ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

World Exclusive: 4/4/08 15:43:06 ET
2000-2007 Returns
Feds Taxes Paid: $33.7 million
Charity: $10.2 million
Her Senate Salary: $1,051,606
His Presidential Pension: $1,217,250
Her Book Income: $10,457,083
His Book Income: $29,580,525
His Speech Income: $51,855,599


VIDEO: McCain Booed During MLK Speech...

Woman dragged out of Hillary fundraiser screaming she was only black there...

Shock Audio...



'I was pinned down by sniper fire'...

Obama cuts into Clinton's superdelegate lead...

GALLUP Daily:Obama Maintains Solid Democratic Lead...
Clinton: 'Not relevant' last timeI went to church, fired gun...
'Faith Forum' Set For Sunday TV...




Obama says many feel ignored...

Obama compares Hillary to 'Annie Oakley'...

Carl Bernstein: What would Hillary Clinton presidency look like?
Bill Clinton linked to firm aiding China's crackdown...

An Economic Agenda for McCain - Irwin Stelzer, Weekly Standard
The 'New Math' in Election 2008 - Howard Fineman, Newsweek
The State That May Seal Clinton's Fate - Paul Harris, The Guardian
12 Reasons 'Bitter' is Bad News for Obama - Mike Allen, The Politico
Obama Is Right. People Are Angry - Katrina Vanden Heuvel, The Nation
Deconstructing What Obama Said - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
How Can Security Become Stability? - David Broder, Washington Post
Requiem For Two Heavyweights - Sam Tanenhaus, New York Times

What Clinton Wishes She Could Say - John Harris & Jim VandeHei, Politico
Obama's Slight a Big-Time Error - Michael Goodwin, New York Daily News
Obama Told The Truth - Jane Smiley, Huffington Post
The "San Francisco Democrat" Problem - David Paul Kuhn, RealClearPolitics
Bill's Back - And Hillary Cringes - Maureen Dowd, New York Times
Economy Always in 'Crisis' in Election Years - George Will, Washington Post
Obama: A Man at Home in the World - R. Wolffe & M. Hirsh, Newsweek
The Year of Taking Offense - Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard
John McCain's Alter Ego - Sasha Issenberg, Boston Globe
Carter and Gore to End Clinton's Bid? - Chris Stephen, The Scotsman


NYT FRIDAY: Superdelegates Unswayed byClinton's Attacks ...
Obama Questions Debate's Relevance...
Did ABC moderators go overboard?...




Obama Shaken, Rattled, and Rolled - #*%% Polman, American Debate
ABC Proves Obama's Point About Petty Politics - Michael Grunwald, Time
The Debate Was About Convincing Superdelegates - Stephen Spruiell, NRO
What About the Concerns of Pennsylvanians? - Will Bunch, Attytood
John McCain Was the Big Winner - Philip Klein, The Ameican Spectator
How Will McCain Handle 'Are You Better Off'? - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call
Dems Sue for Peace in Culture Wars - Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal
Still, No Satisfaction for Clinton's Sisterhood - Joan Vennochi, Boston Globe
Racial-Preference Ballots Go National - Harry Stein, City Journal
Tough Questions Throw Both Off Message - Peter Canellos, Boston Globe
Obama: Some Too 'Obsessed' with What We Say - Roger Simon, Politico
Clinton Wins, Barely, but Will It Matter? - John Dickerson, Slate
Honeymoon is Over for Obama - Michael Goodwin, New York Daily News
In Pa. Debate, The Clear Loser Is ABC - Tom Shales, Washington Post
Is It ABC's Fault the Dems Looked Bad? - David Brooks, New York Times




Obama greeted by his largest crowd...

...hits out at Clinton fornegative campaign

McCain alleges Obama radical ties...



Obama Gets Establishment Democrats' Backing...

FT: 'Democrats must choose Obama'...

Scaife paper backs Clinton...

PAGLIA: Why women shouldn't vote for Hillary...

ObamaCampaign Not Above Tit-for-Tat Politics - John Dickerson, Slate
Nailbiting Time for Obama Fans - Jennifer Rubin, Contentions
Whither McCain's 'Straight Talk'? - Anna Quindlen, Newsweek
Brush It Off: Obama's Hip-Hop Moment - Maureen Dowd, New York Times
Will Clinton's 'Republican' Tactics Backfire? - Sarah Baxter, Sunday Times
Will McCain's Temper Become an Issue? - Michael Leahy, Washington Post
TheCase for Obama and Clinton - John Kerry & Ed Rendell, Newsweek
Elite Democrats Lose - Salena Zito, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Character Attacks Begin - Michael Crowley, The Observer
About Obama's Terrorist Acquaintance - Steve Chapman, Chicago Tribune
Why Did He Stick by Tony Rezko? - David Ignatius, Washington Post
Obama: Can't 'Swift Boat' Me - M. Hosenball and M. Isikoff, Newsweek
McCain Overcomes Rank-and-File Concerns - David Paul Kuhn, The Politico
Don't Blame the War for the Economy - Martin Neil Baily, New York Times
Still No Clarity on Dem Exit Strategies - Trudy Rubin, Philly Inquirer
^ Interesting article by *%#* Morris - I think he's right.

Hillary knows she can't win, but she wants Obama bloodied up so he can't win in November. That sets her up for 2012 nicely.
Originally Posted by blco02

^ Interesting article by *%#* Morris - I think he's right.

Hillary knows she can't win, but she wants Obama bloodied up so he can't win in November. That sets her up for 2012 nicely.

I think we all know that(but leave it up to a Repub to finally figure this one out), which is why Obama is not worried about HRC anymore, hence thedeclination of another debate.

