ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

I really hope Obama does not win. . I don't necessarily dislike him. But McCain's policies benefit myself, my company, and my family more. I can seeboth sides of the issues. I think Obama is great at making people believe him. I do not think he's very trustworthy though; but then again. . . nopolitician really is.

My only complaint is that people are going to vote because of race --
Ex: African-Americans will vote Obama just because he's black -- Or, white people will vote McCain just because they don't want Obama.

All I wish for tomorrow is that people vote because of the issues and policies that will suit them best, and who they think is fit to be a better and moreprepared, experienced President.

KNOW the policies and issues before you step into that booth!!!

With that being said. . . This video BAFFLES me. . .

Originally Posted by WILLINC

D-Day is almost upon us.

I'm just hoping all the people who say they are gonna vote, actually do vote.
gonna be ugly-

people already complaining about lines and what not...margins getting closer - i already don't believe in the "popular vote" but we are gonnamake it too easy to manipulate
Originally Posted by kmstivers21

I really hope Obama does not win. . I don't necessarily dislike him. But McCain's policies benefit myself, my company, and my family more. I can see both sides of the issues. I think Obama is great at making people believe him. I do not think he's very trustworthy though; but then again. . . no politician really is.

My only complaint is that people are going to vote because of race --
Ex: African-Americans will vote Obama just because he's black -- Or, white people will vote McCain just because they don't want Obama.

All I wish for tomorrow is that people vote because of the issues and policies that will suit them best, and who they think is fit to be a better and more prepared, experienced President.

KNOW the policies and issues before you step into that booth!!!

With that being said. . . This video BAFFLES me. . .


that is embarrasing
I still haven't hear mccain say anything that will benefit me and my family........I can't wait till tomorrow......my company will let us get off 3hours in the day t vote.......AND get paid for it.

MCCAIN FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by stlekin

I still haven't hear mccain say anything that will benefit me and my family........I can't wait till tomorrow......my company will let us get off 3 hours in the day t vote.......AND get paid for it.

MCCAIN FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't vote just on what benefits you, you also have to take into account what benefits the country as a whole because what affects others affects you.

A speechwriter for Reagan and Nixon-who worked at the National Review for four decades-on why he's voting for Obama.

It may be something of a surprise that, as a long time conservative, I now support Barack Obama. In 1968, I was a speechwriter first for Ronald Reagan, when Governor of California, then, as Richard Nixon became the presidential nominee, a speechwriter for Nixon, working at his home office at 450 Park Avenue. I became a senior editor at National Review in 1969, a position I held until recently.

There are common sense conservatives who are prudential, who try to match means with ends, and who calculate the probabilities of gains and risks. But there are philosophical (analytical) conservatives, the most useful being Edmund Burke, whose "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790) understood the great dangers in trying to change society through abstract (republican) theory. My first book that dealt with these matters was "English Political writers: From Locke to Burke" (Knopf, 1963).
One thing I know is that both Nixon and Reagan would have agreed with Obama's speech against the Iraq War… But all the organs of the conservative movement followed Bush over the cliff-as did John McCain.

Republican President George W. Bush has not been a conservative at all, either in domestic policy or in foreign policy. He invaded Iraq on the basis of abstract theory, the very thing Burke warned against. Bush aimed to turn Iraq into a democracy, "a beacon of liberty in the Middle East," as he explained in a radio address in April 2006.

I do not recall any "conservative" publication mentioning those now memorable words "Sunni," "Shia," or "Kurds." Burke would have been appalled at the blindness to history and to social facts that characterized the writing of those so-called conservatives.

Obama did understand. In his now famous 2002 speech, while he was still a state senator in Illinois, he said: "I know that a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, of undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without international support will fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than the best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al Qaeda. I'm not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars."

Burke would have agreed entirely, and admired the cogency of so few words. And one thing I know is that both Nixon and Reagan would have agreed. Both were prudential and successful conservatives. But all the organs of the conservative movement followed Bush over the cliff-as did John McCain.

Obama was the true conservative, the Burkean. Like the French radicals of 1790, Bush wanted to democratize Iraq, turn it, as he said in a speech at Whitehall, into a "beacon of liberty in the Middle East." Now, Robespierre and the other radicals were criticized by Burke for wanting to turn France into a republic. Not a bad idea, but they tried to do it all at once, and according to republican theory.

Maxmillien Robespierre himself would have been horrified by the notion of democratizing Mesopotamia. That may-possibly-happen. But it will take a long time, an Enlightenment, and the muting of sectarian hatreds.

Social Security has long been considered one of the most successful New Deal programs, working well now for 70 years. Yet in 2005, the Bush plan to establish private accounts that could be invested in the Stock Market got nowhere. McCain, too, has embraced this idea. In 2008 it looks ridiculous. The Stock Market! Again, this is a radical proposal, not a conservative one.

