ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Why are people less mind +#*++! and brainwashed in totalitarian states? Is there a positive relationship between being mind +#*++! and having the right to vote?
thats an obvious positive correlation between thinking you have the ability to be apart of change and voting. i dont disagree with that. what idisagree with is ragging on someones reasoning behind voting for a specific candidate, and their "qualifications". Morally and ethically that iswrong unless of course they are racist and voting for mccain simply becuse barack is black.

already ready for the "Oh.. is it because obama is black?" arguments for the next 4 years.
im ready for the" impeach him" because he isnt turning things around in 2 years argument from whites and black
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

i agree ... just because youre 18 and a citizen shouldnt give you the right to vote ... i dont know what the alternative can be, but there is going to be hundreds of thousands voters this year who dont know a damn thing about politics and just voting because obama is black (either for or against him) im sitting with 3 people right now who are voting for obama and the first thing out there mouth when i asked them why was "change" ... LOLOLOLOLOL

What now there needs to be prerequisites to be a voter?

I am sorry but generations before me did their part to give us the POWER to vote for all AMERICANS! ! ! But off course there are going to be people like youthat want to OPPRESS our right to VOTE!!


[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is a picture of a voting rights demonstration in McComb, Mississippi, in 1962. McComb was the site ofthe some of the most violent repression of civil rights. Many churches and houses were bombed. Many people died. One man, Herbert Lee, was shot in cold blood. McComb was also the site of a mass arrest of students.[/font]

There should not be any criteria to vote other than what there is. I sort of think we should let felons vote almost.
This is crazy, my friend was telling me the other day in the bible she found that a muslim prophet will give us false hope and bring the world to an end. Notexactly those words, but along those lines. Connection to Obama ! ?

And the whole "World ending in 2012" thing.

Its too much, what do people think?
I'm supporting Obama, McCain can benefit this country but not as much Obama can, so we hear. Its gonna be a risk, but his points are well thought out.
im sitting with 3 people right now who are voting for obama
Well at least your amongst good company Marley, be thankful for that. Even if you are the odd-ball in that circle
Originally Posted by solnevins

Why are people less mind +#*++! and brainwashed in totalitarian states? Is there a positive relationship between being mind +#*++! and having the right to vote?
thats an obvious positive correlation between thinking you have the ability to be apart of change and voting. i dont disagree with that. what i disagree with is ragging on someones reasoning behind voting for a specific candidate, and their "qualifications". Morally and ethically that is wrong unless of course they are racist and voting for mccain simply becuse barack is black.
When did I rag on anyone's reasoning?
There are just as many people voting for McCain based on irrational reasons as there are for Obama. If you want to put it that way.

I'm not voting for either McCain or Obama tomorrow. McCain and Obama aren't that different in my eyes. I know:
Old corrupt Globalist v. New corrupt Globalist. What's the common denominator?
Originally Posted by nosoLe

This is crazy, my friend was telling me the other day in the bible she found that a muslim prophet will give us false hope and bring the world to an end. Not exactly those words, but along those lines. Connection to Obama ! ?

And the whole "World ending in 2012" thing.

Its too much, what do people think?
I'm supporting Obama, McCain can benefit this country but not as much Obama can, so we hear. Its gonna be a risk, but his points are well thought out.

HAHA That's not in the bible. NEXT!
There should not be any criteria to vote other than what there is. I sort of think we should let felons vote almost.
we really should. our prisons systems live and die by the fact that our jails are meant to rehiblitate criminals.(which is dumb) however they dontallow them to vote once they are out. and they cant get jobs
. ourgovernment and legal system is inherently discriminatory and racist. some ppl refuse to acknowledge that mainly because they are living behind the cloak ofwhite privelege.

