Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children


Saw on the news some dude from NO bought $19,000 worth of toys for Sandy Hook kids.

A lot of people from the east coast are driving up there to pay their respects and see if they can do anything.

Anyone hear of any volunteer stuff going on there? I heard on the news all the support/toys/etc being sent over there is a surprise and they are trying to resolve how to actually get the toys to the kids. Wrapping $19,000 worth of toys finna take a while.
This is just some ****they put out there that people like Pig Love eat up. I thought he was going to makes some points, provide some information, but it quickly devolved into tin-foil hat talk. Blame the violent movies and games, not the guns that actually kill people. If violent movies and games were having that much of an impact there would be a whole lot more violence than there is now. How many lives have perished at the hands of NT'ers in video games? Millions, if not billions. How many murderers do we have on this website? We don't know, but it'd be ridiculously disproportiate. Add violent movie and television scenes, and the results stay the same. A lot of violence coming in, very little violence coming out.

You know what idgaf. I'll post this here

:stoneface:  This guy

Ok, this is a man that examines dead bodies for a living. Day in day out, week after week, year after year. He's a little off kilter. Couple that with public speaking inexperience and you've got yourself some awkward moments/ misspeaking at his live worldwide press conference. Put yourself in his shoes. Do not just watch 3 second loops of wierd noises he makes on a youtube video and think it means anything. You think you could nail every statement? Every word, every answer without making a mistake? You couldn't.

The guy in the begining, do you even know what he says?

Again, put yourself in this guy shoes. About to deliver a message on the behalf of a deceased child's family LIVE on national TV. There's no one way to act in that situation. Some people may be straight faced throughout. Others may try to find a brief moment of levity before taking on such a heavy task. It obviously didn't work for this guy because he broke as soon as he stepped up to deliver the message. I'm not going to crucify this man because he was caught chuckling off stage, but on camera. That **** is was more real for him than it was for any conspiracy nerd that wants to loop half second segments of a video.

Eye witness talking to TV reporter. He sees a guy wearing camo pants and a dark sweatshirt being taken by police. Guy in camo pants, walking through woods? Typically, during the fall and winter months (edit: year round, I suppose), hunters and various outdoorsmen like to go...outdoors. The prefered dress of these outdoorsmen/outdoorswomen is camofauged apparel. But, if you think that is suspicious, you should be applauding the police's action in taking him in and questioning.

These conspiracy honks crack me up. Videotaping themselves standing on a street corner with a rifle, telling the police that they have not broken any laws and can not be detained one day. Condemning the guy wearing camo pants as the 2nd gunmen the next.

Again, this video veers off into protect the 2nd ammendment territorry. Suddenly everything the news anchor says becomes code words for taking away guns. You know what? If you watch those news stations you hear many people saying they don't want to take away every body's gun. That it's not realistic or fair to do so. That's a lie though, right? The spoken words don't mean anything. It's the words not said that mean everything! :wow: :wow: MATRIX!! :wow: Give me a *******break.

All three of those videos are bull****
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I could make a conspiracy theory video with my friends right now, and DC would be jumping up and down saying "SEE, I TOLD YALL! BUT YALL DON'T WANNA OPEN YOUR EYES!"

Conspiracies are like drunk chicks with their ******* hanging out to DC.
The kids are victims not refugees, homeless, or poor. Why buy them extra presents to show your sympathy? The parents who lost children need the help too.
Now I love a good conspiracy... But COME ON. Actors? Really?

A guy who looks at bodies all day is strange? No ****.

20 kids gt shot up. Period. They didn't fake that.

Both political parties working together and screwing over the middle class. That I can see. Reagan and the CIA introducing coke/crack. I can see that. But this? Nah. Just doesn't give that vibe at all.
The kids are victims not refugees, homeless, or poor. Why buy them extra presents to show your sympathy? The parents who lost children need the help too.
And not to sound cruel...but how did this tragedy affect them financially? To the point where they cannot afford their kids gift? And like you said what about the parents? I said this in a thread earlier this year in a religious thread. Ppl use tragedies as a means of some sort of selfish morality booster....a pat on the back atta boy if you will.

If you think about it we are basically saying you can solve seek comfort/council by obtaining material things. And this whole hierarchy of human worth is amazing.... ppl just seem to pretty much overlook that parents/adults are involved.....matter fact these events probably way a toll and is harder fr them to overcome then the kids. I mean it may sound bad, but a child really cant conceive nor understand the magnitude of what really happened.

If your a parent... esp... if you just have a single child, if something like this happened to you how would you feel?
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STRASBURG, Va. (AP) - A man was arrested after he walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in northern Virginia with a 2-by-4 board with the words "High Powered Rifle" written on it.

