anywhere in America works... it's all about that kind of stuff. And to some extent he does owe the Republicans who appointed him because what if they hadn't appointed him to those positions? He would not have had the career he had (at least in the same way) so who's to say he'd have this possibility of having some powerful endorsement. Who knows. But of course Powell has done a lot of great things and deserves the honor he's received.

4. Why would Powell be siding with someone with these far left views? It is a major incentive and also a major historical time.... and since Powell is black it'd make sense that he'd be supporting a fellow African American about to become the 1st black President of the US. Also another incentive is there is a decent chance that Powell would/could then become part of Obama's cabinet. Now we don't know if Powell is even thinking about that or would even take such a job.... but it's certainly a possibility.
Why race then? why not bring up the fact that Powell might be seeking a cabinet position? Are you implying that he would be in the running because he is black?
Why race?
Powell is the one who said "it's not about race" first.... NOT Rush.
Rush was responding to what Powell said and trying to come to a conclusion of why he would be backing Obama, of which he believes it's race.
That being said.... like Rush said, why is that even a bad thing?
So they're all focusing you know it's race. This has hit a nerve. So what if it's race? Why is it so hard to admit that it's race? What's so problematic about admitting this? I thought it should be about race. I thought you liberals thought this is a historic candidacy because finally we're going to elect a black guy to be president. Why hide behind this? Why act like it's not about race?
Shoot if I was black, I'd like to think it'd AT LEAST make me stop and think about supporting Obama. From an African American'sperspective I could TOTALLY see how this is historic and a HUGE step forward considering no one could have really imagined this possible a short time ago. Idon't think that is a bad thing at all.

However, for Powell to come out and say it's NOT about race.... and then make those remarks about judges...... that's going to raise a few eyebrows andget a few people scratching their heads considering what Powell has done over his career, who he's worked for, etc etc (all the stuff already covered).
Why do you continually post with bigger fonts? What you have to say is not important than anyone else here.
TBONE95860 wrote:



First i was like
i see no reason for Obama to lose, everything is in his favor

If the polls stay the way they are and he loses it will be as close to proof of election rigging as you'll get.

It's pretty sad that other countries are sending election scrutineers to monitor the proceedings.
Early morning polls....

[table][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Rasmussen Reports[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 46[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 42[/td] [td]Obama +8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Hotline/FD[/td] [td]Obama 47, McCain 41[/td] [td]Obama +6[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]National[/td] [td]GWU/Battleground[/td] [td]Obama 48, McCain 47[/td] [td]Obama +1[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]Oklahoma[/td] [td]SurveyUSA[/td] [td]McCain 59, Obama 35[/td] [td]McCain +24[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wyoming[/td] [td]SurveyUSA[/td] [td]McCain 58, Obama 37[/td] [td]McCain +21[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Pennsylvania[/td] [td]Morning Call[/td] [td]Obama 52, McCain 42[/td] [td]Obama +10[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New Jersey[/td] [td]Quinnipiac[/td] [td]Obama 59, McCain 36[/td] [td]Obama +23[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Illinois[/td] [td]Chicago Tribune[/td] [td]Obama 56, McCain 32[/td] [td]Obama +24[/td] [/tr][/table]

these national polls don't matter. Look what happened to Gore in 2000. We ain't got time to worry about a national poll. WE're on the groundworking damn hard in the states that are purple.

And we all know Rasmuessen tips GOP
That's not true.
If Obama goes from being up 5-6%..... to up around 1-3%...
Obama's chance of winning this election decreases by a LOT (aka good chance he loses)
It's not likely that the national polls will change that much from now until election day, but it's still something to cover.
So yes, they do matter.

Obviously electoral college is what counts, but trust me... national polls matter.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

i see no reason for Obama to lose, everything is in his favor

If the polls stay the way they are and he loses it will be as close to proof of election rigging as you'll get.

It's pretty sad that other countries are sending election scrutineers to monitor the proceedings.

Like when Gore and Kerry had the lead at the same point during the election cycle. There is too much emphasis on the polls, like people cant change their mindsbefore they go to vote? Those polls are based off of telephone calls and they can say anything.

If McCain is within the Margin Of Error by next week, it wont look good for Obama.
All I have to say in observation of this thread is TBONE95860 must be the Internet Campaign Manager for John McCain.

You are running a full court press and doing everything in your power to gather up a few votes and instill doubt in Obama supporters.

