ETHER December 4, 2001

Originally Posted by cartune

Ether the name and the beat is what had @*#%+@ hypnotized.

Lets be serious dudes still dont know what an ether is Nas won off of that alone. Black folks like new words
@ me typing in 'Either' in the Kazaa search box when I first heard about the song....

You never answered my question concerning Bp2 song

Dont even know why you asking, you already know where it would go. The whole "fact vs fiction" argument, then the "black girl lost/you owe me" "contradiction". We've been here before.

Look, when this came out...Jay fans (and Jay too, apparently) were hurt. There was no doubt who won at *that* moment. It wasn't close. It wasn't a debate. Ether was it. At least in the circles I ran in.

Then SuperUgly came out and it just wasn't strong enough. It wasn't angry enough. It was kinda...corny. Still jokey. Even if true, it was just a corny thing to say. _'s didn't really honor that.

All the post game, super slow mo, box score analysis is whatever. The moment matters. And at *that* moment...Jay and The Roc were looking bad in these streets.

Ive always said this. Whatever "in retrospect" opinion is kinda irrelevant, just off the strength that they are friends now. Thats why I never understood the "Jay won the war" talk, it wasnt a damn war. Takeover = Ether imo, but Ether just had a bigger impact at the time. That cant be argued.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Seymore CAKE wrote:
Y'all can front like Jay didn't lose a step if you want to 
The thing that I'm having a hard time understanding for dude that supposedly lost a step or got hit with the "so called" greatest diss record ever as it appears Jay got even bigger and better from the time Ether dropped until this very moment while Nas on the other hand, well let's just say it's been a continuous downward spiral for Nas every since, and there's a reason for that continuous downward spiral by the way.  That's just my take on things.  

Original thread, also full of truth/hilarious gems:
 Man, alot of you dudes are reaching for the stars here, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. 

Continuous downward spiral in terms of what exactly? Commercial Success?

One's an extrovert and the others an introvert.  One wants the public acclaim the other shuns away from it. It has little to do with who's better and more to do with personalities and what they strive for.  What one person deems as success isn't necessarily equivilant to what another person deems as success.  I'm sure I don't have to remid you of that my good brother.

Are you talking about in terms of records sold?

If that's the case then that all goes back to what I stated above, it has to do with the type of personality you align yourself with/popularity which goes back to the extrovert/introvert. Because damn near all of his albums have went platinum, more than half of them half debuted at #1, and his last 3 projects have all been nominated for Grammys.

Are you talking about in terms of quality product?

You can't be because since then Nas has put out arguable some of the best music hiphop has heard. Stillmatic, GodSon, Streets Disciple, Untitled, Distant Relatives.  All of which were criticially acclaimed the amount of quality music is OFF the charts.

So by what standards are you basing this stance that one has been on a continued downward spiral?

thank you.

if Nas has da bravado of say 50 cent, and more ruthless in his doings, he would've been ALOT more deliberate in ending Jay-z...

have we forgot was Irv Gotti said about trying to sign Nas with Sway " i told Nas we was gonna wild out, make mad money and %##$ mad skeezaz, you know thats exactly

what Nas DOESNT"

I feel Jay won, others feel Nas won.  I got my reasons for why I feel Jay won and others have there reason as to why Nas won, I got NO problem with that. 
what you feel happened =/= what actually happened...Nas was crowned da victor by a jury of his peers.

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

takeover won, forgot bp2

Jay was in shambles because NY (aka hot97, aka KAY SLAY WHO WAS RIDING WITH NAS) decided he lost.

Jay didn't question it, he took it as gospel and tasted defeat.
then weeks later Kay and Nas had beef and all of the sudden he wasnt riding with him anymore.

