ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should atleast have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, butnothing substantial.
So you are saying the only way to truly care for this country is enlist in the army?

Time you hit the delorean and travel back to 85 with that nonsense.

I want to do community work (charities, community organizing, mentoring) so say I don't have the balls. My balls is to call out the government on their++#@#%+% and your ++#@#%+%
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.
joining the military is the only way to show your concern for the country?
So you are saying the only way to truly care for this country is enlist in the army?

Time you hit the delorean and travel back to 85 with that nonsense.

I want to do community work (charities, community organizing, mentoring) so say I don't have the balls. My balls is to call out the government on their++#@#%+% and your ++#@#%+%

edit: my bad hit post button comp froze and it posted twice.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.

So fighting is the only option? Concern for this country? What about concern for THE WORLD? Or are we the only people that matter? We don't give a !@#%about anyone else. Stay disrespecting people and enforcing our beliefs on them and then we wonder why they are defensive. What gives us the right to choosewhat's right or wrong for others in this world? Why did we get attacked on 9/11 in the first place? I guess you believe that the terrorist just woke up oneday and drew a name out of a hat. Attacked poor little America for no reason at all. What bullies right? Picking on us for no reason and thats why we mustfight back?...Come on, I know you're a lot smarter than that. I rather Republicans just admit that they really don't give a !@#% about anyone butthemselves than to use fear and BS as justification for acts of selfishness.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.

Couldn't disagree more. People who don't enlist can't question their potential leadership?

All I see out of this election season is a party that shamelessly diverts from the fact that it has failed us for 8 years and has pulled this race into amudslinging mess. Democrats have no choice but to play into their petty "politics" to defend themselves, or otherwise be portrayed as inexperiencedand sexist.

I also see media coverage that is entirely focused on painting candidates in a way that gives each an equal chance at the presidency, regardless of theirpotential to be the best leader, so that the race will look "close" and election coverage will get higher ratings. ISSUES should be open to debate.VOTING RECORDS, such as Sarah Palin's "bridge to nowhere" nonsense, that the Republican Party straight up LIED about, CAN and SHOULD be discussedon the news, and the FACTS should be established by news anchors. THERE SHOULD BE NO "DEBATE" OVER FACTS ON THE NEWS. FACTS ARE FACTS.

I'm so disgusted by this election season... It makes me MORE embarrassed to be an American than the Iraq nonsense ever did.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.
Are you enlisted? If so--thank you.
naw if he is enlisted fine I respect that and it's honorable but when you cross the line and question someone else's patriotism based on whether theyare in the military or not that is where I cross the line. I will give you your just due but I will not bow down and worship the land he walks on. Get thatright there clear. Thanks for doing what you did. But you are not better than me no way and never will be.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.

ummm.........you do know all of us citizens get involved in public service as a way to express pride and concern for our country, right? I'm pretty sure alot of people became politicians by being active in charities, doing community service, mentoring, etc.
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.

Couldn't disagree more. People who don't enlist can't question their potential leadership?

All I see out of this election season is a party that shamelessly diverts from the fact that it has failed us for 8 years and has pulled this race into a mudslinging mess. Democrats have no choice but to play into their petty "politics" to defend themselves, or otherwise be portrayed as inexperienced and sexist.

I also see media coverage that is entirely focused on painting candidates in a way that gives each an equal chance at the presidency, regardless of their potential to be the best leader, so that the race will look "close" and election coverage will get higher ratings. ISSUES should be open to debate. VOTING RECORDS, such as Sarah Palin's "bridge to nowhere" nonsense, that the Republican Party straight up LIED about, CAN and SHOULD be discussed on the news, and the FACTS should be established by news anchors. THERE SHOULD BE NO "DEBATE" OVER FACTS ON THE NEWS. FACTS ARE FACTS.

I'm so disgusted by this election season... It makes me MORE embarrassed to be an American than the Iraq nonsense ever did.
i see a lot of lack of reading comprehension in the past several responses to my post. i never once criticized anyones right to dissent. tooversimplify it for the impaired: independents will decide this election. i am an independent, and veteran. no one is qualified to judge a persons concernor compassion for a country they have committed years of their life in service to. hopefully, thats more clear.
Something for your late night reading pleasure.....

[h3]Today's Polls, 9/10[/h3]
Better late than never, right?

Lots of interesting polling data today, but the headline is that our model has now pretty much fully caught up with John McCain's bounce -- attributing him with about a 1 point lead in the national popular vote. As a result, it also now regards him as the slight favorite to win the Electoral College. As I've disclaimed before, however, we are still in the immediate aftermath of the convention period, and as such all polls need to be treated cautiously. The next movement in the polls is still more likely to be toward Obama than toward McCain.