Old corrupt Globalist v. New corrupt Globalist. What's the common denominator?
One is Black and one isnt..well thats my reasoning. Id like to see african americans prosper and be given the opprotunity to prosper. this takesaway from the image of the false american dream and hope.(well i hope it does)

now do i believe that we will have a corrupt globalist on our hands with whomever wins..DAMN straight..but i suppose ill let my blind hope andpsuedo-patriotism led me in a different direction. so ill vote for obama
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

i agree ... just because youre 18 and a citizen shouldnt give you the right to vote ... i dont know what the alternative can be, but there is going to be hundreds of thousands voters this year who dont know a damn thing about politics and just voting because obama is black (either for or against him) im sitting with 3 people right now who are voting for obama and the first thing out there mouth when i asked them why was "change" ... LOLOLOLOLOL

What now there needs to be prerequisites to be a voter?

I am sorry but generations before me did their part to give us the POWER to vote for all AMERICANS! ! ! But off course there are going to be people like you that want to OPPRESS our right to VOTE!!


[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is a picture of a voting rights demonstration in McComb, Mississippi, in 1962. McComb was the site of the some of the most violent repression of civil rights. Many churches and houses were bombed. Many people died. One man, Herbert Lee, was shot in cold blood. McComb was also the site of a mass arrest of students.[/font]

What has that right exactly brought?
More single parent households? More poverty? More Black men in jail for non violent crimes?

The 'vote' isn't as significant as people think. I'm glad that this particular injustice was remedied but vote doesn't necessarily equal"awesome" in all instances.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol@since a black nominee is going to win, NOW theres an outcry to need criteria other than being "american" to vote.

stop being salty.

all american citizens of age are allowed to vote.

stop your whining.
!#+@ like this wasn't brought up when bush won, except for a few liberals

it is call being mad
There only corrupt, because America has been corrupt for the last 8 years thanks to some one.
So they gotta start somewhere, its gonna be %+$!#* for the next couple of years considering everything that has gone wrong with our economy in the past month.But Obama implies he can do a better, more efficient job . It will suck for most of us because his idea of getting rid of debt, by making us pay more isdistraught, but when your in a sh*t hole like America, you gotta start digging yourself out. McCain's ideas are reinstating Bush's ideas.
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

There should not be any criteria to vote other than what there is. I sort of think we should let felons vote almost.

Yes lets let the very people who violate the laws, help make them

Why is this a racial issue?
Those who oppose increased requirements are screaming racism. It has nothing to do with this.
Originally Posted by nosoLe

This is crazy, my friend was telling me the other day in the bible she found that a muslim prophet will give us false hope and bring the world to an end. Not exactly those words, but along those lines. Connection to Obama ! ?

And the whole "World ending in 2012" thing.

Its too much, what do people think?
I'm supporting Obama, McCain can benefit this country but not as much Obama can, so we hear. Its gonna be a risk, but his points are well thought out.
Just so people remember once either of these candidates become president they may not stick to the policies they told you while campaigning.
example- George Bush (First Term (when everyone liked him)) pledged no new taxes and then needless to say we got taxes a year later.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

There should not be any criteria to vote other than what there is. I sort of think we should let felons vote almost.

Yes lets let the very people who violate the laws, help make them

Why is this a racial issue?
Those who oppose increased requirements are screaming racism. It has nothing to do with this.
people think it is a racial issue because this would not have been brought up if McCain was leading the polls
Originally Posted by nosoLe

This is crazy, my friend was telling me the other day in the bible she found that a muslim prophet will give us false hope and bring the world to an end. Not exactly those words, but along those lines. Connection to Obama ! ?

And the whole "World ending in 2012" thing.

Its too much, what do people think?
I'm supporting Obama, McCain can benefit this country but not as much Obama can, so we hear. Its gonna be a risk, but his points are well thought out.
That's the biggest lie. Obama is Christian. It really pisses me off when these republicans make up all these lies about Obama in the name ofGod.
Originally Posted by nosoLe

There only corrupt, because America has been corrupt for the last 8 years thanks to some one.
So they gotta start somewhere, its gonna be %+$!#* for the next couple of years considering everything that has gone wrong with our economy in the past month. But Obama implies he can do a better, more efficient job . It will suck for most of us because his idea of getting rid of debt, by making us pay more is distraught, but when your in a sh*t hole like America, you gotta start digging yourself out. McCain's ideas are reinstating Bush's ideas.