I'm not an "NY RAP elitist" but if you guys weren't in NY for this time period you have no idea how much Hot97 and Kay Slay played in all of this.
i was listening to da radio ALL DAY that we're just gonna act like angie martinez & funk flex were pole riding jigga's super ugly for HOURS..talking

about "we have a NEW RESPONSE FROM JAY-Z we debuting after da top 5 @4"
it took dozens of callers telling em "nah angie, ether is betta..nah flex,

ether got jay-z" kay flay was only reflecting what da public already was feeling, fat joe was there too...after a hour of callers refusing to knowledge that super ugly was better

angie & flex relented and agreed with fat joe, slay, and da rest of NY and crowned Nas da winner...da odds were STACKED against Nas too, they had Both takeover & super ugly

vs ether when it SHOULD'VE been da stillmatic freetyle & ether.
Originally Posted by carbon16

Originally Posted by iHust1e

Originally Posted by diceloveme


Cant believe its been TEN YEARS THO

I cant front. I was a massive Jay stan and when I heard #ether back in 01, I had that feeling you gett when you know you in trouble and you gotta wait in your room for your dad to get home from work and give you your punishment.


Regardless of how some of yall feel Nas is the reason why Jay won't respond directly to any other artist in the game that has some sort of skill.
1/2 true...he did diss jim jones too in ballin (brooklyn remix) and jim outsmarted him and remix da diss against him and spit even more, used him for publicity, & bds spins
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

takeover won, forgot bp2

Jay was in shambles because NY (aka hot97, aka KAY SLAY WHO WAS RIDING WITH NAS) decided he lost.

Jay didn't question it, he took it as gospel and tasted defeat.
then weeks later Kay and Nas had beef and all of the sudden he wasnt riding with him anymore.

I'm not an "NY RAP elitist" but if you guys weren't in NY for this time period you have no idea how much Hot97 and Kay Slay played in all of this.
i was listening to da radio ALL DAY that we're just gonna act like angie martinez & funk flex were pole riding jigga's super ugly for HOURS..talking

about "we have a NEW RESPONSE FROM JAY-Z we debuting after da top 5 @4"
it took dozens of callers telling em "nah angie, ether is betta..nah flex,

ether got jay-z" kay flay was only reflecting what da public already was feeling, fat joe was there too...after a hour of callers refusing to knowledge that super ugly was better

angie & flex relented and agreed with fat joe, slay, and da rest of NY and crowned Nas da winner...da odds were STACKED against Nas too, they had Both takeover & super ugly

vs ether when it SHOULD'VE been da stillmatic freetyle & ether.
you're talking "super ugly vs ether",
in that case, who cares who wins, they were both emotional disses.

Takeover can still be played as a good song, point blank

if anything, the stillmatic freestyle was better than Ether to me
I don't even like Jim Jones but that was such a smart move
I was dying with him going back to hype man mode ad libbing over Jay's verse.

I play Ether every now and then, still a good song to me.
I don't even like Jim Jones but that was such a smart move

A smart move, how so??  Jim Jones is a glorified garbage man and is now reduced to doing reality TV with his wife to be to make ends meet.  After Jay ended Cam's career he brought down Dipset and Co. thus leaving all those bums to fend for themselves.


if Nas has da bravado of say 50 cent, and more ruthless in his doings, he would've been ALOT more deliberate in ending Jay-z...

That's all that anybody really needs to focus on when he comes to your thoughts or vision regarding this matter champ.  Alot of "if's", "could've", "would've", or "should have been's" from you, sad but true.  Like they say all the time, "you can never tell a %$#%# to stop do and you might as well kill that %$#%#"  

/\ Jay-Z could get caught with his pants down in a Range Rover with a ****** in Atlanta...and somehow you'd be able to spin it in his favor

That would never happen for several reasons, and with that I'll say this much.  No good/great rapper that I can think of off hand would be caught with a ****** or even take a picture with a ******..........................