The two results that jump out to me are New Mexico and West Virginia. New Mexico polling has been all over the board all year, but Rasmussen -- which had generally had pretty good numbers for Obama in the state -- now shows a 2-point advantage for John McCain. Obama led by just 5 points among Hispanic voters in this poll; he'll likely need to win that group by at least 10 to have a better-than-even chance of taking the state.

New Mexico is also a symbolically important state because losing it would break Obama's firewall -- his seeming path-of-least-resistance to 270 electoral votes consisting of the Kerry states plus Iowa, New Mexico, and Colorado. For the time being, however, in consideration of other polling in the state as well as its demographics, our model still regards Obama as the favorite in New Mexico, although it also presently regards John McCain as a slight favorite in Colorado.

On the other side of the coin is West Virginia, where a Mark Blankenship Enterprises poll shows John McCain ahead by just 5 points, with a high number of undecideds. This poll has a small sample size and I don't know much about the firm, although it's apparently been polling WVA for quite a while. Those caveats aside, however, if West Virginia is truly polling at just 5 points in the midst of McCain's convention bounce, it becomes a pretty interesting state. Remember, there are a lot of Democrats in West Virginia, and a particularly large number of Clinton Democrats, a group which may be coming home to Obama even amidst his difficulties. And there are not a lot of evangelicals; West Virginia is fairly culturally conservative, but it is not Southern ethnographically. There are scattered reports that Obama has devoted more resources to West Virginia; it remains a long-shot for him, but his staff would surely be doing more good there than somewhere like Alaska.

CNN has a series of polling out in Michigan, New Hampshire, Missouri and Virginia. Obama leads in the two Kerry states -- Michigan and New Hampshire -- while trailing in the Bush states, Missouri and Virginia. I don't find any of these numbers terribly surprising. While McCain's numbers have surged among independents, and New Hampshire has the highest percentage of independents in the country, independents are less homogeneous than either Democrats or Republicans, and the sort of high-info, libertarianish variety that is common to New Hampshire probably won't take well to Sarah Palin. Also, note that I use the version of these polls with the third-party candidates included; most outlets will report the other version.

Public Policy Polling shows a 4-point lead for John McCain in North Carolina, quite a contrast to SurveyUSA's 20. It appears that PPP weighted by party ID, whereas SurveyUSA did not, which accounts for most of the difference. Yesterday, I was pretty dismissive of North Carolina as a tipping point state for Barack Obama -- and even after seeing the PPP poll, I still am. It is not that the state is completely out of reach for Obama, but that it's difficult to conjure up any realistic scenario in which it's the state to put him over the top to 270 electoral votes.

Strategic Vision has Obama just 2 points ahead in Pennsylvania. This looks like bad news for Obama, but Strategic Vision has a Republican lean, and has had some particularly weird polling out in Pennsylvania all year, which has ranged from McCain +10 to Obama +9. At this point, Pennsylvania is still not quite a top-tier swing state, though if Quinnipiac comes out with the same numbers, the model right be ready to change its mind.

Lastly, North Dakota has probably followed Montana off Obama's board. This looks like it's basically going to be a seven-state election: Ohio and Michigan; Virgina and Florida; Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. Throw New Hampshire and Pennsylvania in there if you want to be conservative, and perhaps Indiana and West Virginia if you want to be aggressive. But Sarah Palin quickly partisanized the electorate, and gave us a considerably less fun map.

Oh yeah -- and Sarah Palin has given John McCain one heck of a VP bounce in Alaska. For purposes of calculating the trendline curve, I'm treating the pre-Palin and post-Palin Alaska polls as discontinuous series, since it's not quite fair to ding Obama with a 30-point hit. We'll do the same with Delaware polls, if anyone decides to survey that state again.
Originally Posted by androo829

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.
Are you enlisted? If so--thank you.
US army 96-02. just a vet in the private sector now. but it appears youre the only person that got the gist of my point.
Delorean since i started this I was saying in my original post I never was trying to get republicans to vote Obama or swing independents I was saying how dorepublicans have the audicity to sit back and let this happen do you guys have no courage, or is it that you DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT IS HUMANE AND BEST FORTHIS COUNTRY..

I can judge your character all I want because you called out my character. Character is not just what you do but what you say.

So thank you for enlisting and fighting.. But thanks also for being a pawn to the most ridiculous, insane and uninformed circus in US History thanks to yourparty. You fighting in a war is no greater than people who are out trying to fight for this country here.

So before you question my concern do onto others as you will have done onto you.

