ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Skitz O let me put you up on some game.
So lets see, in less than a week we went from $250,000 to $200,000 to $120,000. Oh yea...sounds trustworthy to me.

More than likely mispoken. But if that's your litmus as to sincerity in a candidate, how do you feel about McCain calling Obama a socialist,yet when pressed on Meet The Press says that its clear that he's not a socialist. How do you feel about McCain criticizing Bush on torture then supportingtorture. How do you feel about McCain being pro abortion and now being against it. How about McCain being against the Bush tax cuts that he now champions andwants to make permanent. Which McCain do you support? Does he even exist anymore?
I mean, we can count on the econimic saavy of a guy who spends $600 million to get himself elected right? Speaking of which, do you remember when Obama promised to do just as McCain has done and accept only public donations to finance his campaign? Now, do you rember when he broke that promise, and just shrugged his shoulders when he was called out on it? Of course you don't, because you know nothing about the man.
Obama ws repeatedly called out for it, but when you consider the staggering wealth of the RNC it makes sense. Obama raised 150 million last monthyet still trails the RNC by 20 million to be spent on this campaign.The RNC is McCains rich unclewho can do his work without McCain having to lose face.

He hasn't even been elected yet and is already going back on his word. Remember when liberal Democratic Presidential nominee Bill Clinton promised he wouldn't raise your taxes. Now remember when Clinton got in office, AND RAISED YOUR TAXES! Of course you don't remember that. Put this in perspective, McCain has spent $80 million on his campaign, Obama has spent $600,000,000 (thats 600 million) on his and still has only a slight lead in the polls.
Clinton lowered taxes for the majority of Americans, what world do you live in?

lets bring legitimate arguments to the table people.
Do you even know what "socialist" means? do you know what social security is? or public schools?....they're social programs. Should we get rid of those? son, you don't even know what you're talking about.

I've decided that I don't want to pay for my local fire department anymore - I've never had a fire or had to call them for anything so I don'tsee why I have to pay for all their big fancy trucks. People should have to pay to have the fire department come - that's the fair way.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama is giving people false hope. Tax break? BS he's giving a rebate check to those 95% that in the end will cover absolutely nothing. Pres. Bush gave out a stimulus check and people were like "Well, that can pay for my gas and thats it", but now because Obama is doing it, its all good?

Alot of Obama and McCain supporters do not know as much information as we do and interesting stat my professor gave out that the average American reads at a 6th grade reading level, so what does that tell you? You can tell them anything they want to hear if it sounds good and run with it no questions asked.
And how is McCain invoking people? Its ok to HATE black people? Its ok to HATE Muslims? Its ok to ridicule and HATE people who support community service? Its ok to HATE people whose names are Arabic? Forget about what what McCain has to offer for America, lets just concentrate on belittling the opposition because he "pals around with terrorists." Yes lets play on the fears of voters. Excellent plan McCain, it's working, can't you tell by the poll numbers?

We can agree to disagree all day. But, damn dude, you dont find it one bit interesting that Obama climbed the ranks as fast as he did? I mean, normally ourpoliticians come from money, this dude didnt. Where did he get all this money from? All of a sudden he had the money to buy a $4 mill home in Chicago frombeing a Illinois state senator? Do they make that much money? Using public money from an infomercial? He's out spending McCain like 3 or 4 to 1 and itsstill this close?

As far as ACORN is concerened saying they arent "partisan" but clearly has been Pro-Obama and the head of the organization has come out with her owncommercial, the registering voters to vacant addresses and most likely bringing people from other states, something is fishy.

As far as his affiliations, Bill Ayers and his connections with Sirhan Sirhan, Rev. Wright, ect. are all legitimate considering if McCain had any prioraffiliation with the KKK, you dudes would be all over it.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama is giving people false hope. Tax break? BS he's giving a rebate check to those 95% that in the end will cover absolutely nothing. Pres. Bush gave out a stimulus check and people were like "Well, that can pay for my gas and thats it", but now because Obama is doing it, its all good?

Alot of Obama and McCain supporters do not know as much information as we do and interesting stat my professor gave out that the average American reads at a 6th grade reading level, so what does that tell you? You can tell them anything they want to hear if it sounds good and run with it no questions asked.
And how is McCain invoking people? Its ok to HATE black people? Its ok to HATE Muslims? Its ok to ridicule and HATE people who support community service? Its ok to HATE people whose names are Arabic? Forget about what what McCain has to offer for America, lets just concentrate on belittling the opposition because he "pals around with terrorists." Yes lets play on the fears of voters. Excellent plan McCain, it's working, can't you tell by the poll numbers?

We can agree to disagree all day. But, damn dude, you dont find it one bit interesting that Obama climbed the ranks as fast as he did? I mean, normally our politicians come from money, this dude didnt. Where did he get all this money from? All of a sudden he had the money to buy a $4 mill home in Chicago from being a Illinois state senator? Do they make that much money? Using public money from an infomercial? He's out spending McCain like 3 or 4 to 1 and its still this close?