Like I said, no good or great rapper.......
/\ Jay-Z could get caught with his pants down in a Range Rover with a ****** in Atlanta...and somehow you'd be able to spin it in his favor.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by carbon16

Originally Posted by iHust1e


Cant believe its been TEN YEARS THO

I cant front. I was a massive Jay stan and when I heard #ether back in 01, I had that feeling you gett when you know you in trouble and you gotta wait in your room for your dad to get home from work and give you your punishment.


Regardless of how some of yall feel Nas is the reason why Jay won't respond directly to any other artist in the game that has some sort of skill.
1/2 true...he did diss jim jones too in ballin (brooklyn remix) and jim outsmarted him and remix da diss against him and spit even more, used him for publicity, & bds spins
Jones doesn't have skill tho
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by carbon16

Originally Posted by iHust1e


Cant believe its been TEN YEARS THO

I cant front. I was a massive Jay stan and when I heard #ether back in 01, I had that feeling you gett when you know you in trouble and you gotta wait in your room for your dad to get home from work and give you your punishment.


Regardless of how some of yall feel Nas is the reason why Jay won't respond directly to any other artist in the game that has some sort of skill.
after Nas there was/ is no rapper thats up to par with him, like seriously
inb4 Eminem delirium 
As an artist creating songs no but battle wise yes:
Game (Not even a fan)
Come at me bros
Originally Posted by Deuce King

That would never happen for several reasons, and with that I'll say this much.  No good/great rapper that I can think of off hand would be caught with a ****** or even take a picture with a ******..........................


Like I said, no good or great rapper.......

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

What's so funny? The song itself is straight but it just didn't belong at that spot. Should have ended the album with breathe easy. Grand opening, grand closing.
i shouldnt have laughed. my bad. so because of its placement on the cd, its "kinda weak?"
interesting reason. Ive been hearing more about sequencing of albums tho...


You never answered my question concerning Bp2 song
in one and out the other but heres how i see it.
Folks often times forget the sequence of events as i stated in an earlier post. 


-summerjam, "ask nas he dont...." calls Nas out. in Jay's words "I set the trap, just to see dude react"

-Nas responds with "stillmatic freestyle" (i could not remember its name to save my life earlier..) and in that diss Nas "gets at "Jay by saying ...

man i was gonna go on this long drawn out response, but this aint even necessary. 

nas accuses and points out jay to be this and that, jay responds by pointing out what was said of him in Nas and then in my opinion dismantling all the contradictions that make up Mr. Nasir Jones. we can go quote for quote, actually look at the lyrics and i think we come to Jay as the winner.

A lot of yall point to Nas winning the nyc poll, Jay stammering, bleek, etc as Nas' reasons for winning. then we retort saying if all those things count, then smashin ya baby moms should count. its an endless debate. 

all i got. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I don't even like Jim Jones but that was such a smart move
A smart move, how so??  Jim Jones is a glorified garbage man and is now reduced to doing reality TV with his wife to be to make ends meet.  After Jay ended Cam's career he brought down Dipset and Co. thus leaving all those bums to fend for themselves.

Why can't you stick to what happened at the time? All that shh you claiming you could not say when Jim remixed the song a 3rd time with Jay's verse AT THE TIME. At the end of the day it got Jim a whole lot more plays and just made Jay look extra dumb for responding. You are so focused on where the rapper is at now and can't properly address the issue.

I still question his intelligence in responding to Jim Jones OF ALL PEOPLE. Kinda goes back to Nas basically leaving him shook to ever rap battle again. I mean damn, of all the better rappers to address he acknowledges Jim Jones talking about he taking the song from him. You proving my point for me, Jim Jones a garbage man that outsmarted Jigga. Jim got weeks of extra spins because of Jay's response. Hot 97 was playing that every hour.

You over here talking after the fact like you had this knowledge then. Everything you saying is in hindsight, it's like you can't even recognize a smart cuz you blinded with this hate. I aint saying nothing new or different than when the thread was made for the song all those years ago and all you Jay stans were all silent about the topic.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by jthagreat

i shouldnt have laughed. my bad. so because of its placement on the cd, its "kinda weak?"
interesting reason. Ive been hearing more about sequencing of albums tho...


