Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

This is obviously a hate crime. White people tryna make this a gun control issue. Please. You don't see white shooters shooting up white churches.
cant it be both?

IMO, It's both.

The main problem with racism in the US isn't that it just exists; it's the fact that the fear of the laws (and its consequences) being greater than someone's hatred is the ONLY thing that's stopping anyone from committing hate crimes. As soon as that's gone, the potential to act on those feelings is greatly increased by the easy availability of firearms.
Stop it...white supremacist are the devil


Same white people that's obsessed with black culture quiet as hell out here when **** like this go on
yea this dude is a animal. But the way im lookin at it is anyone throwin racist names and all that are the same. I def aint sayin anyone who says racist stuff i sthe same as this animal tho

What racist name has been said?

i know you're "62%" European but make a thread defending your ignorant folks. They've been terrorist for 400 years so ima get these post off when they keep killing my people
Stop it...white supremacist are the devil


Same white people that's obsessed with black culture quiet as hell out here when **** like this go on
yea this dude is a animal. But the way im lookin at it is anyone throwin racist names and all that are the same. I def aint sayin anyone who says racist stuff i sthe same as this animal tho

What the hell are you saying man
If you don't share the same mindset then you shouldn't be offended when these white supremacist get slandered.
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View media item 1587881

What a dork. I hope he is caught alive and gets to rot in prison. 


I don't, I want him to be tortured and suffer before he dies, I know it won't happen though.. Spending time in prison won't faze him, which is why he didn't kill himself. Im actually upset that he was caught alive. If a man can go into a church and kill men, women, and children without provocation, can be captured alive and not deemed threatening. But a man running away is shot dead. A young kid who may or may not have stolen some cigarellos from a corner store is shot and killed, a 12 yr old with a toy gun is shot and killed, and a man who may have had an illegal pocket knife is dead from a severed spine then we have no hope. They called Trayvon a thug because he may have smoked a lil weed a week or two prior to his death. He was a thug because he got suspended from school. What has that ***** Zimmerman been doing prior to the incident and to this day? Nothing but "thug" activity. ******* ********. **** is really frustrating.

The guy is going to kill himself.

Thought so too. Just shows he doesn't give a damn, or he is confident he will get the best defense possible.

They captured him!!

Not surprised. Bet he looks healthy as ever too.

Very quite
Soft spoken
Would never do something like this
Mentally ill
Picked on


They getting his defense ready, the set up is in.

Hmmmm so the police didn't have to kill him to bring him in? Guess that's just for black "suspects"

Bingo :smh:

Obama talking bout some damn gun control Smfh



Have they started calling him mentally disturbed yet as if itd an excuse


I wonder how many more times something like this needs to happen before white dudes start getting stereotyped as badly as black dudes do

They are the worst..............................These thugs on the police force, in politics, everywhere.

I thought he was setting up for it then he quickly went to gun control. I turned it off after that.

Out in Baltimore they are thugs :smh:. Not condoning what they did, but that label is ****** up. What label does this bastard get.
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The mainstream media is going to do everything in it's power to make people sympathize with him.

They may lean left, they may lean right, but at the end of the day they all lean white.

Our people are under siege and I feel so powerless.
Cops should put him back in front of the church right now .... id like to see if these Christians would forgive :nerd:
Where's ksteezy to deflect and change the topic of the thread? I'm surprised he hasn't came in here and blamed blacks for going to church too much. @ksteezy
I feel bad because I laughed at this, the post was funny to me in a serious thread, and plus I dig Steezy, but the post was still funny. I will show myself out.
The mainstream media is going to do everything in it's power to make people sympathize with him.

They may lean left, they may lean right, but at the end of the day they all lean white.

Our people are under siege and I feel so powerless.
the american media is awful 

its not actual news, its spreading fear and reinforcing hate 
The reason why we will never come together is because every time something like this happens everyone just uses it to push their agendas. The President is pushing his gun control agenda, blacks are using it to push their agenda of not being treated fairly and unfair media coverage, etc... it will continue to be a never ending cycle.

Instead of focusing on why and how these things happen, we would rather call the criminal a cracker or ****** and have fake outrage for a week on social media until the next big news story happens.

Nothing is every going to change.
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"blacks are using it to push their agenda of not being treated fairly and unfair media coverage, etc..."


It's a fact.
The reason why we will never come together is because every time something like this happens everyone just uses it to push their agendas. The President is pushing his gun control agenda, blacks are using it to push their agenda of not being treated fairly and unfair media coverage, etc... it will continue to be a never ending cycle.

Instead of focusing on why and how these things happen, we would rather call the criminal a cracker or ****** and have fake outrage for a week on social media until the next big news story happens.

Nothing is every going to change.
so what agenda did Blacks have 400, 300, 200, 100, 50, 25, and 10 years ago when YOUR people were still terrorizing us?
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