Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

we still talk about trayvon, mike brown, tamir, the brother who got killed in walmart, the pool incidents, unfair laws made to target blacks, and etc....

you racist ************* will always be a topic


Keep talking about them while doing nothing. Im sure calling white people crackers is going to help the cause.

Is that your issue? someone in anger over the situation called a white person a cracker? that overrides the issue and stops the conversation in your mind? Do you even understand how idiotic and trivial the point you're trying to make is?
we still talk about trayvon, mike brown, tamir, the brother who got killed in walmart, the pool incidents, unfair laws made to target blacks, and etc....

you racist ************* will always be a topic


Keep talking about them while doing nothing. Im sure calling white people crackers is going to help the cause.

So what exactly have you done? Or are you not outraged?

Seems you are more upset that people are upset than the fact minorities are being violently targeted. Should we not be upset, should we not be outraged.

What you seem to be glossing over is people are frustrated because it would seem we CANT do anything. People would like to see change but you can't demand justice from a system that doesn't seem to want to be just. And if someone does do something it's fake outrage and an agenda. protesters are just a bunch of thugs in the street. Then they bring out the armored trucks and riot gear. Wtf are people supposed to do?
Hey, I know folks are upset, and there was a massacre here, but can we please watch the language? It won't matter in a week anyways.
I haven't seen this called a terrorist attack yet ..

Funny because if dude was middle eastern or dark skin this would've immediately been labeled one
NINE BLACK PEOPLE were killed by a terrorist and @Trelvis Tha Thrilla
 is angry that we are outraged. This my friend is a white supremacist

Yup. Thats what I meant. Got me...

How am I angry? Cause I view this differently than you?

Dudes would rather make fun of his bowl cut than have a conversation. You are the one who sounds mad.
and yall say I'm trolling when I say 70% of white people support white supremacy whether it's blatant or just being completely "oblivious" to it 

We got blacks out here supporting it too. Obama is a pawn to create the illusion of black leadership to keep ignorant black folks docile.
The reason why we will never come together is because every time something like this happens everyone just uses it to push their agendas. The President is pushing his gun control agenda, blacks are using it to push their agenda of not being treated fairly and unfair media coverage, etc... it will continue to be a never ending cycle.

Instead of focusing on why and how these things happen, we would rather call the criminal a cracker or ****** and have fake outrage for a week on social media until the next big news story happens.

Nothing is every going to change.

Never said nutoh
The reason why we will never come together is because every time something like this happens everyone just uses it to push their agendas. The President is pushing his gun control agenda, blacks are using it to push their agenda of not being treated fairly and unfair media coverage, etc... it will continue to be a never ending cycle.

Instead of focusing on why and how these things happen, we would rather call the criminal a cracker or ****** and have fake outrage for a week on social media until the next big news story happens.
yea you said exactly what i was trying to say

Mods need to expose the clowns who rep this post
Yup. Thats what I meant. Got me...

How am I angry? Cause I view this differently than you?

Dudes would rather make fun of his bowl cut than have a conversation. You are the one who sounds mad.

Is this not an example of biased and racist reporting tho ?

Show me a article where dude is called a Thug or a terrorist
NINE BLACK PEOPLE were killed by a terrorist and @Trelvis Tha Thrilla
 is angry that we are outraged. This my friend is a white supremacist
Yup. Thats what I meant. Got me...

How am I angry? Cause I view this differently than you?

Dudes would rather make fun of his bowl cut than have a conversation. You are the one who sounds mad.
You God damn right I'm mad. Why wouldn't I be? 

Negros are still being terrorized by white people 400 years later. 
Being a black man in the south with these acts of hate towards blacks happening quite frequently invokes a feeling that can't be described. :smh:
and yall say I'm trolling when I say 70% of white people support white supremacy whether it's blatant or just being completely "oblivious" to it 
We got blacks out here supporting it too. Obama is a pawn to create the illusion of black leadership to keep ignorant black folks docile.
Obama is such a joke....he went the classless route to call them kids thugs but won't go that route with this fool.
Yo! white people want black people to say "cracker" so bad. Guess what, most of us don't. Some white people want to play victim and have their "struggle" equated to the black struggle so bad. We just don't have un-rational hate towards white people in our hearts. Simply put, black people aren't racist. And if we do have hate for certain white people, it's often very justified.

Truth is, Black people are the most accepting people in the world. This is how a white man can worship with us, then kill us.

What happened in that Church is a microcosm of history. Minorities being welcoming to the white man, then him turning right around and killing you.
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Black peoples agenda

If this incident doesn't show how compassionate, inclusive and forgiving black people are I don't know what else will.
Nobody questioned why this WASP came to an all historically black church. They welcomed him with open arms in the sanctuary of lord and were murdered.
Let me show up to a predominantly *insert ethnicity/race* and trust and believe someone is looking at me sideways. We have been asked to keep calm, be patient, obey the law, stay peaceful, don't be angry and these acts just keep on happening but we live in a post racial society[emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji]
How long are we going to let the foot of oppression stand on our necks. Why do we have to defend our feelings when we are dying and our causes are thrown to the waste side. This is terrorism.
You know what the real black agenda has always been:
We just want to be seen as human and equal and given the seem freedoms as our counterparts.
I can't be upset at seeing my people still being victimized without being labeled or told what to do and how to be. Can any of you understand that frustration?
South Carolina is home to 19 known hate groups — including two factions of the Ku Klux Klan and four "white nationalist" organizations, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

here is a video of the pastor that was killed doing a speech about the Walter Scott murder...


Dylann Roof has the same "mental illness" that millions and millions of white Americans have had for 400 years.

thats quote is from God himself...
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I can't be upset at seeing my people still being victimized without being labeled or told what to do and how to be. Can any of you understand that frustration?
I came to terms with it that we can't worry about how we'll be labeled. We just have to perservere.
Why this isn't getting the coverage/white outrage as the Boston bomber is 

On god I'm done sympathizing with them 
When they get killed by terrorist they're all about "We're one" blah blah blah

When we get hit it's quiet on the white side 
Democrats have the black vote locked up for the next 70 years. Why would they make it a race issue. May as well talk about gun control. Never waste an opportunity.
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