ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by you big dummy



man this he wasn't conservative enough issue is nonsense if they picked a big conservative it would have been a 10 point lose. It was already a mandate youwould make it a "Reagan like landslide" Go ahead pick a big conservative in 2012 it will be another loss. Right now the republican party is inshambles and the two biggest names I have heard for 2012 is Jeb Bush (that will be game over before the conventions) and Sarah Palin which would be a mistakebecause she is a big reason McCain lost..

This is not a center right country it is a center left country based on the past 2 election cycles. If you want to call it center fine we can say that.

But hardcore conservatism does not work with this country, a moderate is and always will be best chance for Republicans. Because as the years pile on 2012,2016, 2020 this country will become more and more liberal/progressive.

If you want to think conservatism is what this country likes then go ahead and fool yourself into it. Drive that thought and your party off a cliff.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

QFT. Finger pointing and excuses galore. If Obama does not bring progress then America will vote him out in 2012, simple. Obama's victory was something bigger that Dem v. Rep. or Liberal v. Conservative. American people let the government and the rest of the world know that things are going to be different form the last 8 years. On November 4th America got its Swagger Back.
Obama gets his chance now.... now America will get to judge the job he does.
And you're exactly right... the majority of people (all be it only like 5-6%... McCain still got 58+ million votes) wanted something different then thepast 8 years.
So we'll all get to see what happens in the coming years.
Dr Spaceman:
I'd still like to know what values/beliefs Obama holds that will definitely continue to drive this country away from success and prosperity.

I keep asking that, but all i get is "just you watch".
From what I've seen, when people answer with with things like that ('Just you wait and see'), it's because they have no idea howto answer, but they are going to rely on the CERTAINTY that no one is perfect. So in this case, whenever Obama's fails to be perfect (and he will fail tobe perfect, since no one is perfect), THEN they will answer the question.

But right now?

Naaaah. They're waiting for the failure to be perfect, then they're going to be the first ones jumping up and down, proclaiming 'See! Toldy'all he was going to be the death of us all! What'd I tell you? I told you this was going to happen.'

And in reality, they didn't say anything except (like you said) 'Just wait and see.'

Originally Posted by Essential1

man this he wasn't conservative enough issue is nonsense if they picked a big conservative it would have been a 10 point lose. It was already a mandate you would make it a "Reagan like landslide" Go ahead pick a big conservative in 2012 it will be another loss. Right now the republican party is in shambles and the two biggest names I have heard for 2012 is Jeb Bush (that will be game over before the conventions) and Sarah Palin which would be a mistake because she is a big reason McCain lost..

This is not a center right country it is a center left country based on the past 2 election cycles. If you want to call it center fine we can say that.
But hardcore conservatism does not work with this country, a moderate is and always will be best chance for Republicans. Because as the years pile on 2012, 2016, 2020 this country will become more and more liberal/progressive.
If you want to think conservatism is what this country likes then go ahead and fool yourself into it. Drive that thought and your party off a cliff.
Naw you're wrong.
You may be right in that a more conservative person would have lost by more THIS time around.... that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the conservative valuespart.
Like I keep saying..... it has to do with BUSH and other idiot Republicans in office. They don't fully represent conservative values.

The Republican Party is not in shambles.... yes they have some work to do, I agree 100%.... but they just need to work on getting the right candidate and backto conservative values.

Those aren't the 2 biggest names..... Jeb Bush won't be anywhere near 2012 and neither will Palin. Sarah Palin is not getting nominated in 2012,period.

No you're wrong, it's more center right then center left. That'll be shown after Obama's presidency. Clinton was way more moderate then Obamais.
Based on the past 2 election cycles? That's nothing to base off....
The only reason we did so bad in 2006 & 2008 was because of a bunch of idiot Republicans in office and BUSH.

You guys really need to understand this statement....
Republican DOES NOT = Conservative
They are 2 different things.

You're obviously quite a liberal so I'll leave your last few comments alone.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dr Spaceman:
I'd still like to know what values/beliefs Obama holds that will definitely continue to drive this country away from success and prosperity.
I keep asking that, but all i get is "just you watch".
From what I've seen, when people answer with with things like that ('Just you wait and see'), it's because they have no idea how to answer, but they are going to rely on the CERTAINTY that no one is perfect. So in this case, whenever Obama's fails to be perfect (and he will fail to be perfect, since no one is perfect), THEN they will answer the question.
But right now?
Naaaah. They're waiting for the failure to be perfect, then they're going to be the first ones jumping up and down, proclaiming 'See! Told y'all he was going to be the death of us all! What'd I tell you? I told you this was going to happen.'
And in reality, they didn't say anything except (like you said) 'Just wait and see.'

It'd just take too long to write, in that it's complex and would be multiple significant paragraphs. It's a complexissue. One of these days I might have more time to explain it, I got a test tomorrow though, I'm out for the night.

