ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

does that really matter? what about the hundreds that are voting for mccain cause Obamas black, or the hundreds voting for sarah palin cause shes a woman, or the hundreds voting for biden (and obama) cause sarah palin is a woman

Yes...it does really matter.

Then what's the difference
Originally Posted by Essential1

in the end it all cancels itself out where the voting for/against because he is black or voting for/against McCain because he has a women on the ticket.
I disagree one side will benefit it's not going to magically exactly cancel to the exact same amount.
i didn't mean literally 50-50. I meant but didn't say it .. closes the playing field... Until purging of voters which gives McCain like 51-49 or 52-48
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I know HUNDREDS of people who are voting for Obama for the sole purpose he is black.

and i know THOUSANDS of people who are NOT voting for Obama for the sole purpose that he IS black.

so what's your point?
Voted early for Obama, feels good trying to make a difference. It's safe to say, if Obama doesn't win Iam never voting again.
Originally Posted by 5th Platoon

These polls don't mean a damn thing. Unfortunately, Obama will be President as part of the NWO agenda. He will then push for the New World Monetary Union and drive the United States towards destruction.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

does that really matter? what about the hundreds that are voting for mccain cause Obamas black, or the hundreds voting for sarah palin cause shes a woman, or the hundreds voting for biden (and obama) cause sarah palin is a woman

Yes...it does really matter.

Your argument is flawed because there are just as many people voting againstObama because he is black.

Pointless bringing it up......dead horse, beating, you know the drill.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

So the ground game is leading Obama to victory in early voting in Key swing states. Reports have come out that states Democrats turnouts have been insurmountable.
Goodluck Tbone and you other rethuglicans.
How many times have I said Obama is going to win now? I wish I would beenkeeping count. Maybe I should just add it as apart of my sig. Get over it my man. Worry about something else besides Republicans and McCain.... like moreimportantly worry about the job Obama is going to do as President.

Originally Posted by JStar25

All I have to say in observation of this thread is TBONE95860 must be the Internet Campaign Manager for John McCain.

You are running a full court press and doing everything in your power to gather up a few votes and instill doubt in Obama supporters.

I mean seriously you have put A LOT of time in this thread like every other post if from you.

Post count before thread = 1
Post count after thread = 7,000+

In all seriousness I have no real beef with McCain, don't agree with taxing health benefits and then trying to make me feel better about it cause he's going to toss us $5,000 a year to buy health care. Meanwhile health care cost about $4,000+ more (that's low end) than that of which he is going to give us.

Also siding with Bush so often is not a good sign that he can/will bring change.

1 simple decision on picking a running mate was a huge mistake... seriously no McCain supporter could be comfortable knowing Palin could be in charge in a heart beat.
Specially considering a TINY percentage of McCain supporters even knew who she was before she was selected.
you may say you are okay with her in Public but in your heart you know she's not even close to a good pick.

Haha no I'm not. I'm not trying to convince anyone, I could care less who people on NT vote for. I worry about getting out the vote formy own guys... and actually helping campaigns in real life.

I've put in a lot to this thread because I actually really care about politics
I always have. I enjoy it. I find it fascinating. And I think it's very important.
I started helping out actual campaigns in person when I was 14 years old.
I have done and do.... phone calls, sign waving, door-to-door

People make that arguement against Palin like she wouldn't have LOTS of help around her.... like Obama has much experience at all.... like he HIMSELFisn't going to be recieving lots of help from the people around him.
The President is NOT a one man show by ANY means.
Naw I'm cool with Palin. Granted, there could have been possibly other better choices. But it is what it is.
I will say she is definitely going to be staying around in the political situation win or lose in this election.
You haven't heard the last of Sarah Palin, that's for sure.
@ palin calling obama social and being against "socialism"and big government when she wastes taxpayer's money on travel and hotels for her kids

republicans ftml
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

ya'll gon be REAAAAAAAAAAAAAL salty come nov. 4th...
won't be able to desperately pull whatever out of your *** to try to make your illogical arguments anymore....
Nothing to be salty about.... it was goingto take something big for McCain to win under the circumstances of this election (1. economy, 2. Iraq War, 3A. George W. Bush, 3B. Being a Republican afterhim)
Obama will win.
Yes I'll be mad/upset at the fact that the people of America REALLY elected this guy..... I'll find it unbelievable, yes.
But salty? Naw. It's been expected and it is expected.

