ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by TBONE95860



Good one democrats.....


S.C. Dem chair: Palin primary qualification is she hasn't had an abortion

South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate " whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion."

Palin is an opponent of abortion rights and gave birth to her fifth child, Trig, earlier this year after finding out during her pregnancy that the baby had Down syndrome.
ya using that palin chickas a pervial shield and callin it sexist.....

republicans hijackin obama's message and making this a issue about "pig and lipstick" then about any issues......

i'll personally wait till palin erases that yellow streak on her back for the media and actually comes out and answering questions.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

damn that was the wrong low blow to administer ... what is that?
Disgusting and offense is what it is.

Democrats are literally shooting themselves in the foot EVERY day now.
They aren't winning this election.
I've said before more then a few times that Obama SHOULD win this election... and good chance he will...
I change my mind.
They're doing it once again.... throwing away an election away.
The Democrats simply don't know how to win elections.

You should see the Hillary Clinton message boards, mostly all women... just UP IN ARMS about this latest comment.
Going to this board I thought I'd see a decent % of people rooting for McCain/Palin, but to see it in the #'s I've seen.... surprised.
Here's just a snapshot of these Hillary supporters are saying in response to this latest breaking news....

Oh, man... In the words of The One: "This is NOT the Democratic party I once knew".

These Dem leaders are shamefull.

Wow I'm confused.... do they think this makes them look good? Just curious if they're not scared then why attack? This has turned into a JR High fight while Palin just smirks. Hey someone hand the Dems another shovel.
what freak show has the undemocratic party turned into?

guys/gals, those of us who have been on this forum since the beginning of the year.. we are watching the undemocratic party literally crumble in front of us..

Where,for the love of God,is the Democrat Party getting these nutjobs! They keep dragging out one loon after the next,when does it stop!!! This is flat out embarassing!!! Is there not one intelligent Democrat left in this party except the Clintons and James Carville???? Shut these people up.They are talking about it on Fox right now.
This is turning extremely ugly. Is this how the Democratic Party plans to unify us? Do they think these insulting remarks are going to woo back the women and men who supported Hillary and are now voting McCain?

We are more divided now then ever and it's thanks to politicians like this one.
seems the only way you get thru to these people is by repeating things you just said...

ya using that palin chick as a pervial shield and callin it sexist.....

republicans hijackin obama's message and making this a issue about "pig and lipstick" then about any issues......

i'll personally wait till palin erases that yellow streak on her back for the media and actually comes out and answering questions.
ya using that palin chick as a pervial shield and callin it sexist.....

republicans hijackin obama's message and making this a issue about "pig and lipstick" then about any issues......

i'll personally wait till palin erases that yellow streak on her back for the media and actually comes out and answering questions.

ya using that palin chick as a pervial shield and callin it sexist.....

republicans hijackin obama's message and making this a issue about "pig and lipstick" then about any issues......

i'll personally wait till palin erases that yellow streak on her back for the media and actually comes out and answering questions.
Well at least I have some faith in the general public restored....

Seven out of 10 voters (69%) remain convinced that reporters try to help the candidate they want to win, and this year by a nearly five-to-one margin voters believe they are trying to help Barack Obama.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of voters think most reporters are trying to help Obama win versus 11% who believe they are trying to help his Republican opponent John McCain. Twenty-six percent (26%) say reporters offer unbiased coverage.

see what i mean?

let's blame the media for that the attention obama is getting istead of actually crediting his own merit......oh and incase you missed it.

ya using that palin chick as a pervial shield and callin it sexist.....

republicans hijackin obama's message and making this a issue about "pig and lipstick" then about any issues......

i'll personally wait till palin erases that yellow streak on her back for the media and actually comes out and answering questions.
how are reporters helping Obama win? was it the 3 month long coverage of the Wright-Obama connection? That did wonders for his campaign.
Faux News must have paid to have that poll. There's NO way Obama is clearly having an edge over McCain in media bias as long as Faux news exists. And howFox still acts like they're "fair and balanced" is just

As already mentioned, Obama did NOT get favorable coverage in the Wright thing. Also there were false rumors of him being Muslim and all that stuff.

After this Palin hype dies down a bit Obama will gain back momentum. The Dems should have focused on McCain instead, but with the way the Repubs are smearingObama with lies (the school thing) and using fear, the Dems have to strike back viciously, or else the Republicans are gonna win.