Go Lakers though
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama's "Tax Cut" is not really a a Tax Cut at all, he's sending out checks, like Bush did.

There hasnt been a real Tax Cut in the US since my political idol Reagan.
Why would you idolize Reagan? You aren't from the inner city are you?
I am. Long Island City 41st ave 12th st AKA Queensbridge South Houses, originally.
He just happens to understand conservative principles and values and why he and many others believe it is the right way for the country.
And many others believe that he was the Anti Christ put on earth to torture the lower middle class and poor.

Believe it or not, that is a very small minority of our party.

Oh and Fede DPT, what are your thoughts that Sarah Palin handed out $2,000 rebate checks to every resident (including children and babies) of Alaska due to the states oil revenues? Is this not socialism?

Difference is that it was a "one time" rebate.
Fede, you were serious with your idolization of regan, no?

obamas tax plan is very similarly structured.

....or so I've HEARD......
Why not idolize Reagen? The man created close to 20 million jobs, he inherited unemployment at like 8%, inflation was I think 12%. He cut thespending on domestic programs, and passed very important Economy Acts in '81 and '86. People will criticize him for keeping the lower classes down, butthere was so much money going into public entitlement programs and so many of them were being abused. He wasn't perfect, but was the best presidentwe've had in the past century.

Actually you are correct, but he's doing in REVERSE.
Real talk, the main reason why McCain didn't get my vote (along with many of my family members) was because his selection of VP. I was undecided till themoment Palin was nominated. His campaign seemed to go downhill from there on, ex: "palling with terrorists". SMH.
It'd just take too long to write, in that it's complex and would be multiple significant paragraphs. It's a complex issue. One of these days I might have more time to explain it, I got a test tomorrow though, I'm out for the night.
It's a lot easier to resort to calling him a terrorist sympathizer, socialist, and value-empty person though I guess.
Oh and Fede DPT, what are your thoughts that Sarah Palin handed out $2,000 rebate checks to every resident (including children and babies) of Alaska due to the states oil revenues? Is this not socialism?

Difference is that it was a "one time" rebate.

i was referring to the Alaska Permanent Fund which pays out an annual dividend to all citizens of Alaska. Is this not socialism? Is this not a redistributionof wealth?
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Oh and Fede DPT, what are your thoughts that Sarah Palin handed out $2,000 rebate checks to every resident (including children and babies) of Alaska due to the states oil revenues? Is this not socialism?

Difference is that it was a "one time" rebate.

i was referring to the Alaska Permanent Fund which pays out an annual dividend to all citizens of Alaska. Is this not socialism? Is this not a redistribution of wealth?

Not quite.

The oil companies are paying Alaskans to extract oil from their land.
I made a post on the Hannity forums before i went to work... basically made a post about what i thought about their griping non stop and proclaiming that"Obama is not my president and i will show him no respect."

I just got home from work and apparently...

You have been banned for the following reason: troll
Date the ban will be lifted: Never
those people are a joke
Forget about ideology. It's time for practical solutions. This country should be able to agree on issues such as stem cellresearch, of shore oil drilling, and universal health care. This so called two party system needed a shaking. Obama is the best chance this country has tounify and get things done. If anything, he is a practical leader who knows that there is no room for politics in his Presidency.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Oh and Fede DPT, what are your thoughts that Sarah Palin handed out $2,000 rebate checks to every resident (including children and babies) of Alaska due to the states oil revenues? Is this not socialism?

Difference is that it was a "one time" rebate.

i was referring to the Alaska Permanent Fund which pays out an annual dividend to all citizens of Alaska. Is this not socialism? Is this not a redistribution of wealth?

Ohhhhh. She didnt start that fund, that fund was started in the '70's and I think it's actually an amendment in the constitution in the state ofAlaska. Plus, I dont think the fund takes away Income Taxes from oil companies. From what I understand, it's like Alaska invests within itself, thereturns are like dividends.
[h1]Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter (VIDEO)[/h1]


Now that the 2008 election is over, reporters are spilling all the juciest, and previously off the record, gossip from the campaign trail. Much of it is about the infighting between Palin and McCain's staff, as Newsweek's treasure trove of post-election gossip reveals. However, perhaps one of the most astounding and previously unknown tidbits about Sarah Palin has to do with her already dubious grasp of geography. According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, there was great concern within the McCain campaign that Palin lacked "a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency," in part because she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA, and she "didn't understand that Africa was a continent, rather than a series, a country just in itself."

***UPDATE*** Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron appeared on The O'Reilly Factor tonight and described in much fuller detail the truly astonishing behavior, and lack of knowledge, of Sarah Palin on the campaign trail, as well as the nasty infighting that resulted from, some would say, Palin's "diva" behavior. (Earlier today, Palin said reports of her "diva" behavior and any tension within the campaign were "absolutely false.")

