ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by swizzc

i voted for mccain... dont like obama one bit.. BUT i hope he does well in his term so our country moves out of these tough times. i will respect him as a man
and a president even if i did not vote for him, because i feel that the president deserves that. for all our sake i hope he does well

its republicans like you who should really strive to speak up and get attention, the majority of republicans on NT make you guys as a whole look horrible
I agree.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Originally Posted by EvansST

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Palin is getting exposed on Olberman right now, looks like she spend more than what was reported earlier in regards to the Nieman Marcus shopping sprees. Joe the Plumber yesterday, Sarah Palin today, and I'm loving it.
Why do they care about them?

Obama won and they talking about Joe the Plumber & Palin???..... just shows who Olberman is. What a sad person.
Palin was exposed on O'Reilly too.
Okay like we don't know what good ol Keith was up to

I'd sock that dude in his face if I ever saw him.

I don't know how Palin was "exposed" on O'Reilly but [size=10"]Palin doesn't deserve any blame for what happened in this election
She didn't decide to be apart of this election... she was asked by McCain.
Yeah her inexperience as a politician led her to a few mistakes.... but what'd you expect out of someone with that little of experience?
It's not like she can speak as well as Obama.[/size]

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama's "Tax Cut" is not really a a Tax Cut at all, he's sending out checks, like Bush did.

There hasnt been a real Tax Cut in the US since my political idol Reagan.
Why would you idolize Reagan? You aren't from the inner city are you?
Palin doesn't deserve any blame for what happened in this election.....
You are blind my man.
I WANT Obama to do well for the sake of our country!!
Do I THINK he's going to do well? Not with the policies/beliefs he has....

Sure, says the guy posting on NT 24/7. Get out the house and go and experience something. Change the world.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .

dude... i asked that same question in like 3 different posts and never got an answer.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama's "Tax Cut" is not really a a Tax Cut at all, he's sending out checks, like Bush did.

There hasnt been a real Tax Cut in the US since my political idol Reagan.
Why would you idolize Reagan? You aren't from the inner city are you?

I am. Long Island City 41st ave 12th st AKA Queensbridge South Houses, originally.
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .

dude... i asked that same question in like 3 different posts and never got an answer.

The answer to this is simple.

Black People are lazy, so are latinos, and so are all the other people who don't make as much.
People who inherited millions from their parents worked so hard to work at choosing their parents.
That is what they believe, but you will never receive a good answer, because there isn't one.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx



Because I don't agree with everyone here and you know I'm right, you post a stupid video that isn't one bit funny...

Is it because you don't have anything to say, sir?.... shows real good character btw

not that we disagree..it's more because you're spewing nothing but ridiculousness right about now.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

"O'Reilly "All the old values are gone. We're old men, and we are going to die soon."

Is that the rough draft to his suicide note? damn
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx



Because I don't agree with everyone here and you know I'm right, you post a stupid video that isn't one bit funny...

Is it because you don't have anything to say, sir?.... shows real good character btw

You see, there is no point in arguing with you, man.

We're talking hypothetical scenarios.

You believe that everyone in this country has equal opportunity.

You think Barack Obama is going to raise taxes on everyone, and somehow not redistribute taxes in a way that helps our country. I disagree.

You're the kind of person who assumes that your tax dollars go to some lazy woman with 8 kids by 5 fathers who smokes crack on her free time. I don'tsee any point in arguing with you at this point.

What is it that you would like to discuss?

If it would make you stop kicking your computer, I'll take down the video.
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx



Because I don't agree with everyone here and you know I'm right, you post a stupid video that isn't one bit funny...

Is it because you don't have anything to say, sir?.... shows real good character btw
not that we disagree..it's more because you're spewing nothing but ridiculousness right about now.

ok fine.. we'll see just how riduculous I am in a few years...
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx



Because I don't agree with everyone here and you know I'm right, you post a stupid video that isn't one bit funny...

Is it because you don't have anything to say, sir?.... shows real good character btw
not that we disagree..it's more because you're spewing nothing but ridiculousness right about now.
ok fine.. we'll see just how riduculous I am in a few years...

You really prefer the "I told you so" route over the hoping for prosperity of our nation? i really hope not. division will get usnowhere. Its people with ideologies that parallel yours that don't allow things to go foward.
� Why contribute to social staleness? what's the point?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Name one government that taxed itself into prosperity... name one!
nobody has answered this for me yet?. Oh, I know why... because there aren't any...

You're assuming that Barack Obama is going to go against what he said and raise taxes on everyone.

Am I wrong?
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .
im still waiting for ol' boy to answer this.

Steve Schwartzman made almost a cool billion 2 years ago. It blows my mind for anyone to say someone worked hard to make that kind of money, as if the personworking 3 jobs is at fault for being poor.

I'm 24 and I make in the upper 5 figures and have no pretense that there are tons of people out there who work harder than I do yet receive nowhere near mysalary. I sit in front of a computer all day. The 15 year old barista at Starbucks probably works 'harder' than i do in a given day. Income is in noway a barometer of hard work.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Originally Posted by EvansST

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Palin is getting exposed on Olberman right now, looks like she spend more than what was reported earlier in regards to the Nieman Marcus shopping sprees. Joe the Plumber yesterday, Sarah Palin today, and I'm loving it.
Why do they care about them?

Obama won and they talking about Joe the Plumber & Palin???..... just shows who Olberman is. What a sad person.
Palin was exposed on O'Reilly too.
Okay like we don't know what good ol Keith was up to

I'd sock that dude in his face if I ever saw him.
I don't know how Palin was "exposed" on O'Reilly but Palin doesn't deserve any blame for what happened in this election.....
She didn't decide to be apart of this election... she was asked by McCain.
Yeah her inexperience as a politician led her to a few mistakes.... but what'd you expect out of someone with that little of experience?
It's not like she can speak as well as Obama.
She was offered the position, and she chose to accept.
Don't try to make Sarah Palin out to be an innocent bystander.
Who would decline the chance to be VP???
@Joe the Plumber.

Still grasping at the idea of Obama the Socialist.

Joe was on Welfare? Damn, they're getting at him on Fox News.

Joe is losing. He needs to turn down these interviews, 'cause he looks like more of an idiot every single day.
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx



Because I don't agree with everyone here and you know I'm right, you post a stupid video that isn't one bit funny...

Is it because you don't have anything to say, sir?.... shows real good character btw
not that we disagree..it's more because you're spewing nothing but ridiculousness right about now.
ok fine.. we'll see just how riduculous I am in a few years...
You really prefer the "I told you so" route over the hoping for prosperity of our nation? i really hope not. division will get us nowhere. Its people with ideologies that parallel yours that don't allow things to go foward.
� Why contribute to social staleness? what's the point?

I hope our Nation will prosper and I hope he does a good job... but our nation will not prosper under Obama... it is what it is

Hoping can only get us so far... hoping will not do our country any good... we have to make our country good
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

She was offered the position, and she chose to accept.

Don't try to make Sarah Palin out to be an innocent bystander.
She tried very hard to get her position as the running mate. Don't believe that BS that she didn't decide to be a part of the election.
What are you talking about???

McCain was actaully going to pick Lieberman.... until his advisers told him that he needed someone more conservative.... and then since Clinton wasn'tpicked for VP by Obama, they chose Palin.
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