ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

looking at those McCain supporters, I tell ya if looks could kill
@ mccain supporters for booing at his concession speech
@ mccain supporters looking like carbon copies/cut&paste versions of eachother
@ mccain for making it seem like there's only a black&white america
Id vote for this Mccain... WHy couldnt you bring this side out? it takes defeat to really bring your true colors out?
I'm happy that Mc Cain took the loss like a man though.

We should all be thankful for being apart of history.
very honorable man. It's just too bad that some people who voted for him are not.
McCain supporters classy as usual. Bottom of the food chain type dudes.

I'm really happy America made the right choice. Hopefully it's a sign of better things to come for this country because god knows we need it at thispoint in time.

Time to take out the trash and do away with all the hate brought about over the last 8 years of hardship the conscientious, logical and thinking people of thiscountry have been subject to by mess created by George Bush and his kind.
Thank you, John McCain, for giving up early and gracefully.

I just got more respect from this speech than the entire campaign.
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