Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

What does that even mean? Cars kill more people than guns do. That's a fact.

Ok, if you are using that logic....look at all of the measures that have been put in place to make driving, and being a passenger in a car more safe.
:rofl:... it would work though

Word. Just look at Israel for example... they have armed security but I am sure there teachers there also are STRAPED!

View media item 178867
View media item 178871
Israeli law requires that an armed security guard be on duty at all times in all educational environments. No person can enter a protected school without being physically checked. Most Israelis have had military training, so in a school environment, there are people who have weapons and know how to use them to defeat an attacker. They also have the tools to question any visitor in a way where a simple set of questions will in most cases allow them to determine a good or bad intent.
Weapons alone in the hands of school security officials or teachers will never prevent an attack, but they may certainly delay it from escalating, ending it far more quickly than simply waiting for the nearest police backup to arrive at the scene. But intense training and coordination is required.
Access should be strictly limited, perimeters should be protected with cameras monitored while students are on the property, and as in Israel, no strangers or people without good reason to be on campus should be allowed into any school.
Access control should include searches and the use of technology such as metal detectors, like those used when entering a government building.
Protecting schools and training their personnel to prevent and respond to attacks should be a priority in all educational systems around the world.
Seriously what part is a conspiracy? They brainwashed a kid to bring a gun and start firing? Those kids were planted? The entire neighborhood was in on it? The neighborhood is really composed of actors?

It makes no sense whatsoever.

the government will just take advantage of a situation. It happens all the time. That's not the same thing in any way

I agree with you, I don't know what to believe and i will wait and see if more information is brought to light. But i do think the government kind of has to address this now the public outcry basically demands it. I also don't believe dude was an actor and that medical examiner may just be a clown.

But: The multiple stories of more then one shooter.....the accounts of seeing another guy being taken in from the woods....the fact that people in the school said it sounded like machine gun firing but yet it was only a semi-auto gun.

If i were to believe any conspiracy its that there were more people involved with all this then just one person. But moms dead....and kids computer is broke (we will see if anything is recovered from the hard drive) dad and brother are estranged. Most crazy people want to be stopped....they write letters, they tell people, they leave clues, they want attention of some sort. And anyone who knows some one with aspergers will tell you they are very skiddish and afraid of people. They aren't the get angry and injure some one type (generalization i know but still). But maybe we will get video tape footage. I believe that they said the school had security cameras in place. So just anything really like that and i will wipe all the conspiracy thoughts from my head

Either way the story is horrifying and RIP to everyone who lost their lives
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While as a future educator I wouldn't mind being armed at all, I'm not sure asking the same group of ppl that are in the news weekly for sleeping with children is such a good idea.
Handguns account for over 6,000 of the firearms deaths each year in the US.  All rifles account for 400.

And America thinks "Assault Rifles" are the problem.
Handguns account for over 6,000 of the firearms deaths each year in the US.  All rifles account for 400.

And America thinks "Assault Rifles" are the problem.
These "massacre's" that have been occurring have involved AR's...
[h1]Aurora Gunman’s Arsenal: Shotgun, Semiautomatic Rifle and, at the End, a Pistol[/h1][h6]By JAMES DAO[/h6]
The three types of weapons used by the man accused of killing 12 people in a Colorado movie theater — a semiautomatic variation of the military’s M-16 rifle, a pump-action 12-gauge shotgun and at least one .40-caliber semiautomatic pistol — are among the most popular guns available in the multibillion-dollar American firearms market.
(CNN) -- Adam Lanza brought three weapons inside Sandy Hook Elementary school on December 14 and left a fourth in his car, police said. Those weapons were a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle and two handguns -- a Glock 10 mm and a Sig Sauer 9 mm.
Ok, if you are using that logic....look at all of the measures that have been put in place to make driving, and being a passenger in a car more safe.

I was only using that logic because people are saying we should ban guns because they kill people. That's why I mentioned cars, because they kill more, but we aren't banning them.
I was only using that logic because people are saying we should ban guns because they kill people. That's why I mentioned cars, because they kill more, but we aren't banning them.
No, but there have been changes to legislation that make cars safer. Your argument doesn't work.
So now you wanna be Israel where there is constant fear of an attack?

This is ridiculous. They aren't armed because of the possibility of a psycho coming in. They a armed because they are in constant war. So this is what we should strive for? Seriously?
Ok, if you are using that logic....look at all of the measures that have been put in place to make driving, and being a passenger in a car more safe.
I was only using that logic because people are saying we should ban guns because they kill people. That's why I mentioned cars, because they kill more, but we aren't banning them.
LMK when 26 people die inside a school by someone driving their Fiat down the hallway with intent to kill....
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For who? The person driving the car or for the person crossing the street?

