ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

who else cried when america found out obama is our next president? i got teary eyed, i gotta admit. OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys riding so hard. Dude hasn't even spent one second in office.
Now he has your vote, for all you know he can turn around and do the exact opposite
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Nah, I agree with you Craftsy.

But, this is truely a historic day.
Less than 50 years, they were segregated schools, bathrooms, etc.
And to think, we went from that to a Minority being elected to lead this country in less than 50 years?

It's amazing.
Nah - I think it's great in that way.

It was just one of those things where I felt like the issues were so far removed from almost everyone's decision on both sides of the aisle... peoplevoting for somebody or not voting for somebody based entirely on their race?

It's whatever - people are misinformed all the time with voting, and people focus on the wrong issues all the time in these elections. But like I said, itjust seems like this is going to divide the country even more in some ways, when people are acting like it's a party when "their" president iselected - like it's just a joke or something, and the work is now over for the guy because getting elected was all his role actually was, ya know?

There's just such division now - it's upsetting to me.
if u are on a college campus.........OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!


I have never ever seen so many people in one spot so happy!!!
Originally Posted by Qualmes

Is it me or did more than half your friends on myspace put up My President Is Black by Young Jeezy
..everyone be careful this week though cause there are gonna be MAJOR salty people out there
The instant facebook updates

My online friends went from 3 to 31
I'm proud to be an American, It shows whether you're Black, White, Latino, Asian, and anything in between. It's not about RACE. IT's about theissues (ECONOMY) and the votes has spoken. Man this is better than the Superbowl man.
Originally Posted by Qualmes

Is it me or did more than half your friends on myspace put up My President Is Black by Young Jeezy
..everyone be careful this week though cause there are gonna be MAJOR salty people out there

True. Well congrats to Obama now lets hope for that change.
I gotta say, my faith in America went a very long way towards being restored tonight. A landslide was the only thing that was going to make any difference inmy mind what so ever and thats what we have.

This is a very good night for us, all of us. You republicans just haven't realized it yet, but you will. We have spoken and we screamed it while doing so.Thankfully
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Someone asked for my thoughts on tonight in a PM....

So I figured some people might care, so I'll also post it in here.

Tough of course.
Doesn't feel good haha.
But I kind of expected this all along... the situation was just right for Obama to win.
Many had their doubts because he was black... but it was way more then that. (meaning the situation was way bigger then that)
As an American, he's my President. I'll be rooting for him to do good things because I don't want him to mess up our country.
So my prayers will be with him in likely difficult times.

I have the USA in my sig for a reason.
I love this country way more then I could ever hate a political candidate.
So in the end that's what matters.

Wish more conservatives people thought like you. It's a damn shame when people are blindedby hate for a political party.
I have never been more proud to be an American than I am tonight. I really can't express how being part of this all feels. It's time for America topull itself out of the sharp decline that has taken place this decade.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Shouts out to err'body that voted.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]*pats on the back*[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
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