As far as ACORN is concerened saying they arent "partisan" but clearly has been Pro-Obama and the head of the organization has come out with her own commercial, the registering voters to vacant addresses and most likely bringing people from other states, something is fishy.

As far as his affiliations, Bill Ayers and his connections with Sirhan Sirhan, Rev. Wright, ect. are all legitimate considering if McCain had any prior affiliation with the KKK, you dudes would be all over it.
Why don't you be resourceful and search for Obama's personal income returns which he had previously released.� Ok here... I found em foryou and a quick summary.� Your only mistake is this 4 mil. home. � They bought it for $1.65 million and some controversy from but 1.65 Mil house is not thatlavish of a house.� Other than that I don't see anything interesting.� Obama and his wife seem to be a normal hard working couple and their income isclearly stated.


[h1][/h1] [h1]Obama's tax returns, rising fortunes[/h1] [h2]Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:28 PM by Domenico Montanaro
Filed Under: 2008, Obama [/h2]
From NBC's Jim Popkin
The tax returns for Sen. Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, offer insights into the power couple's rising fortunes as Obama became a U.S. Senator and then a potential presidential candidate.

Obama today released his tax returns from 2000 to 2006. They show a steep increase in income. In 2000, for example, the Obamas' combined income was $240,505. That includes Sen. Obama's salary as a young state senator in Illinois, his fees ($16,500) as a "foundation director/educational speaker" and Michelle Obama's salary as a hospital administrator.

In 2006, by contrast, the Obamas' combined income was $983,826. Obama had become a U.S. Senator by then, making about $165,000 a year, and his wife's income at the University of Chicago hospitals had climbed sharply to about $265,000 a year. Sen. Obama's book-writing career also had become profitable, earning him $551,240 in author fees in tax year 2006 alone. Mrs. Obama also made $51,200 that year, as director of TreeHouse Foods, "a food manufacturer servicing primarily the retail grocery and foodservice chains," according to the company's website.

The Obamas' best financial year came in 2005, when their total combined income was $1.6 million. That included $1.2 million in author fees for Sen. Obama's best-selling books. Michelle Obama's salary that year was $316,962 plus another $45,000 for her role as director of TreeHouse Foods.

The Obamas became more charitable as their incomes grew. In 2000, the couple gave $2,350 to charity, or about 1 percent of their gross income. In 2006, they donated $60,307 to charities, or about 6 percent of their gross income. In 2005, the Obamas list a $5,000 donation to their church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where the controversial Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., was Sen. Obama's pastor. If Sen. Obama tithed more regularly to the church, there's no record of it in these tax returns.

The tax returns also don't appear to shed any new light on the Obamas' controversial purchase of their Chicago home in 2005. They bought their home that year for $1.65 million, at the same time that the wife of indicted Chicago businessman and campaign contributor Tony Rezko bought the adjoining lot for $625,000. Critics have said that Obama could not have bought the house unless the Rezkos bought the joining lot, and Obama has apologized for the "bone-headed mistake" of getting involved with a campaign contributor who at the time was under scrutiny for alleged political corruption.

The Obamas don't appear to have substantial stock holdings. Their 2005 return, for example, lists modest dividends for UBS, JP Morgan Chase and Northern Trust Bank. It also lists a $2,072 gain for the sale of Biopharma stock and a $15,208 loss for the sale of SkyTerra Communications stock.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

We can agree to disagree all day. But, damn dude, you dont find it one bit interesting that Obama climbed the ranks as fast as he did? I mean, normally our politicians come from money, this dude didnt. Where did he get all this money from? All of a sudden he had the money to buy a $4 mill home in Chicago from being a Illinois state senator? Do they make that much money? Using public money from an infomercial? He's out spending McCain like 3 or 4 to 1 and its still this close?
Are you that dense? First of all, you lied. His house was about $1.7 million, nowhere near $4 million. You want to know how he got his money? He's made millions as an author, he was a professor of law, and a lawyer among other things. His wife is also a lawyer. Also, you have a problem with himusing money donated to his campaign to promote his campaign? Hmm....
All of a sudden he had the money to buy a $4 mill home in Chicago from being a Illinois state senator?

I think you are getting Obama's house confused with one of McCain's 7 houses

He's out spending McCain like 3 or 4 to 1 and its still this close?

That's because racism is still alive, not to mention alot of individuals have been mis-informed and some people just aren't willing to beopen to a black President.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

"fundamentals of our economy are strong"
McCain said this on the day Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy.�

Cue the commercial again...
The fundamentals of our economy are strong, thanks for your opinion though.