Really I respect veterans but why is it you feel I need to bow down and kiss your feet?
Olbermann went off..
, but it was a sincere message that I felt wasn't all about the politics. I 100% cosign with him about Guiliani though, and the way it was handled. What I hate most about the Republicans' way of politics is the way they're using fear to get people's votes.
you gotta love olbermann, i remember when he went on another rant a few years ago about fear-mongering and how our gov't basically used ourpost 9/11 patriotism against us to garner support for wars. this man talks the truth. and as to the republicans using fear tactics by implying democratscan't defend our country i think obama said it best, "We are the party of Roosevelt. We are the party of Kennedy. So don't tell methat Democrats won't defend this country. Don't tell me that Democrats won't keep us safe.The Bush-McCain foreign policy has squandered the legacythat generations of Americans, Democrats and Republicans, have built, and we are here to restore that legacy."
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
if mccain wins it will be because of independents, not republicans. and before you judge someone elses concern for this country, you should at least have the balls to sign on the dotted line, put on the uniform and put in your own service. i typically see a lot of empty rhetoric in these topics, but nothing substantial.

Couldn't disagree more. People who don't enlist can't question their potential leadership?

All I see out of this election season is a party that shamelessly diverts from the fact that it has failed us for 8 years and has pulled this race into a mudslinging mess. Democrats have no choice but to play into their petty "politics" to defend themselves, or otherwise be portrayed as inexperienced and sexist.

I also see media coverage that is entirely focused on painting candidates in a way that gives each an equal chance at the presidency, regardless of their potential to be the best leader, so that the race will look "close" and election coverage will get higher ratings. ISSUES should be open to debate. VOTING RECORDS, such as Sarah Palin's "bridge to nowhere" nonsense, that the Republican Party straight up LIED about, CAN and SHOULD be discussed on the news, and the FACTS should be established by news anchors. THERE SHOULD BE NO "DEBATE" OVER FACTS ON THE NEWS. FACTS ARE FACTS.

I'm so disgusted by this election season... It makes me MORE embarrassed to be an American than the Iraq nonsense ever did.
i see a lot of lack of reading comprehension in the past several responses to my post. i never once criticized anyones right to dissent. to oversimplify it for the impaired: independents will decide this election. i am an independent, and veteran. no one is qualified to judge a persons concern or compassion for a country they have committed years of their life in service to. hopefully, thats more clear.

No, man... EVERYONE who votes decides the election. And the downright shameful tactics employed by both parties, but mostly the Republican party, distractingvoters from what really matters in this country (Lipstick? give me a MFing break.....), is going to have an outcome on this election, large or small.

....And that disgusts me. My reading comprehension is just fine, thank you.
(CNN) -- An Alaska judge warned Gov. Sarah Palin's family against trying to get her then-brother-in-law fired, according to court records.

Investigators want to know if Sarah Palin tried to use her position improperly to get her former brother-in-law fired.

That warning came long before the controversy over her dismissal of the brother-in-law's boss, the state's public safety commissioner, records show.

Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president, is battling allegations she and her advisers pressured Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan to fire hersister's husband, State Trooper Mike Wooten.

Palin's sister, Molly McCann, and Wooten were in the process of getting a divorce when the judge hearing the couple's case said McCann's familyappeared to be putting Wooten's job at risk at a time when he would be required to pay child support.

"It appears for the world that Ms. McCann and her family have decided to take after the guy's livelihood, that whatever who did what to whom hasoverridden good judgment," Superior Court Judge John Suddock said during an October 2005 hearing. "Aesop told us not to slay the goose that lays thegolden egg. For whatever reason, people are trying to slay the goose here, and it tends to diminish his earning capacity."

At the time, Palin was a private citizen and would not become governor until 2006. In complaints filed with the state police, she and other relatives hadaccused Wooten of threatening her family during the divorce.

Suddock was in the process of settling the couple's property and child-support arrangements in the 2005 hearing. The judge said his decision might havebeen different had Wooten's continued employment with the state police been more certain.

"The plaintiff's table has created a situation where that is a very fragile outcome," he said.

Wooten's union representative testified that the trooper was the subject of a "constant stream" of complaints from his ex-wife's family."If things don't change, Mike's career is in jeopardy," the union rep said.

"My advice to Mike was to find another job," said John Cyr, now executive director of the Public Safety Employees Association. "I think heneeds, career-wise, to look for work elsewhere."

CNN obtained audio recordings of the hearing from the court clerk's office in Anchorage, Alaska. Roberta Erwin, the attorney who represented McCann,declined comment on the case Wednesday, and other representatives of the governor did not immediately return phone calls.

Wooten was suspended for five days in March 2006, after state police commanders determined he had used a Taser on his 10-year-old stepson "in a trainingcapacity," drove his patrol car while drinking beer and illegally shot a moose using his wife's hunting permit.

