ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

That's not change we can believe in

McCain is a terrible speaker, he comes off like a robot. Nothing he talks about even comes off as genuine

This dude talking about special interests when his campaign is flooded with lobbyist
Here is Obama's speech that he will hold tonight in full

Obama Speech: In Full...

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Knowing TBONE he probably reported my thread. Damn republicans.

Actually I didn't....

I told you the same exact thread you made was locked earlier, so not surprising yours was too.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Am I the only one who hates the term "African American" ?!![/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I feel like breaking my %%%++#% television!![/color]
Originally Posted by WILLINC


how the hell did u find that speech ?

Drudge Report
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

You're going to jail for stealing the speech TBONE.

Drudge Report always comes through with the exclusives & good stuff/stories
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

That's not change we can believe in

McCain is a terrible speaker, he comes off like a robot. Nothing he talks about even comes off as genuine

This dude talking about special interests when his campaign is flooded with lobbyist
###% was he thinking. i truly can't trust anything that comes out of his mouth
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

By the way, I hate how McCain talks. His voice sounds so fake.

yes, because obama is oh so much better by stuttering and using "uhhhhh" between every other word.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

This dude talking about special interests when his campaign is flooded with lobbyist

meanwhile, the obama campaign is flush with special interest cash accepted via the middle man. but then, im sure you knew this...

Okay...and your point is?

That doesn't take away from the fact that McCain's voice strikes me as very fake and uninspiring.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

By the way, I hate how McCain talks. His voice sounds so fake.

yes, because obama is oh so much better by stuttering and using "uhhhhh" between every other word.

I like how you cant even admit Obama has one good quality. Seriously calm down
"thats naive and slightly idiotic considering clinton and obama virtually split the democratic popular vote. she probably has as many lunatic white womensupporting her as obama has lunatic black people supporting him. seriously, where do some of you get the information that formulates thoughts like these?"

I said this because I suspect that most of Clinton's supporters will rally behind Obama and the only ones who won't are the die-hard, lunatic,irrational Clinton supprters who judging by this weekend's decisions on MI anf FL seem to be older white women. I don't think Obama should be forcedinto picking Hillary based on the notion that he needs her base of support when IMO he can win most of it with a good VP pick aside from these few lunaticsupporters of hers. I agree with you that Obama has just as many lunatic supporters but they are irrelvent to the conversation since their idiotic andirrational views on Hillary won't be used as bargaining leverage to get Obama picked as Hillary's VP. Since this scenario isn't the one wecurrently face there is no reason to bring his irrational supporters into the conversation.
mr delorean...

Do you work for McCain? Good Lord.

Ease up. People have their opinions and you won't change them. You DO NOT have to have a rebuttal for everything someone says about him.

It's getting OD.
I said it a long time ago, I think hilary should be his vice. Itd be a good thing imo. She needa woman up.
Hats off to Hillary. She fought a tough fight and starting out by congratulating Obama was great.

Lets start to unify.

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