What are the fundamentals of our economy, then?
Really, the only thing that I hear McCain or his dumb mate Palin talking about is Obama's name, that he's Muslim and that he is buddies withterrorists.....Even though that stuff isn't true or really doesn't matter, I havent heard any legitimate reason to why Obama wouldnt be a goodpresident. Palin doesn't know what a damn doctrine is...Im a 21 year old student at Tulane University and I know what that is, and Im an Accounting majorlol....But seriously, The McCain/Palin campaign has brought awakened a beast...racism. As a black male, this race war ( that I believe will happen regardlessof who is elected) will be the most hard on the white people who AREN'T racist. I'm cool with numerous white people who are voting for Obama and givesa rats A&& about what color he is or what his name is. He talks about the economy, he talks about the schools and the community. Thats what I want tohear about....I don't want to hear the person's full name and compare him to radicalists when he isn't one. It's 2008 people. Regardless ofwhat you think, different races DO want to interact with each other, but when the ugly racist remarks and threats come out of the ground, it makes it hard forus to do so. If you think being racist is ok, then you're wrong... WorldStarHipHop.com has a lot of those racist videos on their site, go peep them out andtell me what you think. Look at how sickening it is and look how dumb it is for parents to teach their kids to jump up and down like monkeys when talking aboutBarack Obama...that's just disgusting. Listening to racist folks, point at Obama supporters and tell them to go get jobs, as if they don't have onealready...I was born and raised here in New Orleans...While the majority is voting for Barack, we still respect McCain as a man, but we are not going torespect him for bashing a person because of his name and b.s. allegations. Hit me up......100
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]PopularVote[/color]
Obama 51.5%
McCain 47.5%

Electoral College

Didn't Obama have Texas and Florida in the popular vote not too long ago?
Originally Posted by SoleAddict34

Why you posting a electoral map you made up yourself?
Why not?? What's wrong with predictions?
Everyone does it with sports, politics no different.

Everyone else can throw their predictions out there, that'd be cool to see.

Originally Posted by JPZx

Didn't Obama have Texas and Florida in the popular vote not too long ago?
Obama has no chance in Texas. However, Obama does have a chance in Florida. I don't think he's going to win Florida though,should be relatively close though.
I think the big 3... Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania will all be close.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SoleAddict34

Why you posting a electoral map you made up yourself?
Why not?? What's wrong with predictions?
Everyone does it with sports, politics no different.

because its ridiculous...leave it to people who are more experienced
Alot of Obama and McCain supporters do not know as much information as we do and interesting stat my professor gave out that the average American reads at a 6th grade reading level, so what does that tell you? You can tell them anything they want to hear if it sounds good and run with it no questions asked.
why do you think the majority of idiots voted for Bush?
so idiots should vote for bush but not for Obama?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

"fundamentals of our economy are strong"
McCain said this on the day Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy.�

Cue the commercial again...
The fundamentals of our economy are strong, thanks for your opinion though.

Opinion? Maybe you need to reread.

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

"fundamentals of our economy are strong"
McCain said this on the day Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy.�

Cue the commercial again...

I didn't post an opinion, I posted a FACT. McCain said it not me!
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama is giving people false hope. Tax break? BS he's giving a rebate check to those 95% that in the end will cover absolutely nothing. Pres. Bush gave out a stimulus check and people were like "Well, that can pay for my gas and thats it", but now because Obama is doing it, its all good?

Alot of Obama and McCain supporters do not know as much information as we do and interesting stat my professor gave out that the average American reads at a 6th grade reading level, so what does that tell you? You can tell them anything they want to hear if it sounds good and run with it no questions asked.
And how is McCain invoking people? Its ok to HATE black people? Its ok to HATE Muslims? Its ok to ridicule and HATE people who support community service? Its ok to HATE people whose names are Arabic? Forget about what what McCain has to offer for America, lets just concentrate on belittling the opposition because he "pals around with terrorists." Yes lets play on the fears of voters. Excellent plan McCain, it's working, can't you tell by the poll numbers?

We can agree to disagree all day. But, damn dude, you dont find it one bit interesting that Obama climbed the ranks as fast as he did? I mean, normally our politicians come from money, this dude didnt. Where did he get all this money from? All of a sudden he had the money to buy a $4 mill home in Chicago from being a Illinois state senator? Do they make that much money? Using public money from an infomercial? He's out spending McCain like 3 or 4 to 1 and its still this close?

As far as ACORN is concerened saying they arent "partisan" but clearly has been Pro-Obama and the head of the organization has come out with her own commercial, the registering voters to vacant addresses and most likely bringing people from other states, something is fishy.

As far as his affiliations, Bill Ayers and his connections with Sirhan Sirhan, Rev. Wright, ect. are all legitimate considering if McCain had any prior affiliation with the KKK, you dudes would be all over it.

You're good at dodging questions.
Originally Posted by SFN 155

SFN's Results prediction
Ditto to your map. I live in Nevada & its real tight!!!! McCain's strugglin' to get us. After he heard Obama was coming again tomorrow& was just here last Saturday, this fool is coming back on Monday along with Palin.

But then, the Obama Camp countered & is sending Michelle the Same Day. She'll be back on Monday also when she was just here 2 days ago. . . . . .
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