In a February 2008 hearing over new custody issues, Wooten briefly complained that "disparagement" by his ex-wife's family was continuing.

Complaints about Wooten from Palin and her family have been under scrutiny since Gov. Palin's July firing of Monegan, whose duties included management ofthe state police force. After his dismissal, Monegan said he was fired because he refused to succumb to pressure from the governor's office to fire Wooten,and his allegations have led to an investigation by the state Legislature.

Palin has denied any wrongdoing, saying the commissioner was removed because of disagreements over budget issues. Her attorneys have called Wooten a"rogue trooper" and said no one in the governor's family knew of his suspension until after Monegan's dismissal.

Spokesmen for Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign have said the legislative probe has become a "political circus" since McCain tapped Palinas his running mate in August.

Palin originally pledged to cooperate with the investigation and disclosed that members of her administration had contacted state police officials nearly twodozen times to discuss Wooten. But last week, she asked the state personnel board to conduct its own probe, and a string of witnesses has failed to show up atscheduled depositions with the investigator hired by the Legislature.

Last week, Cyr's union filed its own complaint against Palin and top aides, accusing them of improperly attempting to use confidential information fromWooten's personnel files against him. The McCain campaign says Wooten agreed to release his files during the divorce proceedings, and the information wasin the public domain.
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?
That was incredible. I'm so fired up right now. I really wish I could see the face of any Republican (especially that roach Giuliani) as he watches that speech. Damn.
seriously, i found giuliani's speech to be a complete #@#!*@ joke entirely
Olbermann is a one trick pony political analyst. he does the same rant and rave performance over and over again, but changes the names of the people he usesfor his platform. don't be fooled by anyone on any of those cable news network when it comes to information. it's just embarrassing how networks havecorrupted the way the news is being delivered nowadays for the sake of ratings. I'm not a Republican or Democrat. I consider myself an Independent, eventhough I usually side more with the Democrats. people need to understand politics is a dirty game played by dirty people from both sides. I think TBONE goesoverboard with some of his posts, but I honestly get a kick out them, and give him props for the updates of this Presidential race. at the same time, a fewObama supporters in here are also going way overboard with some of their posts. if anyone thinks McCain has gone this far without talking about issues to thepeople he's "targeting" you are sadly mistaken. both parties did not get this far without issues being involved. the problem is, both partieshave been giving the American people limited explanation on the issues. we will get the full impact of the issues from both Obama and McCain during thedebates. it has always been this way, and will always continue to be this way.

I will be voting for Obama, but this was a bad 3 days for the dem-party. you can almost feel the momentum swing slowly moving towards McCain.
@ Biden with those quotes about Hillary probably being a better pick as VP. does Bidendrink? did anyone see Biden yesterday telling Columbia, MO State Senator Chuck Graham to stand? Chuck Graham is in a wheelchair.
i 100%agree with what olbermann said about the 9/11 video showed at the RNC.
when i watched it, that was all i could think of. how sick are these people to exploit this situation in our nations history to benefit their campaign.
scare tactics
ServiceNation Announces Columbia University to Host
"ServiceNation Presidential Candidates Forum"

Presidential Candidates John McCain and Barack Obama will Kick-off the Two-day Summit on Civic Engagement and Public Service on Sept. 11

In their first joint appearance since the party conventions, presidential nominees JohnMcCain and Barack Obama will discuss service and civic engagement in the post-9/11, post-Katrina world during the primetime televised "ServiceNationPresidential Candidates Forum" on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 11, hosted by Columbia University in the City of New York, as part of the ServiceNationSummit.

The Forum is being organized by ServiceNation, a dynamic new coalition of 110organizations that has a collective reach of some 100 million Americans and is dedicated to strengthening democracy and solving problems through civicengagement and service.

The presidential candidates forum will kickoff the bipartisan ServiceNation Summit, heldon Sept. 11-12, and ServiceNation's national campaign to expand voluntary community and national service opportunities for all Americans. PBS NewsHouranchor Judy Woodruff will join moderator Richard Stengel, managing editor of TIME magazine, to question the candidates-who will appear separately-about theirviews on the meaning and importance of service.

The in-depth, back-to-back interviews will begin at 8:00 p.m. ET before a live audienceof Sept. 11 family members, military veterans, thought leaders, and Columbia University students. New York Gov. David Paterson will welcome the audience beforethe start of the event.

Given its longstanding commitment to civic engagement in and outside the classroom, withits wide array of service learning, volunteer action and social entrepreneurship programs, Columbia University is honored to serve as host for a forum about anidea that is so central to our society and to the mission of higher education.
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