I gotta say, Republicans definitely know how to win an election. But I don't they don't know how to lead the country in the right direction (at thispoint in time).
problem is they're doin this on the home stretch...making this a mud slinging match intead of a debate on the issues....and with such a short time tillelection day this boonery is working in they're favor with the idiots in the small town.
Originally Posted by Untitled

problem is they're doin this on the home stretch...making this a mud slinging match intead of a debate on the issues....and with such a short time till election day this boonery is working in they're favor with the idiots in the small town.

This campaign has taken a surprising turn since the Democratic convention. Everybody is still talking about the Republican vice-presidential nominee.
Who would have predicted this just two weeks ago?

When I say everybody is talking about Governor Palin, I mean everybody. It's not just that Palin has excited the Republican base and intrigued the press corps. She's also gotten the notice of Barack Obama. The Democratic nominee has singled Palin out for criticism on earmarks in general and the "Bridge To Nowhere" in particular.

This is peculiar. Typically, a presidential nominee does not criticize his opponent's veep. This becomes doubly peculiar when we consider that just a week ago the Obama campaign indicated plans to ignore Palin altogether:
The Obama campaign has no silver bullet to use against the Palin (sic). Instead, Obama has decided to largely avoid directly engaging her and will instead keep his focus largely on John McCain and on linking the Republican ticket to President George W. Bush. The Obama campaign will leave Palin to navigate the same cycle of celebrity that Obama has weathered, and the same peril that her nascent image will be defined by questions and contradictions from her Alaska past.

The reason for the change must be what the ABC News/Washington Post poll found - a huge swing toward McCain-Palin among white women. This is a very important voting bloc, as the following chart makes clear:


The GOP improved it's showing among white men by 17 points between 1996 and 2004. Among white women it improved by 16 points. This is how an 8.5-point Republican defeat transformed into a 2.4-point Republican victory.

The ABC News poll that set tongues wagging has McCain up 12 among white women - about the same margin as the final result in 2004. I had been inclined to write those results off, as I figured a post-convention poll like that is not indicative of where the race is heading. However, the course correction of the Obama campaign inclines me to believe that there might be something going on here. On September 4th, his campaign said that it was not planning to directly criticize Palin. On September 8th, it released an ad directly criticizing her. You don't do that kind of 180 unless something is up.

The Obama campaign's decision to attack is a risky one. Negative campaigns are always tricky, but this one is especially so. To some degree, Palin has been treated unfairly since her debut as McCain's vice-president. What the McCain campaign wants to do is tie all criticisms of Palin to the unfair ones, and ultimately remind people of how Hillary Clinton was treated. Team McCain is especially eager to do this for anything that comes out of Obama's mouth - hence the "lipstick on a pig" spot, which in turn induced a response from Obama.

We can assign winners and losers in this little skirmish; we can decide who has truth on his side and who does not. But that misses the point. Here we have yet another day when the focus is on the GOP's youthful, smiling, attractive, witty, female vice-presidential nominee. And for yet another day our ears are filled with the sounds of the Democratic nominee decrying how unfair the Republicans are - as if only one side hits below the belt.

Ultimately, I'm not a huge believer in the importance of "winning" news cycles. I do think, however, that the battle for the news cycle is an exhibition of a campaign's ability to move its message. And it has become clear that the McCain campaign is better at this. This "lipstick on a pig" incident will probably not affect a single vote - but it shows that the McCain campaign is ready and able to defend any real gains it might have made among white women. Once again, it's doing a better job getting its message across.

Nobody would have predicted this on June 3rd. That was the day Obama boldly stood in the Excel Energy Center and proclaimed an exciting new moment in American politics. Meanwhile McCain, sweating profusely, stood in front of a green screen and gave a rambling, disjointed speech. The contrast in messages was stark. Three months later, it's just as stark - but now it's Obama that's sweating and McCain that's exciting. What a turnaround.
Man..how is McCain the lead?!

If we have a repeat of Kerry vs Bush era who knows how bad the US will be by 2012

All these fake Obama supporters smh
New state polls out today, officially being released tomorrow....
I guess you could say a mixed bag of positives & negatives for both sides?

