ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

did you read the next line dude? LMAO HAHAHAHA
smh, you don't think there's anything wrong with that? you have yet to add anything of substance to this topic, only things thataren't important to the core of this election
Originally Posted by back1ntheday

Originally Posted by tylerdub

let's not belittle those that support an opposing candidate with the idea that somehow they are less intelligent and less capable of making good decisions, that's just ignorant
I disagree whole heartedly.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

did you read the next line dude? LMAO HAHAHAHA
It is about who can get us out of this current mess

That line? McCain is the answer?
Let me repeat what Isaid.. the guy who VOTED in line with his party and Bush 90% of the time, the one that caused all this mess, is the one that will get us out of this mess?
So the one responsible for all the mistakes will be the one to fix themistakes?

Like I said.. .

o lord why like i said to all my friends mccain is gonna win
...but bythe beard of zeus please let obama win i seriously think that this mccain dude is just going to lead us in an even worse direction!when ever i hear this dudespeak i think of bush..it really scares me the road america is going in
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Its not about the mess the Republicans have gotten us into. It is about who can get us out of this current mess, (which, frankly, isn't all that bad when you put it into historical perspective). These polls are showing that the American people are intelligent and capable of making good decisions, no matter how hard professors, celebrities and the media, try to affect us. Americans are showing that they can see the smart choice is McCain and not Obama. Specifically, not Obama.
I officially stopped reading there.
the only good thing for obama is he's still leading in the electoral college. he could possibly lose the popular vote and still win ala bush in 2000.let's see the new state polls coming out soon.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Yeah I just watched the same type of scenario on MSNBC early this morning. Now given the map you currently have, Obama can still win the electionwithout winning either Florida or Ohio. Just have Obama win Colorado and Virginia on that map of yours and election night will be a wrap.
Check this video
GOOD video of a 10 minute span on MSNBC talking about the most recent polls & all the key issues right now
I actually like Chuck Todd for the most part

DF? I just got introduced to James Woosley Jr., former CIA Director under Bill Clinton and now Senior Energy Advisor to McCain. PWhahahha, what trip he worksin my office as a consultant.
I'm sure if Kerry was president, then my friends wouldn't have lost their house to foreclosure? Combine that with the Republicans causing gas prices tosoar...seriously, I don't get why people think it's the administrations fault for EVERYTHING.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by tylerdub

Its not about the mess the Republicans have gotten us into. It is about who can get us out of this current mess, (which, frankly, isn't all that bad when you put it into historical perspective). These polls are showing that the American people are intelligent and capable of making good decisions, no matter how hard professors, celebrities and the media, try to affect us. Americans are showing that they can see the smart choice is McCain and not Obama. Specifically, not Obama.

Ok lets FORGET Iraq. Forget soaring HIGH ENERGY COSTS. Forget the Home Mortgage Crisis. Lets forget all the things that the Republicans did to put us in this mess so we can elect another Republican that will somehow save us even though the candidate voted in line with Bush and his Republican party 90% of the time.
Dumbest logic ever.
The use of force in Iraq was approved by almost every member of Congress. Guess what that means? Democrats voted to use force and go to war inIraq.
High energy costs were caused by Bill Clinton vetoing the bill that would've allowed drilling in ANWAR.
The home martgage crisis was caused by private institutions.
Originally Posted by aztec06jr

Lol @ Mr. Obama Fanboy not knowing that major newspapers endorse candidates.
, doesn't make it right. These endorsements makea mockery of the democratic system.
Fact Check: Palin and the Bridge to Nowhere Mon Sep 8, 2:25 PM ET WASHINGTON - A new ad from John McCain's presidential campaign contends his running mate,Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." In fact, Palin was for the infamous bridge before she was against it ADVERTISEMENT THESPIN: Called "Original Mavericks," the ad asserts the Republican senator has fought pork-barrel spending, the drug industry and fellow Republicans,reforming Washington in the process, and credits Palin with similarly changing Alaska by taking on the oil industry, challenging her own party and ditching thebridge project that became a national symbol of wasteful spending. Obama spokesman Bill Burton came back with fighting words. "Despite being discreditedover and over again by numerous news organizations, the McCain campaign continues to repeat the lie that Sarah Palin stopped the Bridge to Nowhere," hesaid. Burton said McCain would merely carry on supporting President Bush's economic, health, education, energy and foreign policies, and that means"anything but change." THE FACTS: Palin did abandon plans to build the nearly $400 million bridge from Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents andan airport. But she made her decision after the project had become an embarrassment to the state, after federal dollars for the project were pulled back anddiverted to other uses in Alaska, and after she had appeared to support the bridge during her campaign for governor. McCain and Palin together have told abroader story about the bridge that is misleading. She is portrayed as a crusader for the thrifty use of tax dollars who turned down an offer from Washingtonto build an expensive bridge of little value to the state. "I told the Congress 'thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge to Nowhere," she saidin her convention speech last week. That's not what she told Alaskans when she announced a year ago that she was ordering state transportation officials toditch the project. Her explanation then was that it would be fruitless to try to persuade Congress to come up with the money. "It's clear thatCongress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island," Palin said then. Palin indicated during her2006 campaign for governor that she supported the bridge, but was wishy-washy about it. She told local officials that money appropriated for the bridge"should remain available for a link, an access process as we continue to evaluate the scope and just how best to just get this done." She vowed todefend Southeast Alaska "when proposals are on the table like the bridge and not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into somethingthat's so negative" - something that McCain was busy doing at the time, as a fierce critic of the bridge. Even so, she called the bridge design"grandiose" during her campaign and said something more modest might be appropriate. Palin's reputation for standing up to entrenched interestsin Alaska is genuine. Her self-description as a leader who "championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress" is harder to squarewith the facts. The governor has cut back on pork-barrel project requests, but in her two years in office, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in specialfederal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. And as mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually tosupport earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. ___ By Calvin Woodward. http://news.yahoo.com/s/a...ixfBj8LHBpzqAkKNrRGJh24cA
^^^ im at work and for whatever reason, paragraphing and spacing do not occur when i post.
crazy ... i could have sworn obama flip flopped on some things ... and even crazier, i know when i make my initial assessment of a situation i sometimes changemy view when i get all the facts ... but that must just be me ... and i guess sarah palin ... lol
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