Man, I don't really want to get into this too much but your logic is flawed. The person crossing the street is often the one who is at fault. Your comparison just doesn't work
So now you wanna be Israel where there is constant fear of an attack?
This is ridiculous. They aren't armed because of the possibility of a psycho coming in. They a armed because they are in constant war. So this is what we should strive for? Seriously?

Why not strive for it? You don't think at this moment there are people planning and looking to capitalize on this shooting incident by doing something more catastrophic. There are tons of Adam Lanza's all over this country armed to the teeth and just waiting on a perfect opportunity. But yeah lets ban assault weapons, that's the solution.. :rolleyes
For who? The person driving the car or for the person crossing the street?

So what you are essentially saying is: putting a ban on cars is on par with putting a ban on certain and/or all firearms because they both kill people.

Ask yourself this: would a society without certain guns be as costly as a society without cars?
So what you are essentially saying is: putting a ban on cars is on par with putting a ban on certain and/or all firearms because they both kill people.
Ask yourself this: would a society without certain guns be as costly as a society without cars?

This society already has these "certain" guns. Don't you guys get it? Sure you can ban it now but what about the hundreds of thousands of assault weapons already on the street? What's the solution for that? Just this week alone, the sale of assault rifles are flying off the shelves. It's shouldn't just be a matter of banning it but how do we defend ourselves.
Elementary schools don't need armed guards.  It's never going to happen so of course they are easy to walk in with a gun....That dude was a dummy. No point is proven
I was only using that logic because people are saying we should ban guns because they kill people. That's why I mentioned cars, because they kill more, but we aren't banning them.

Son just stop it, that is seriously the dumbest **** I've ever read on here...comparing cars to guns regardless of which has killed more is just stupid...nobody NOBODY buys a car with the intent to either defend or kill each other NOBODY...99% of people that die due to a car is an ACCIDENT with that small percentage being the few looneys that have driven their car into crowds.

Guns were made for and have one and ONLY on purpose and that is to HARM, wether in self defense or mass murders, end result is death or at least someone being harmed.

How ridiculous you sound comparing guns to cars.
So what you are essentially saying is: putting a ban on cars is on par with putting a ban on certain and/or all firearms because they both kill people.
Ask yourself this: would a society without certain guns be as costly as a society without cars?

The issue here isn't about cars or guns, it's about people.

You give a sick person a gun he will injury somebody. A put a drunk driver behind the wheel he is going to injury somebody.

A car that's parked inside your garbage and the gun that's put away in the closet isn't killing anyone.
The issue here isn't about cars or guns, it's about people.

You give a sick person a gun he will injury somebody. A put a drunk driver behind the wheel he is going to injury somebody.

A car that's parked inside your garbage and the gun that's put away in the closet isn't killing anyone.

100% agree.
The issue here isn't about cars or guns, it's about people.
You give a sick person a gun he will injury somebody. A put a drunk driver behind the wheel he is going to injury somebody.
A car that's parked inside your garbage and the gun that's put away in the closet isn't killing anyone.

A car was made with a different purpose fam, when you think about it, a damb chair in the hands of a lunatic can kill someone too...almost anything can be used as a weapon, screwdrivers, Hammers, any glass object, hell you can even suficate someone with a pillow...should we put a ban on EVERYTHING?...no!!!....please name me any other purpose of a gun....at least one more that doesn't depend on causing harm to someone whatever that reason may be....can you build a closet with a handgun?...can you hop on your handgun and have it transport you?....can you use your handgun as a soap dispenser?...I mean get serious with this stupid *** argument.
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A car was made with a different purpose fam, when you think about it, a damb chair in the hands of a lunatic can kill someone too...almost anything can be used as a weapon, screwdrivers, Hammers, any glass object, hell you can even suficate someone with a pillow...should we put a ban on EVERYTHING?...no!!!....please name me any other purpose of a gun....at least one more that doesn't depend on causing harm to someone whatever that reason may be....can you build a closet with a handgun?...can you hop on your handgun and have it transport you?....can you use your handgun as a soap dispenser?...I mean get serious with this stupid *** argument.

Exactly my point, should we ban everything because of some lunatic? No...
Don't you see how ridiculous my argument was about banning cars because some individuals are irresponsible and can kill someone. There are plenty of crazies out there, so should we ban guns now because of them, no.
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