Cameron relates how McCain aides were terrified of Palin's lack of knowledge of international and national issues, and even basic civics. Cameron reports that Palin was unfamiliar with the concept of "American exceptionalism," and that not only did she not understand that Africa was a continent rather than a single country but also that during debate prep Palin was unable to name all the nations in North America.

Palin was apparently a nightmare for her campaign staff to deal with. She refused preparation help for her interview with Katie Couric and then blamed her staff, specifically Nicole Wallace, when the interview was rightly panned as a disaster. After the Couric interview, Palin turned nasty with her staff and began to accuse them of mishandling her. Palin would view press clippings of herself in the morning and throw "tantrums" over the negative coverage. There were times when she would be so nasty and angry that her staff was reduced to tears.

Watch the clip from The O'Reilly Factor below.

http://www.huffingtonpost...ow-africa-i_n_141653.html� <----- Go here for video, at the bottom on the Bill O'Reilly show...

nothing needs to be said....
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dr Spaceman:
I'd still like to know what values/beliefs Obama holds that will definitely continue to drive this country away from success and prosperity.
I keep asking that, but all i get is "just you watch".
From what I've seen, when people answer with with things like that ('Just you wait and see'), it's because they have no idea how to answer, but they are going to rely on the CERTAINTY that no one is perfect. So in this case, whenever Obama's fails to be perfect (and he will fail to be perfect, since no one is perfect), THEN they will answer the question.

But right now?

Naaaah. They're waiting for the failure to be perfect, then they're going to be the first ones jumping up and down, proclaiming 'See! Told y'all he was going to be the death of us all! What'd I tell you? I told you this was going to happen.'

And in reality, they didn't say anything except (like you said) 'Just wait and see.'


Well the problem for me is I don't really know exactly what he stands for.

All i know is that:

Was against granting the Telecom immunity but than voted for it. -->lied

Was against extending the Patriot Act but voted for it in the end. --> lied

Was a main proponent of the bailout by actively lobbying members of the congressional Black Caucus who were mostly against it --> change?

Said that he would withdraw the troops from Iraq within 16 months but a few days alter his advisers said that in reality there would be a significantcontingent left (30-60K) --> Don't disagree with this but fact is he "misled" aka lied

The way in which he won his state senate seat. Yes, I know it's politics but he effectively disenfranchised voters.

Calls for "national civilian homeland security force" --> no thank you. No brownshirts needed.

Bob Rubin and Jon Corzine as economic advisers (former GS CEO's), Brezinski and son( an irrational Russia/China hater, Imperialist), Soros (only getsinvovled here he could make some money) --> Change?

During a Dem debate Obama (with all the other Dem candidates) said he opposed decriminalizing marijuana yet his stance before that was for decriminlization.--> I'm all for decriminalization. He can't stand on principle? Afraid of losing some votes?

Obama's reluctane to discuss his time at the Annanburg foundation.

His lies about his "not so close" association with Rezko. Lied about the amount of money he recieved from Rezko. --> Mayne you didn't doanything wrong but if you're running on "change" stop lying

Obama publicly said he'll renegotiate NAFTA but then his advisers told the Canadian government that it was just poltiical positioning. This was confirmedby senior Canadian officials including a memo from an Obama economic advisor but than they quickly retracted their statements.

there's more........

I can make a list just as long for McCain.

The point is this is why I think Obama is full of empty rhetoric at best or is a pathological liar aka staus quo politician at worst.
Either way I won't buy his bill of goods until he takes concrete steps to show ":change".

I want to believe him but I can't.
TBone republican is always equated to conservative (NO NOT EVERY REPUBLICAN IS CONSERVATIVE, BUT EVERY CONSERVATIVE IS REPUBLICAN, whether admitted or not),same as progerssive/liberal is equated to democrat... It doesn't matter what caused the huge shift it happened, and by the way Bush was the TOP of yourparty whether you like it or not.

And prove this country is not center right... Go ahead Sarah Palin was the choice to sure that up and whoop-si-daisy she became the most disliked VP candidateever.... Its neither center right nor center left it has moved to the left to put it in the center....

And based on you needing to develop a good candidate I would like to see who it is because right now you don't have one because you will not run a moderatebecause the leaders of the party feel the Christian Right (check who runs the party.. It would be them) is what people enjoy but it is not in this time or forthe future ever.

So go ahead move even further past McCain, you know Palin is your party's "biggest choice" now and unless you have an Obama like republican upyour sleeve then you won't develop the right candidate. Because your party IS IN SHAMBLES BECAUSE THE LEADERS of your party is running around like abeheaded chicken saying oh man we need to further from the majority of American vote and sure up the base AGAIN..

Keep doing it if you like and your only chance is if Obama is an epic fail and that is highly doubtful.
So Alaska's collective ownership of its natural resources and then its appropriation of money earned from those resources to all of its citizens does notconstitute anything resembling socialism or redistribution of wealth or welfare?

...i get it.
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