^ I seriously doubt you had the insight to look forward to 2012 and know that Hillary is planning for it.

Of course Hillary has little to no chance, I know that. But the fact that she is staying in the race to bloody Obama to increase her chances in '12 is anew thought. One that I'm sure you hadn't thought about until I commented on that article.
Originally Posted by blco02

^ I seriously doubt you had the insight to look forward to 2012 and know that Hillary is planning for it.

Of course Hillary has little to no chance, I know that. But the fact that she is staying in the race to bloody Obama to increase her chances in '12 is a new thought. One that I'm sure you hadn't thought about until I commented on that article.

lol I know right
Originally Posted by blco02

^ I seriously doubt you had the insight to look forward to 2012 and know that Hillary is planning for it.

Of course Hillary has little to no chance, I know that. But the fact that she is staying in the race to bloody Obama to increase her chances in '12 is a new thought. One that I'm sure you hadn't thought about until I commented on that article.

Why else would someone be in a race other than to run as arepublican masked as a democrat? O and for you haters...

Obama adds a third new superdelegate in 24 hours

Posted: 10:04 AM ET

WASHINGTON (CNN) - Iowa Rep. Bruce Braley will endorse Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for president Wednesday, the fifth Democratic superdelegate to choose sides in less than 24 hours, an Obama aide confirms to CNN.

Braley, a first-term congressman who represents an eastern district that hugs the Illinois border, had originally backed John Edwards in the race for the Democratic nomination. He joins fellow Iowan and Democratic National Committee member Richard Machacek in publicly declaring his support for Obama this week. Machacek and Kentucky Rep. Ben Chandler both said Tuesday they were backing Obama, while North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley and Missouri Rep. Ike Skelton endorsed New York Sen. Hillary Clinton the same day.

Braley's decision to support Obama was first reported Wednesday morning by the Des Moines bureau of the Associated Press.
Would A Clinton Win Destroy the Party? - David Broder, Washington Post
Fault Line That Haunts Democrats - John Harwood, New York Times
Will McCain's Age Just Be a Number? - Jonathan Martin, The Politico
Wright Deflated Obamamania - Matthew Continetti, Weekly Standard
The Hypocrisy of Hurricane Jeremiah - Frank Rich, New York Times
Obama's Rhetorical Magic vs Reality - Mark Steyn, Orange County Register
Leaving Wright's America For Obama's - Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune
Appalachia Tests Obama - Wall Street Journal
Candidates Fuel Gas Tax Talk - Chicago Tribune
Obama's Wright Response Wins Him Superdelegates - The Hill
Hillary's Reverse Campaign - Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker
TheObamas: Are We Getting Two for One? - Christopher Hitchens, Slate
McCain Prepares for Fall Fight - Ron Claiborne, ABC News
Barack Obama's Internet Goldmine - Ed Lasky, American Thinker
The Resilient Religious Right - Henry Brinton, USA Today
Obama's Tired Campaign Needs Victory, New Life - Al Hunt, Bloomberg
Hillary's Strange Transformation - Rich Lowry, New York Post
Clinton Would Be the Bigger Gamble - Clive Crook, Financial Times
AboutThat Crush on Obama - Kurt Andersen, New York Magazine
The Party System and the '08 Campaign - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics
What Happened to Obama's Dialogue on Race? - Gregory Rodriquez, LAT

West Virginia country folk keep distance fromObama...


Obama Willing to Debate McCain at Town Halls This Summer...

ClintonA Sorry Sight on Way to Defeat - Michael Goodwin, NY Daily News
Obama Cool Under Pressure - David Ignatius, Washington Post
The Change We Can Believe In? - Joan Vennochi, Boston Globe
This Race Could Be a Wild One - David Yepsen, Des Moines Register
How'Team O' Plans to Take On the GOP - R. Wolffe & E. Thomas, Newsweek
The Company Obama Has Kept - Rod Dreher, Dallas Morning News
Obama Has Growing Problem w/White Voters - Juan Williams, NYDN
Hillary's Best Hope: Racism - Sherman Fredrick, Las Vegas Review-Journal
Obama Has Bigger Hurdles Than Race - McManus & Wallsten, LA Times
Obama's Pragmatic Politics, Forged on South Side - Becker & Drew, NYT
Barack Magically Unstained by 'The Chicago Way' - John Kass, Chi Tribune


[font=ARIAL,VERDANA,HELVETICA][size=+7]THE OBAMA MASS[/size][/font]

Democrats Again Whistling Dixie - Lengell & Lambro, Washington Times
GOP Turns to McCain to Reinvent Party - Jonathan Martin, The Politico
Will the Dem Race End on May 21? - Michael Barone, US News & World Rpt
If Not Hillary, Another Woman? - Kate Zernike, New York Times
McCain's Path to Victory - %!#% Morris, Washington Post
Obama's Culture War - Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune
The Prize Clinton Isn't Owed - George Will, Washington Post
In November: McCain & the Dems - John Brummett, LV Review-Journal
The Iconography of Obama - Jonathan Last, Weekly Standard
Turning Up the Heat on Hillary - Steve Kornacki, New York Observer
New Swing States Pop Up in '08 - Susan Page, USA Today
NC: Precursor to Victory or Defeat for Obama? - Steve Mitchell, RCP
Dems Are Taking a Huge Gamble on Obama - Richard Baehr, Am. Thinker
The McCain Blowout Fallacy - Bob Beckel, RealClearPolitics
Hillary's Persistence Irks Democrats - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
How McCain Can Win - Steven Stark, Boston Phoenix
McCain, Bush Embrace in Secret - Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg
Obama's Revisionist History - Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal
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