Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

it'll continue happening as long as actors at the state level continue to get away with rampant racism, abuse and murder of people of color while the rest of mainstream america continually devises ways to cover up and make excuses for them
I'm carrying my pistol wherever I go, rip to the people that lost their lives and I hope this dude burns.
hate crime to a gun control issue :smh: ...the deflection is quick n usually effect
the fact that it seems like every media outlet and Obama is making this a gun violence issue, just makes me wonder if 9 lives were sacrificed for a political agenda.

guns arent the issue here. racism and hate is.

and the fact that Obama didn't mention the word racism once in his speech, when that was clearly the motivation.
hate crime to a gun control issue :smh: ...the deflection is quick n usually effect
the fact that it seems like every media outlet and Obama is making this a gun violence issue, just makes me wonder if 9 lives were sacrificed for a political agenda.

guns arent the issue here. racism and hate is.

and the fact that Obama didn't mention the word racism once in his speech, when that was clearly the motivation.

I thought he was setting up for it then he quickly went to gun control. I turned it off after that.
This is obviously a hate crime. White people tryna make this a gun control issue. Please. You don't see white shooters shooting up white churches.
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Where's ksteezy to deflect and change the topic of the thread? I'm surprised he hasn't came in here and blamed blacks for going to church too much. @ksteezy
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cant it be both?
Because people kill people, guns are only an accessory. Plus if guns are made illegal, criminals will try their best to obtain them regardless of it's status. Hell, I hope church people start strapping themselves now to prevent lunatics from killing them.
RIP to the victims and thoughts and prayers go out to their loved ones.  So very sad
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Because people kill people, guns are only an accessory. Plus if guns are made illegal, criminals will try their best to obtain them regardless of it's status. Hell, I hope church people start strapping themselves now to prevent lunatics from killing them.
Like president Obama said **** like this doesn't happen in other developed countries. We live in a violent and racist country with wayyyy too many guns.
cant it be both?
Because people kill people, guns are only an accessory. Plus if guns are made illegal, criminals will try their best to obtain them regardless of it's status. Hell, I hope church people start strapping themselves now to prevent lunatics from killing them.
i wonder why there are so many stabbings in china, those idiots should have just gotten a gun so much easier

only in america 
How much more of this **** are we gonna take before we realize we need to get organized and unite against white supremacy? Too many ppl in denial looking at the world through rose tinted glasses. The us govt IS covert white supremacy and the media is one of their tools. Same **** been happening and mfers still turning a blind eye :smh:
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