[table][tr][td]Thursday, September 11[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Race[/td] [td]Poll[/td] [td]Results[/td] [td]Spread[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Alaska[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]McCain 64, Obama 33[/td] [td]McCain +31[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New Mexico[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]Obama 47, McCain 49[/td] [td]McCain +2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Michigan[/td] [td]CNN/Time[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Virginia[/td] [td]CNN/Time[/td] [td]McCain 50, Obama 46[/td] [td]McCain +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Missouri[/td] [td]CNN/Time[/td] [td]McCain 50, Obama 45[/td] [td]McCain +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New Hampshire[/td] [td]CNN/Time[/td] [td]Obama 51, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +6[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by Essential1

Yeah this ad is Great..
Republicans are really pissing me off as of late even more. This country has become a circus and I wouldn't be surprised if T-Pain comes out in his Willy Wonka outfit to even make this country look more buffoonish.

If when I go to bed on November 5th and McCain wins presidency we will have official become the dumbest nation in the world. McCain and Palin are out of touch. They are Washington. They are everything that the fore fathers in this country REJECTED.

We have the chance to change THE WORLD. Not with McCain but with Obama (the more viable candidate). If we drop the ball not only did we fail to be the country that sets the standard, the view of this country to the rest of the world would be even worse and possible our standing may never be restored.

TBone, Fede anyone who is supporting McCain if you want an intellectual debate and still want to vote for him yes that's your agenda but being fooled into this is the best thing for this country get your head out of your +%+ and look at the world.

Change is inevitable, and a pig is a pig no matter what you do to it. Mavericks no they are not. Reformers no they are not. Putting country first no they are not.

Have some decency and think outside the box.

edit: By the way, the ad implies that Obama wants kids to have sex as kindergarteners.. Typical republican thought we have to shield them, the bill he voted for is a GREAT IDEA. It is to teach little kids how to be safe (not condoms.. but how to not get in a strangers' car, never walk alone, what is good/bad touch, say somthing if someone is abusing you)� I swear the way I have witnessed the American citizen mind process in the past�12 months has baffled me. The reason why we are considered a nation of Egocentric, Fat and lazy to every other country is because of this. Every citizen of the world knows that if we elect Obama the world will be a better place and it will be the SINGLE MOST INFLUENTIAL PIECE OF WORLD HISTORY. And when everyone knows that but still allows Religion and false statements and fear drive who we are voting for. It proves that the COUNTRY I LOVE is exactly what everyone who doesn't live here says it is.

This is spot-on. I'm honestly tired of all these "debates" about things that are downright LIES. http://www.realclearpolit...palin_lies_and_the_n.html God help us.
Sometimes it shames me to be affiliated with Americans. We are arguing about pig on a lipstick Jesus H Christ

This is why sh-- doesn't get solved in this country, its simply ridiculous... we've endured possibly the worst economic downturn in the last 6-7 yearsand the presidential race is stuck on silly antics like pigs.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Sometimes it shames me to be affiliated with Americans. We are arguing about pig on a lipstick Jesus H Christ

This is why sh-- doesn't get solved in this country, its simply ridiculous... we've endured possibly the worst economic downturn in the last 6-7 years and the presidential race is stuck on silly antics like pigs.

out of everything they can talk about....policies,issues.....they talk about lipstick

I'm confident Obama can win Michigan and Ohio. The Midwest was probably the hardest hit by the poor economic situation, and as long as Obama can convincethem McCain is 4 more years of the same, he should take both. Pennsylvania will be a harder sell. If he wins Florida, I think he'll be able to lose PA andstill win.

He's gotta shift the focus off Palin and go back to McCain=Bush III and just hammer home on the issues. He's allowing the Republican mudslinging todistract him, and he can NOT afford to get involved in that.
I kind of wish Obama had picked Clinton now as well, because that wouldn't have left the door open for the Republicans to be able to pull all this nonsensewith Palin. But hey, I guess they're capitalizing off an opportunity (so far), so more power to them. Hopefully Hillary will go after Palin publicly.
This is a good indication of how DUMB and unprepared this Palin chick really is....