I mean seriously you have put A LOT of time in this thread like every other post if from you.

Post count before thread = 1
Post count after thread = 7,000+

In all seriousness I have no real beef with McCain, don't agree with taxing health benefits and then trying to make me feel better about it cause he'sgoing to toss us $5,000 a year to buy health care. Meanwhile health care cost about $4,000+ more (that's low end) than that of which he is going to giveus.

Also siding with Bush so often is not a good sign that he can/will bring change.

1 simple decision on picking a running mate was a huge mistake... seriously no McCain supporter could be comfortable knowing Palin could be in charge in aheart beat.
Specially considering a TINY percentage of McCainsupporters even knew who she was before she was selected.
you may sayyou are okay with her in Public but in your heart you know she's not even close to a good pick.
TBONE if you take a look at Powell's track record then you will see that he has made it a point throughout his career to never inject race into any matter.That is exactly how he has made it this far and has held the respect of anyone within a 100-mile radius of him. When he spoke on his choice to support Obama onMeet The Press, he made it very clear what the motives behind it were. It is obvious that the republican ticket was simply not good enough for him, and that heis very tired of the political style of the Republican party. You can be a conservative without having to be a slave to brand-loyalty. This is what makes it sooffensive and YES RACIST of Limbaugh to throw all of that out of the window and say that it is simply a Black man going with the other Black man. Powell saidthat it wasn't about race first because he was the first to speak on his own support of the candidate. He had no choice but to address that head on so thatLimbaugh couldn't just throw that out there without sounding ridiculous, and that is exactly what he did. In the beginning of this race, Colin Powellrefused to endorse either candidate because he wanted to check them out for himself. He did not want party affiliation or race to play a factor, and now thatthe clear objective view put Obama in the forefront, Republicans are panicing. They can't believe that such a die-hard republican could go to the otherside simply because of issues that affect the rest of america. You know what Republicans think of the rest of America? *%+* 'em!! They're poor becausethey're stupid and predisposed to violence. Let's get this money, set up the government so that they can't tell me what to do with my money, andlet the chips fall where they may with those who aren't in our socioeconomic category. Bottom line = poor people do not matter to republicans. They'vegot Joe The Plumber thinking that he can be one of them, when in fact he is exactly who they prey off of.
TBONE, I read what the posted to get the context, and I really don't see Powell being helped by Republicans so much as evidence that this was raciallydriven.

Am I crazy? I don't see how Powell's coments implied he had "dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, and AntoninScalia." If I'm not mistaken, he basically said he wouldn't be comforablt with two democratic judges possibly stepping down and being replacedwith two republican judges. Right? How does Ronald Reagan making him a four-star general, or Bush making him secretary of state make a difference? A Republicanappointed his son to head the FCC...okay. Is he implying that Powell is in debt to the republican party? Is he implying that Powell should make the decisionbased solely on party affiliation? Is Rush insinuating that since these republicans helped him out so much, that he must jump to the republican side, even ifhe doesn't truly believe that McCain is not the better candidate? Is the point that Colin Powell couldn't possibly think that Barack Obama is what thecountry needs? I think Powell is more intelligent than that. He's not going to throw his endorsement in last minute, just because of race.

What's funny is that any time a white politician supports another white politician, race is never mentioned. Whites seem to make decisions based on theissues and facts, while blacks just can't seem to see past the color of the candidates skin, in the eyes of a lot of people.

Rish's comments were idiotic. You can stand behind his flawed logic, and spew that ignorance all you want, but I'm not buying it. Rush's trackrecord doesn't allow me to give him the benefit of the doubt.

So the ground game is leading Obama to victory in early voting in Key swing states. Reports have come out that states Democrats turnouts have beeninsurmountable.

Goodluck Tbone and you other rethuglicans.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by kdwallace

i see no reason for Obama to lose, everything is in his favor

If the polls stay the way they are and he loses it will be as close to proof of election rigging as you'll get.

It's pretty sad that other countries are sending election scrutineers to monitor the proceedings.

Like when Gore and Kerry had the lead at the same point during the election cycle. There is too much emphasis on the polls, like people cant change their minds before they go to vote? Those polls are based off of telephone calls and they can say anything.

If McCain is within the Margin Of Error by next week, it wont look good for Obama.