Maj. Scott Proctor of the Shenandoah County Sheriff's Office said 33-year-old Christopher Gerrit Johnson apparently was attempting to make a statement about school safety Wednesday when he walked into the elementary school in Strasburg about 60 miles west of Washington.

Rest of Article in Link
You know what idgaf. I'll post this here

:stoneface:  This guy

But seriously I understand he may be strange given his job. But this is so completely unprofessional from any standpoint. You don't know who you examined? What killed them? What the sex of each victim was? Like are you kidding? Where is the professionalism at all?

edit: There are a lot of things that are strange about all this. But it just seems strange that this kid killed his mom then went in and did all of this. He is estranged from his father and his brother. So there is really no one to say anything about him. His mom could have said "he would never do that he has aspergers which means you aren't violent". But his mom was killed. And no one was talking about hearing gun shots at the house? How many times his mom was shot? He killed her....then slaughtered all these kids.
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STRASBURG, Va. (AP) - A man was arrested after he walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in northern Virginia with a 2-by-4 board with the words "High Powered Rifle" written on it.

Maj. Scott Proctor of the Shenandoah County Sheriff's Office said 33-year-old Christopher Gerrit Johnson apparently was attempting to make a statement about school safety Wednesday when he walked into the elementary school in Strasburg about 60 miles west of Washington.

Rest of Article in Link

Charges? Nonsense. Kid was excising his rights as a citizen and patriot.
Kids need to protect themselves. Had the kids at Newtown been strapped, perhaps Lanza wouldn't be the notorious figure he is today.
Everyone in the school should've been strapped: principles, teachers, janitors, etc
We all get guns and stay strapped = no more gun violence/massacres.
:rofl:... it would work though
Ok, this is a man that examines dead bodies for a living. Day in day out, week after week, year after year. He's a little off kilter. Couple that with public speaking inexperience and you've got yourself some awkward moments/ misspeaking at his live worldwide press conference. Put yourself in his shoes. Do not just watch 3 second loops of wierd noises he makes on a youtube video and think it means anything. You think you could nail every statement? Every word, every answer without making a mistake? You couldn't.
The guy in the begining, do you even know what he says?

I'm saying...now medical examiners, police, family of victims, and religious leaders aren't allowed to be a little awkward and/or misspeak? On this stage, in the national spotlight? After something like this? We're expecting these people to have the public speaking skills of JFK all of the sudden? They screw up a little or give a questionable response and now it's a conspiracy? NT watches waaay too much TV.

I might agree that families have taken to the media a little quickly and some even trying to "force" out tears, without even having time to truly mourn their kids' deaths. We all know what they're going through and that they're devastated. My thoughts are that they believe the public will second guess them if they are not bawling, which shouldn't be true. I doubt it's easy to get in front of the cameras after something like this.
Both political parties working together and screwing over the middle class. That I can see. Reagan and the CIA introducing coke/crack. I can see that. But this? Nah. Just doesn't give that vibe at all.

It's clear as day to me and I'm not conspiracy theorist whatsoever. Not to discredit the murders of these innocent children AT ALL but to me this is like the easiest shot at gun control i've ever seen. Combine what can be considered the worst of the worst type of crime with a passive American public and before you know it guns are illegal in America. Again, i'm no conspiracy theorist by a long shot but there's just something not right about this incident.
There's so many factors people aren't considering when they talk about this being a conspiracy..

Everybody in the school who saw Lanza, the people they interviewed about him as a kid, his family, the dead children's families/friends, the Newtown police, fire dept., mayor, pastors would ALL have to be in on it.

Y'all sitting here talking about dude who's daughter was killed is an actor. Well if he's a actor that means the child (who IS dead) has to have REAL parents somewhere. You think they're just cool with somebody pretending to be the parents of their dead child?

I'm not naive to conspiracies, and I'm sure the gov't has done some shady ****, but unless you can explain how such a conspiracy could really go down (especially with as many different factors as there are in this case) don't go acting like you know what you're talking about because a few people interviewed "acted funny".
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Seriously what part is a conspiracy? They brainwashed a kid to bring a gun and start firing? Those kids were planted? The entire neighborhood was in on it? The neighborhood is really composed of actors?

It makes no sense whatsoever.

the government will just take advantage of a situation. It happens all the time. That's not the same thing in any way
For all you folks saying we should have our firearms taken away, why don't you go to GM and tell them to stop making cars as well for all the deaths. Same logic, right?
For all you folks saying we should have our firearms taken away, why don't you go to GM and tell them to stop making cars as well for all the deaths. Same logic, right?
Nope. Not even close.
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