2012 baby.
Obama will only last 4 years, he better not get to cozy in the oval office.

Originally Posted by JDB1523

A couple weeks to go, people need to start betting their screen names if their candidate doesn't win. I'm not saying who I'm voting for but I'd love to see some people do it since NothingBefore didn't with the aliens on 10/14
That'd be fun... but really people whothink Obama will win have everything to lose at this point and nothing to gain since he's up by a wide margin in the Electoral College projections.
My friend was at the library to vote and the wait was freaking 2 hours! Early voting wait = 2 hours? And he talked to many of them and they all were going tovote for Obama. Whether or not you like Obama, it is inspiring to see so many people believe in a men. Hope you guys go out early to vote if possible becausethis will be the biggest turn out in voting history.
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

@ repubs already throwing in the towel.... don't give up on the maverick
I don't know if you'd call it "throwing in the towel"....
More like realistic.
I'll go out and vote... I'll try to help get out the vote for McCain and local Republicans where I live.
Everyone else across the nation will go vote.
And we'll see what happens.
But I've laid out clearly enough times why I believe Obama has/has had this thing wrapped up.
(Also to add a #5 to the big 4 I've always stated.... you could say #5 would be McCain & his campaign: Not having run to the best of itsability)

Originally Posted by bangtcg

My friend was at the library to vote and the wait was freaking 2 hours! Early voting wait = 2 hours?
Election day is going to be pure madness in many areas across the nation.
I already know there is going to be chaos in areas.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

@ repubs already throwing in the towel.... don't give up on the maverick
I don't know if you'd call it "throwing in the towel"....
More like realistic.
I'll go out and vote... I'll try to help get out the vote for McCain and local Republicans where I live.
Everyone else across the nation will go vote.
And we'll see what happens.
But I've laid out clearly enough times why I believe Obama has/has had this thing wrapped up.
(Also to add a #5 to the big 4 I've always stated.... you could say #5 would be McCain & his campaign: Not having run to the best of its ability)

Originally Posted by bangtcg

My friend was at the library to vote and the wait was freaking 2 hours! Early voting wait = 2 hours?
Election day is going to be pure madness in many areas across the nation.
I already know there is going to be chaos in areas.
real talk t-bone, i disagree with you on politics, but it's good to see you battle with us liberals... you got 349573457896 dudes coming atyou nh, and it can't be easy

with that being said, GOBAMA
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Tbone, what state do you live in?

Good question... this should give some insight actually for people.

Washington currently. Always going blue for the prez

But we should have/almost had a Republican governor last election (took 5 recounts to go from Repub up to Dem up
) & he might win it this time (it's a dead heat right now)
And the United States congressman that represents where I live is a Republican.
And the local Washington State representative (for the WA state senate) is a Republican.
So yeah

It's roughly 55-60% Republican, 40-45% Democrat where I live..... upper/middle class, 88% white, average houseprice in city where I live is $600,000-650,000
(zillow.com as reference)

Seattle ain't far away though, and if you want to talk about REALLY liberal
Making some of you seem moderate

Crazy white people*
Word to WTO riots (http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&ndsp=18&hl=en&q=WTO+seattle&start=0&sa=Nhttp://images.google.com/...ttle&start=0&sa=N)

*FYI: Seattle in 2000 = 70% white, 13% Asian, 8.5% black
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by wanksta23

Tbone, what state do you live in?

Good question... this should give some insight actually for people.