The last 8 years?
I'm thinking more like the last 232 years.

[font=Times New Roman,Times,serif]"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."[/font]

[font=Times New Roman,Times,serif]Thomas Jefferson[/font]
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

i agree ... just because youre 18 and a citizen shouldnt give you the right to vote ... i dont know what the alternative can be, but there is going to be hundreds of thousands voters this year who dont know a damn thing about politics and just voting because obama is black (either for or against him) im sitting with 3 people right now who are voting for obama and the first thing out there mouth when i asked them why was "change" ... LOLOLOLOLOL
i wouldn't take that stance if i were you.. if there was some type of intelligence criteria required to vote, you would likely be excluded

i just think it's funny how the year that black turnout is expected to be high, NOW people start talking about how to exclude certain groups from voting...
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by nosoLe

This is crazy, my friend was telling me the other day in the bible she found that a muslim prophet will give us false hope and bring the world to an end. Not exactly those words, but along those lines. Connection to Obama ! ?

And the whole "World ending in 2012" thing.

Its too much, what do people think?
I'm supporting Obama, McCain can benefit this country but not as much Obama can, so we hear. Its gonna be a risk, but his points are well thought out.
Just so people remember once either of these candidates become president they may not stick to the policies they told you while campaigning.
example- George Bush (First Term (when everyone liked him)) pledged no new taxes and then needless to say we got taxes a year later.
True True, but lies are not what this country needs right now, for the sake of our lives and others allied with us.
This is crazy, my friend was telling me the other day in the bible she found that a muslim prophet will give us false hope and bring the world to an end. Not exactly those words, but along those lines. Connection to Obama ! ?

lies...Obama is jewish...
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Originally Posted by nosoLe

This is crazy, my friend was telling me the other day in the bible she found that a muslim prophet will give us false hope and bring the world to an end. Not exactly those words, but along those lines. Connection to Obama ! ?

And the whole "World ending in 2012" thing.

Its too much, what do people think?
I'm supporting Obama, McCain can benefit this country but not as much Obama can, so we hear. Its gonna be a risk, but his points are well thought out.
That's the biggest lie. Obama is Christian. It really pisses me off when these republicans make up all these lies about Obama in the name of God.

Haha yea I know, have you seen the videos of the ignorant lady saying "I'm not voting for Obama, because..because... he.. he is an A-Raaaab." Andthe lady sitting on the tractor talking about Obama's middle name, and him being a spy.. WTFEEZY smh

Pisses me off to. smh
@ America being corrupt for the last 8 years. You need to go back a little farther than the year 2000 to find the origin of American politicalcorruption my friend.

Either way, I can't believe tomorrow is the day. Whoever wins I hope they get it by tomorrow night...I don't want to wait til Wednesday or even later!
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

What has that right exactly brought?

More single parent households? More poverty? More Black men in jail for non violent crimes?

The 'vote' isn't as significant as people think.

Nice GENERALIZATION of the black community.

yes lets go back prior to 1965.. blacks sit in the back of the bus, no voting rights, segregation of public schools, is that what you prefer? Less rights moreoppression?

Yea, honestly, the polls won't come in for couple weeks I bet, either its going to be rigged, or some State is gonna f*ck up again. aka Rig.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

There should not be any criteria to vote other than what there is. I sort of think we should let felons vote almost.

Yes lets let the very people who violate the laws, help make them
The system is not exactly perfect. Almost everybody has broken the law at some point in their lives and just not got caught. I think it deservesserious consideration to maybe let felons vote.
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