How will it not look good for Obama? People are going to say, on the way to the polling places, do I really want to give McCain and Bush another 4 years?C'mon, people will be behind closed doors. They won't be pressured to vote McCain to cling to their ulterior motives.
There is too much emphasis on the polls, like people cant change their minds before they go to vote? Those polls are based off of telephone calls and they can say anything.

Yeah, but exit polls are a really accurate way of measuring the outcome - they are people who actually voted and have been proven to be very reliable.Except in the last election...
Or are you just another liberal that is NOT welcome to more then 1 point of view, not tolerant of any opposing views.... or knowing both sides of the coin?

Definition of liberal "open-minded or tolerant"

seems to me that at this moment that label of narrow-minded intolerance would better fit the McCain campaign, his VP candidate, a large majority of hissupporters, and the base the party is trying to appeal to. His whole campaign has become a caricature of the worst of partisan politics....trying to appeal tofear by suggesting some sort of relationship of greater significance between Barack and "the terrorist" Ayers---when the real terrorists are at theMcCain/Palin rallies labeling him a muslim and a terrorist and yelling "kill Obama!", and now that the state and future of the economy must beaddressed---equating middle-class tax cuts to socialism and welfare...McCain's campaign has become a stage for character assasination and divisivenesswhile Obama is going on issues (which is because he actually can)---and this was clear imo in the debates. "terrorist", "killhim"...?, "socialist", "welfare"...?....none of which are whole and valid---is this what you'd consider "open-minded andtolerant"? and now, Powell must be endorsing Obama because of race or to somehow serve himself? even though he went through a list of completely true andlegitimate reasonings as to why Barack-Biden is the better ticket in his opinion? is that open-mindedness and tolerance? While Powell is doing exactly whatMcCain continually champions himself for in "reaching across the isle", he receives criticism from the right for doing precisely that. Powell iscompletely correct in that Obama is a transitional figure and I look forward to seeing these flailing, power-hungry tactics of cynical partisan politics take ablow with Obama elected.
attacking Powell's endorsement as solely based on race is disingenuous. like all black people are the same and can't think for themselves. republicansuse that line that 98% percent of black people will vote for Obama because he's black. WRONG; black people historically have voted democrat and therepublican party has done much to wedge that divide. If Obama was a republican and 08% of black people voted for him; then you'd have a point.

So let me get this straight:

When McCain goes against party lines and looks at the facts and makes a decision he's to be lauded as a maverick.

When Powell goes against party lines and looks at the facts and makes a decision he's only voting for Obama becausehe's black.

double standard. if that ain't racist. i dont know what is

Originally Posted by BTonNT

Or are you just another liberal that is NOT welcome to more then 1 point of view, not tolerant of any opposing views.... or knowing both sides of the coin?

Definition of liberal "open-minded or tolerant"

seems to me that at this moment that label of narrow-minded intolerance would better fit the McCain campaign, his VP candidate, a large majority of his supporters, and the base the party is trying to appeal to. His whole campaign has become a caricature of the worst of partisan politics....trying to appeal to fear by suggesting some sort of relationship of greater significance between Barack and "the terrorist" Ayers---when the real terrorists are at the McCain/Palin rallies labeling him a muslim and a terrorist and yelling "kill Obama!", and now that the state and future of the economy must be addressed---equating middle-class tax cuts to socialism and welfare...McCain's campaign has become a stage for character assasination and divisiveness while Obama is going on issues (which is because he actually can)---and this was clear imo in the debates. "terrorist", "kill him"...?, "socialist", "welfare"...?....none of which are whole and valid---is this what you'd consider "open-minded and tolerant"? and now, Powell must be endorsing Obama because of race or to somehow serve himself? even though he went through a list of completely true and legitimate reasonings as to why Barack-Biden is the better ticket in his opinion? is that open-mindedness and tolerance? While Powell is doing exactly what McCain continually champions himself for in "reaching across the isle", he receives criticism from the right for doing precisely that. Powell is completely correct in that Obama is a transitional figure and I look forward to seeing these flailing, power-hungry tactics of cynical partisan politics take a blow with Obama elected.

uhhhhhhhhhhhh I see what you were trying to do there, but "random black republican" is very irrelevant to this conversation.

I couldn't watch past 2 minutes.

Also, I think it's kind of funny when conservatives admit that "Do you know how outnumbered I am by liberals????" ...Well, if there's so manygod damn liberals, then we must be on to something, right?
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