Washington currently. Always going blue for the prez

But we should have/almost had a Republican governor last election (took 5 recounts to go from Repub up to Dem up
) & he might win it this time (it's a dead heat right now)
And the United States congressman that represents where I live is a Republican.
And the local Washington State representative (for the WA state senate) is a Republican.
So yeah

It's roughly 55-60% Republican, 40-45% Democrat where I live..... upper/middle class, 88% white, average house price in city where I live is $600,000-650,000
(zillow.com as reference)

Seattle ain't far away though, and if you want to talk about REALLY liberal
Making some of you seem moderate

Crazy white people*
Word to WTO riots (http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&ndsp=18&hl=en&q=WTO+seattle&start=0&sa=Nhttp://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&ndsp=18&hl=en&q=WTO+seattle&start=0&sa=Nhttp://images.google.com/...ttle&start=0&sa=N)

*FYI: Seattle in 2000 = 70% white, 13% Asian, 8.5% black

Where you at? Bellevue?
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I know HUNDREDS of people who are voting for Obama for the sole purpose he is black.

I honestly don't think I know 100 people well enough to know who they're voting for.... let alone HUNDREDS. Let's be real here. Maybe you know someblack people. And maybe you ASSUME that those black people are voting for Obama (they probably are) because he's black (maybe not, maybe so).

But my man, you don't KNOW anything for sure. So you can assume what you want, but it's all speculation.

Also, why are people talking like votes are cast for one single reason? "I vote for Obama because he's black" "I voted for McCain because ofhis economic plans" .... Come on now... there is no single issue in this election; we vote for a candidate because we've compounded many aspects aboutthem, and we settle on one person or another. However, I WILL say that people can NOT vote on someone for a single reason. INCLUDING, but not limited to, race.
Another interesting article in Rolling Stone. I know many of you will doubt it because they lean to theleft but a lot of the information is statistics by a guy who is a self confessed democrat hater - he was just curious how the numbers could be so wrong solooked into it and wrote a book.

Over the past decades, exit polling has evolved into an exact science. Indeed, among pollsters and statisticians, such surveys are thought to be the most reliable. Unlike pre-election polls, in which voters are asked to predict their own behavior at some point in the future, exit polls ask voters leaving the voting booth to report an action they just executed. The results are exquisitely accurate: Exit polls in Germany, for example, have never missed the mark by more than three-tenths of one percent17. "Exit polls are almost never wrong," $*#% Morris, a political consultant who has worked for both Republicans and Democrats, noted after the 2004 vote. Such surveys are "so reliable," he added, "that they are used as guides to the relative honesty of elections in Third World countries18." In 2003, vote tampering revealed by exit polling in the Republic of Georgia forced Eduard Shevardnadze to step down19. And in November 2004, exit polling in the Ukraine - paid for by the Bush administration - exposed election fraud that denied Viktor Yushchenko the presidency.20
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I know HUNDREDS of people who are voting for Obama for the sole purpose he is black.

I bet you met hundreds more people that are voting for McCain because he's white at that Klan rally you wentto.

Between this comment, and the other comment about the racial slur on the receipt, I'm getting closet racist vibes from you.

I think we're entering the Rush Limbaugh era of prejudice/racism. I rather have people come out and say they're racist rather than be hidden.
Uh Collin Powell has always been more of a moderate with liberal leanings so this endorsement should come as no surprise to the Republican party.

Also in a year where we have seen a Black man run for president...

1) Obama accused of being a Terrorist.

2) Accused of being a Socialist.

3) accused of being an "Arab", as a derogative.

4) Accused of being anti-american.

5) Accused of facilitating Voter Fraud.

6) What looks to be the largest mismanagement of voter polling stations across the nation (conveniently, and not so coincidently, in the critical"swing" states).

7) Voting Machines that just straight up cheat for John McCain (Obama's name not apart of the program, McCains name being registered as the selection onthe touch screen when Obama was clearly the voters choice).

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