"The fact is that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers. The McCain-Palin administration will make them smaller and smarter and more effective for homeowners who need help."
Dumb girl didn't even know they are PRIVATE companiesthat are not funded by taxpayers money.� No wonder the Republicans do not want her to talk to reporters.�

Andrew Jakabovics, an economic analyst for the progressive think tank, Center for American Progress: "It is somewhat nonsensical because up until yesterday there was sort of no public funding there. Even today they haven't drawn down any of the credit line they have given to Treasury. 'Gotten too big and too expensive' are two separate things. The too big has been a conservative mantra for a while and there is something to be said of that in that they hold about half of the mortgage guarantees that are out there. And in the last year they have been responsible for roughly 80 percent out there. The 'too expensive to tax payers,' I don't know where that comes from."
Heretofore, if the treasury had a balance sheet there would have been a liability but there was never a taxpayer payment before [the bailout]," said Gerald P. O'Driscoll, an economist with the Cato Institute. "[Fannie and Freddie] were not taxpayer funded. They had taxpayer guarantee, which is worth something, especially in the stock market..."
Originally Posted by FeelMode

your youtube video about banning books....

She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even inprint at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a "What if?" question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin's firstterm.

Not a Book Burner

One accusation claims then-Mayor Palin threatened to fireWasilla's librarian for refusing to ban books from the town library. Some versions of the rumor come complete with a list of the books that Palin allegedlyattempted to ban. Actually, Palin never asked that books be banned; no books were actually banned; and many of the books on the list that Palin supposedlywanted to censor weren't even in print at the time, proving that the list is a fabrication. The librarian was fired, but was told only that Palin felt shedidn't support her. She was re-hired the next day. The librarian never claimed that Palin threatened outright to fire her for refusing to ban books.

It's true that Palin did raise the issue with Mary Ellen Emmons, Wasilla's librarian, on at least two occasions, three in some versions. Emmons flatlystated her opposition each time. But, as the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman (Wasilla's local paper) reported at the time, Palin asked general questions about what Emmons would say ifPalin requested that a book be banned. According to Emmons, Palin "was asking me how I would deal with her saying a book can't be in thelibrary." Emmons reported that Palin pressed the issue, asking whether Emmons' position would change if residents were picketing the library. Wasillaresident Anne Kilkenny, who was at the meeting, corroborates Emmons' story, telling the Chicago Tribune that "Sarah said to MaryEllen, 'What would your response be if I asked you to remove some books from the collection?' "

Palin characterized the exchange differently, initially volunteering the episode as an example of discussions with city employees about following heradministration's agenda. Palin described her questions to Emmons as "rhetorical," noting that her questions "were asked in the context ofprofessionalism regarding the library policy that is in place in our city." Actually, true rhetorical questions have implied answers (e.g., "Who doyou think you are?"), so Palin probably meant to describe her questions as hypothetical or theoretical. We can't read minds, so it is impossible forus to know whether or not Palin may actually have wanted to ban books from the library or whether she simply wanted to know how her new employees would respondto an instruction from their boss. It is worth noting that, in an update, the Frontiersman points out that no book was ever banned from thelibrary's shelves.

Palin initially requested Emmons' resignation, along with those of Wasilla's other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described the requests as aloyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions. But in January 1997, Palin fired Emmons,along with the police chief. According to the ChicagoTribune, Palin did not list censorship as a reason for Emmons' firing, but said she didn't feel she had Emmons' support. The decisioncaused "a stir" in the small town, according to a newspaper account at the time.According to a widely circulated e-mail from Kilkenny, "city residents rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin's attempt atout-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter."

As we've noted, Palin did not attempt to ban any library books. We don't know if Emmons' resistance to Palin's questions about possiblecensorship had anything to do with Emmons' firing. And we have no idea if the protests had any impact on Palin at all. There simply isn't any evidencethat we can find either way. Palin did re-hire Emmons the following day, saying that she nowfelt she had the librarian's backing. Emmons continued to serve as librarian until August 1999, when the Chicago Tribune reports that sheresigned.

So what about that list of books targeted for banning, which according to one widely e-mailed version was taken "from the official minutes of the WasillaLibrary Board"? If it was, the library board should take up fortune telling. The list includes the first four Harry Potter books, none of which had beenpublished at the time of the Palin-Emmons conversations. The first wasn't published until 1998. In fact, the list is a simple cut-and-paste job, snatched(complete with typos and the occasional incorrect title) from the FloridaInstitute of Technology library Web page, which presents the list as "Books banned at one time or another in the United States."

Update, Sept. 9: We have revised this section dealing with accusations that Palin wanted to ban books from Wasilla's library to include more detailabout what transpired at the time.

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