ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America


Obama Slams Clinton on Homestrech...
Texas caucus hardball: Clinton 'training materials'...
Crunch time: Hillary needs 2-state triumph...
Stumping for Clinton, Steinem Says McCain's P.O.W. Credis Overrated...
Repeat of Florida Democratic Primary?


Tomorrow is D-Day

I think she should concede tomorrow if she loses, we need to unite the Democratic party
smh @ people who don't vote.

I'm for Obama but for some reason I think Hillary is gonna surprise us.
NYVictory45 wrote:
smh @ people who don't vote.

I'm for Obama but for some reason I think Hillary is gonna surprise us.

everyone this year who is 18 and older should atlest tried to vote.
But i dont know if its just me but america isnt ready for a black president so they wont allow it, but if obama does win i'll be surpirsed and extremelyhappy OBAMA FTW
Apparently there's a ton of pressure on Clinton to drop if she does not win OH or Texas, while some are saying she needs to drop if she doesn't takeboth. I think she'll fare well in both states and the voters will not be tricked by the "hope. change. repeat" rhetoric from the Obama camp.
Tomorrow is a big day for us who live in Texas. For the first time in the short history of this great country a women and a man of color have the opportunityto change the course of this great nation. Personally I am voting for Obama in the Texas Primary but either democratic candidate would bring hope and welcomechange. It's going to be interesting to see how things play out in Ohio and the Lone Star state.
I'm not voting because there isn't a single canidate this time that I even remotely want in office. I can't even vote for someone else just tokeep another one out.
at this year's election.
JaiJai, which Congressional district do you live in? Districts 22 and 23 (or whatever Nick Lampson and Ciro Rodriguez's districts are) are also suppose tobe big tomorrow, at least on the GOP side. Ron Paul's seat is also being contested in the GOP primary.

I'm hoping that we can keep Lampson's seat. For those that don't know, Lampson is holding Tom Delay's former seat.
I live in TX, but im too lazy to vote tommorrow................

and by the way I dont think Hillary should drop as of yet. Even though I didn'tvote for her, she still has a chance...
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I'm not voting because there isn't a single canidate this time that I even remotely want in office. I can't even vote for someone else just to keep another one out.
at this year's election.

What do you consider yourself, ideology wise?
Originally Posted by airmaxes

I live in TX, but im too lazy to vote tommorrow................

and by the way I dont think Hillary should drop as of yet. Even though I didn't vote for her, she still has a chance...

Only reason Hillary should drop out is IF she were to get beat in BOTH Ohio & Texas by lets say 5-10+%..... which at this point does not seem likely, especially in Ohio.
Ok, this is ridiculous. Hillary knows she cant win, shes trying to take Obama down with her if she cant have it. Even if Obama loses the rest of theprimaries, and even if you award Michigan and Florida to Hillary, Obama will have won the most states, most pledged delegates, and most popular votes. How areyou not going to give him the nomination after that? If she wins after that, it would be a disgrace to the democratic process. Both sides will bust outlawyers, and this will get even uglier. If Obama and Hillary switched places, I would say the same thing. Wrap this up, stop wasting peoples money, lets geton with the general.
Obama vs Clinton. who ever wins that I will be happy. I'm for both. They have almost all of the same views with a few differences. So I don't care whowins just as long as McCain doesnt win. .......But I WILL be voting for Obama though.
Originally Posted by VABigPoppa

Ok, this is ridiculous. Hillary knows she cant win, shes trying to take Obama down with her if she cant have it. Even if Obama loses the rest of the primaries, and even if you award Michigan and Florida to Hillary, Obama will have won the most states, most pledged delegates, and most popular votes. How are you not going to give him the nomination after that? If she wins after that, it would be a disgrace to the democratic process. Both sides will bust out lawyers, and this will get even uglier. If Obama and Hillary switched places, I would say the same thing. Wrap this up, stop wasting peoples money, lets get on with the general.

Agreed with you until the last part. I actually think Obama would have realized that he had no chance of winning and just continued to do his thing. Or hewould have been pressured by the media to drop out.
Clinton is a terrible person. IT IS OVER FOR HER. Just go out with classs, she is trying to bring obama down with her. Shameless.
If Obama wins, McCain will win overall.

Obama is winning in the red states where you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote, in other words republicans could vote on him because they seeHilary as a bigger threat
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

If Obama wins, McCain will win overall.

Obama is winning in the red states where you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote, in other words republicans could vote on him because they see Hilary as a bigger threat
Actually this is totally inaccurate. Higher respected right-wingers (such as Rush Limbaugh) encouraged republicans to vote for Clinton instead of Obamabecause they wanted. Also, I dont know the last time you checked, but Obama is leading over McCain in the general election polls.
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