ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

I just ate earlier so let me poop on McCain & his supporters. I know Obama won but McCain only Acts this way because he lost.

The first page is crazy; thread jacking all night
Originally Posted by onewearz

real talk, obama's secret service is gonna have to be on their grizzle .....
word...them Klan boys probably already plotting.

Its a shame some people don't realize the world is bigger than black and white. They need to get out of this country for a lil bit and learn something.
Coming from a McCain supporter and voter, I hope Obama is the best president we have ever seen. I am graduating from college in May, and the next four years ofmy life are very important. I hope that I, as well as others benefit greatly from his decisions. Right now, I do not see that happening, but I am going to beoptimistic.

Go Obama and Go America!
WE IN THE BUILDING.1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 THAT IS


First off, nobody thinks the world is saved. People swear we can't celebrate.

As a young black male in America, I am honestly humbled and proud to be American right now. For everything America stands for, for every ideal, for every natural right,
for every civil right, for liberty, for everything, we have seen it become realized on such a grand stage tonight.

Before Barack won, I took the time to reflect on Black history in America. Looking at the slave ships, Emmitt Till photos, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, and then looking at all
those who fought hard and gave their life so that I, along with my brothers and sisters, could go cast my vote and I'm just overwhelmed with emotions.

This is a GREAT time in black history, but more important, it is a GREAT time to be American. Progress is beautiful.
I guess I just don't understand the celebration - if anything, this election showed how deep racism truly still is in this country. Sure, youcan call it progress that Obama won - but the racism problems were never with the majority of people, which Obama won over months ago. Just look at all thehatred that came out against Obama for no reason at all, other than the possibility that he could become president as a black man.

Like I said - celebrate if that's what you wana do, but I still think this election is more sad than anything else in what it showed us about our countrythe last year or so. It showed how willing people are to ignore issues and just vote straight down lines which have nothing to do with actual politics.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

And the winner is...


I just wanted to thank everyone in this thread for all of the discussions leading up until this monumental election. Even the heated discussions, for they proved that we all love this country that we live in, and regardless of conflicting views, we all are passionate in the belief that this American Experiment is a success.

Now is the time to realize that we are all Americans. We must heal the wounds created during this campaign and come together to focus on the real issues that we all face.

Blue, Red, or Green, I thank you all.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

"We won" because for so long our "we" didn't count.

"We won" because my kids have somethin to aim for.

"We won" because since we were given the right to vote "we" have been voting for white men while white men wouldn't vote for "us"

Yes, "we won"
"We" are seein the fruits of "our" parents, grandparents, and great grandparents labor

"We won" because most of the country no matter race chose barack obama to be our president.
So yea, "we won" on a whole as a society, no division here. If anything this is more about unity.

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

[h2]from: John McCain to: Barack 0drama subject: gahgaha[/h2]

John McCain

102 Kudos

DAMNNNNNNNITTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You like my surrender speech?...I thought it was a nice touch...

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Where you been at Knowledge? Hit the PM.


Originally Posted by onewearz

real talk, obama's secret service is gonna have to be on their grizzle .....

That's for damn sure.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

"We won" because for so long our "we" didn't count.

"We won" because my kids have somethin to aim for.

"We won" because since we were given the right to vote "we" have been voting for white men while white men wouldn't vote for "us"

Yes, "we won"
"We" are seein the fruits of "our" parents, grandparents, and great grandparents labor

"We won" because most of the country no matter race chose barack obama to be our president.
So yea, "we won" on a whole as a society, no division here. If anything this is more about unity.


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