ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jm2000

Obama is going to demolish the senile old man.

There will be no "demolish"ing taking pace in the 2008 Election. It should be another close one.
Evidence #1:

As of right now....

So Obama is going to swing that around to like 302 to 326 or worse??

Oh there will be demolishing.. In the debates..It will be like Mark Madsen against Kobe
Keep thinking that. I love how people are already giving Obama the election.

No one is giving Obama the election. If you actually read what I typed, I said "In debates".You seriously think McCain can hang with Obama in a debate?

Obama may be a better talker.... BUT the 2 messages & views of the way Obama & McCain want to take the country are SO different thatyou're going to either side with Obama or McCain. And trust me McCain won't be backing down from Obama in any debates, he'll be defending himselfand going hard (as seen in the Republican debates vs Romney when they'd get into it). It'll be interesting.
I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jm2000

Obama is going to demolish the senile old man.

There will be no "demolish"ing taking pace in the 2008 Election. It should be another close one.
Evidence #1:

As of right now....

So Obama is going to swing that around to like 302 to 326 or worse??

Oh there will be demolishing.. In the debates..It will be like Mark Madsen against Kobe
Keep thinking that. I love how people are already giving Obama the election.

No one is giving Obama the election. If you actually read what I typed, I said "In debates".You seriously think McCain can hang with Obama in a debate?

Obama may be a better talker.... BUT the 2 messages & views of the way Obama & McCain want to take the country are SO different that you're going to either side with Obama or McCain. And trust me McCain won't be backing down from Obama in any debates, he'll be defending himself and going hard (as seen in the Republican debates vs Romney when they'd get into it). It'll be interesting.

I agree.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...

School me Son
, What does she have to lose going after it?
Obama is seriously an inspiring person with his rhetoric.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...

School me Son
, What does she have to lose going after it?
obviously she has nothing to lose (especially if shes still waiting for his assassination so she can take over) but the question is what does obamahave to lose. how many votes will her as VP gain vs votes lost? hard to say
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...

School me Son
, What does she have to lose going after it?

I think he was referring to her speech tonight and her handling of the whole situation in this campaign so far. By her attitude and the things she'ssaid over this race, she sometimes makes it seem as if McCain would be a better choice to be president than Obama would. Also with her ******ed speech tonight,she is further alienating Obama, hell he doesn't have to have her be his VP, she needs to endear herself to him and make him believe that they would beable to work together, as of right now, I don't see how that would be possible. Rodham has a lot of fence-mending to do. Also if she doesn't somewhattry and make an effort to unify the party and be a team player, she can pretty much forget about 2012, b/c everyone is gonna remember how much of a %%%**she's been
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...

School me Son
, What does she have to lose going after it?

This guy put it nicely....
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Hillary does not want to be VP in 2008. She is floating this out there today in order to control the media cycle and diminish what Obama hoped would be a historic night for himself.
The end game is an Obama loss in order for a 2012 win. She will do what it takes to be president eventually.

2012 could be a big influence here.... that's not to say though that she won't/wouldn't take the Vice President spot... it couldvery well happen.
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...

School me Son
, What does she have to lose going after it?
obviously she has nothing to lose (especially if shes still waiting for his assassination so she can take over) but the question is what does obama have to lose. how many votes will her as VP gain vs votes lost? hard to say

Does anybody think there is ANY possibility her taking a position in office lower than the VP?
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...

School me Son
, What does she have to lose going after it?
obviously she has nothing to lose (especially if shes still waiting for his assassination so she can take over) but the question is what does obama have to lose. how many votes will her as VP gain vs votes lost? hard to say

Does anybody think there is ANY possibility her taking a position in office lower than the VP?
back to the senate?
does anyone think obama will campaign in socal during the general election? or is california just irrelevant? i want to go to one of these rallies
WOW!!1...WHAT A SPEECH!!! i never vote now i cant wait to get out and vote...Obama FTW!1!2!1...omgogmgoMGgOMG!1!...
The last paragraph/verse of his speech will be assigned by teachers for students to be recited generations from now.
The issue with Obama that you and others seem to have is that he preaches and sells all of these promises...yet, has ultimately little experience. However, sometimes...you got to take a risk because it may turn out for the best. At this rate, I don't think we have much else to lose.

That's exactly how I feel as well.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

The last paragraph/verse of his speech will be assigned by teachers for students to be recited generations from now.


calm down dude, speech was good but not that good...
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I actually edited my post right when yall were quoting me so yeah....
He's saying all this good stuff because he knows he HAS TO have Clinton's votes.

It'll just be interesting to see if Clinton REALLY wants the VP or not...

School me Son
, What does she have to lose going after it?
obviously she has nothing to lose (especially if shes still waiting for his assassination so she can take over) but the question is what does obama have to lose. how many votes will her as VP gain vs votes lost? hard to say

Does anybody think there is ANY possibility her taking a position in office lower than the VP?
back to the senate?

sorry if i wasnt clear, but i meant a cabinet position? any chance of her going to far down the pole? or is it pretty much shooting for 2012?
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