Ever since Roe vs. Wade, abortion has been a salient controversy in our politics. But the availability of abortion is linked to the long advancement of women's equality. Again, we are dealing with social change, and this requires understanding social change, a Burkean imperative that Obama understands.

On my Dartmouth campus, half the undergraduates are women. They do not want to have their plans derailed by an unwanted pregnancy. In Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, the Court ruled that the availability of abortion "enables women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the country."

Though there is a tragic aspect to abortion, as Obama recognizes, women's equality means that women have control of their reproductive capability. Men don't worry about that. The fact is that 83 percent of elective abortions occur during the first trimester, and decline rapidly after that.

Both Obama and McCain support federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research, Obama more urgently. The conservative movement publications, following Bush, have been fiercely opposed. Such opposition required a belief that a cluster of cells (the embryo) the size of the period at the end of this sentence is as important (more important?) than a seriously ill human being.

I myself cannot fathom such a mentality.

In fact, embryonic stem cell research is being energetically pursued in the following nations: Israel, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China cooperating with the EU. Privately funded and state funded laboratories are moving ahead vigorously.

Recently, Harvard announced a program that will be part of a multi-billion dollar science center to be established south of the Charles River, and will be able to supply sem cells to other laboratories. I call that Pro-Life.

This analysis could be extended, but it seems clear to me that Obama is the conservative in the 2008 election.
Anyone else just hella excited for tomorrow ?

Even if win , lose , or draw , I'm still excited .
guys this is a dumb question but Imma ask it anyway, the voting booths in the town next to mine is actually closer than the voting booths in my town
can I vote in that other town?
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

guys this is a dumb question but Imma ask it anyway, the voting booths in the town next to mine is actually closer than the voting booths in my town
can I vote in that other town?
goes by precincts...you vote where you registered...
Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

^Tre, not to sidetrack this post in general but which way are you leaning on some of the questions tomorrow?

naw umm
1) NO- it's sounds good but in theory i think they would have to raise all types of other stuff to make up for it ( property taxes etc)
2) YES- besides obvious reasons
i do think it would do good...i'mpretty positive it wont pass due to the closed minded majority but i'll do my part
3)NO- i'm not an animal lover...but i am a gambler...not dogs yet but maybe in the future
but jobs, revenue etc mean more to me than the treatment of dogs...they canregulate them and be strict on the conditions but to outright stop it is dumb-

i really havent looked into the other positions that are being elected so i'll prob skip them....unless i get time today
Originally Posted by Essential1

You don't vote just on what benefits you, you also have to take into account what benefits the country as a whole because what affects others affects you.
It is extremely unfortunate that not nearly enough people feel this way; it would make the world a better place.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Originally Posted by Essential1

You don't vote just on what benefits you, you also have to take into account what benefits the country as a whole because what affects others affects you.
It is extremely unfortunate that not nearly enough people feel this way; it would make the world a better place.

selfish society.
Originally Posted by vdubsta

Now on Repeat:
Young Jeezy - My President (Ft. Nas)
Hopefully I'll be able to blast this all night Tuesday andall day on Wednesday
i'll be voting for mccain, but i am happy that a lot of young people (mccain or obama supporters) are passionate about this election. it's cool to seeamericans realizing the importance of voting. tomorrow will be exciting, even though im pretty confident obama will take the election.
You can believe the polls but for me this is a good indication why Obama will win OHIO!
[h1]In Ohio, Obama's ground game outguns McCain's[/h1]

McCain has struggled to gain momentum in a battleground state that Bush won in 2004 -- and that he needs to win to beat the odds.

By Bob Drogin and Robin Abcarian
November 3, 2008
Reporting from Delaware, Ohio -- John McCain has targeted this wealthy area just north of Columbus as one of 15 counties in Ohio where he needs to drive up his vote tally if he is to beat Barack Obama on Tuesday in this must-win state.

But on Friday night, only nine volunteers manned the 24 phones in the McCain campaign office. The phone bank began operating on a daily basis just two weeks ago. And since then, only five people have shown up on most weekdays to canvass local neighborhoods.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can believe the polls but for me this is a good indication why Obama will win OHIO!
[h1]In Ohio, Obama's ground game outguns McCain's[/h1]

McCain has struggled to gain momentum in a battleground state that Bush won in 2004 -- and that he needs to win to beat the odds.

By Bob Drogin and Robin Abcarian
November 3, 2008
Reporting from Delaware, Ohio -- John McCain has targeted this wealthy area just north of Columbus as one of 15 counties in Ohio where he needs to drive up his vote tally if he is to beat Barack Obama on Tuesday in this must-win state.

But on Friday night, only nine volunteers manned the 24 phones in the McCain campaign office. The phone bank began operating on a daily basis just two weeks ago. And since then, only five people have shown up on most weekdays to canvass local neighborhoods.


got them computer calls going out-

Hi this is Hilary Clinton and I think Obama is really Osama vote for the maverick- bye
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