You never answered my question concerning Bp2 song
in one and out the other but heres how i see it.
Folks often times forget the sequence of events as i stated in an earlier post. 


-summerjam, "ask nas he dont...." calls Nas out. in Jay's words "I set the trap, just to see dude react"

-Nas responds with "stillmatic freestyle" (i could not remember its name to save my life earlier..) and in that diss Nas "gets at "Jay by saying ...

man i was gonna go on this long drawn out response, but this aint even necessary. 

nas accuses and points out jay to be this and that, jay responds by pointing out what was said of him in Nas and then in my opinion dismantling all the contradictions that make up Mr. Nasir Jones. we can go quote for quote, actually look at the lyrics and i think we come to Jay as the winner.

A lot of yall point to Nas winning the nyc poll, Jay stammering, bleek, etc as Nas' reasons for winning. then we retort saying if all those things count, then smashin ya baby moms should count. its an endless debate. 

all i got.
But fam WE DID go quote for quote, line for line, bar for bar in the who spoke the most truth/facts thread a few years back and it was determined Nas told more truth and Jay told more falsehoods. We had broke down about 4 songs in that thread, whole Jay team conceded and started getting extra petty and just waited til the thread died.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I don't even like Jim Jones but that was such a smart move

A smart move, how so??  Jim Jones is a glorified garbage man

perhaps, but jay-z rapping over his beat got him more bds spins and played him for even dissing jim jones..he took that and ran with it...jay-z has never dissed anyone since.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I don't even like Jim Jones but that was such a smart move

A smart move, how so??  Jim Jones is a glorified garbage man
perhaps, but jay-z rapping over his beat got him more bds spins and played him for even dissing jim jones..he took that and ran with it...jay-z has never dissed anyone since.

At least not blatantly. I was really hopin for Joey to bait him to see how that would turn out b/c that young man said somethings bout Old Man Jigga

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

You never answered my question concerning Bp2 song
in one ear and out the other but heres how i see it.
Folks often times forget the sequence of events as i stated in an earlier post. 


-summerjam, "ask nas he dont...." calls Nas out. in Jay's words "I set the trap, just to see dude react"

-Nas responds with "stillmatic freestyle" (i could not remember its name to save my life earlier..) and in that diss Nas "gets at "Jay by saying ...

man i was gonna go on this long drawn out response, but this aint even necessary. 

nas accuses and points out jay to be this and that, jay responds by pointing out what was said of him in Nas and then in my opinion dismantling all the contradictions that make up Mr. Nasir Jones. we can go quote for quote, actually look at the lyrics and i think we come to Jay as the winner.

A lot of yall point to Nas winning the nyc poll, Jay stammering, bleek, etc as Nas' reasons for winning. then we retort saying if all those things count, then smashin ya baby moms should count. its an endless debate. 

all i got.
But fam WE DID go quote for quote, line for line, bar for bar in the who spoke the most truth/facts thread a few years back and it was determined Nas told more truth and Jay told more falsehoods. We had broke down about 4 songs in that thread, whole Jay team conceded and started getting extra petty and just waited til the thread died.

ive been here for years man. i remember the thread. folks (or at least myself) dont feel like goin back and forth over and over and over and over again. 
its the same folks who think Jay won, and yall yell stan, D!!! rider over and over, and yall say Nas won over and over. 

but i would love to hear the truths and half truths told in the songs, then go about matter of opinions that are very valid (i.e. Nas career was very quiet until jay poked the sleepin giant) and tell me who won? 

actually dont, cause the sides never change, i wont convince you, you wont convince me. 

I remember me and the homie Illuztrious (and another Nas supporter) went song for song, Hilarious, but still, no one concedes.

one of Hiphop's Great battles. and no one died. 

if it matters, i had my moms  and another lady (outside unbiased opinions) listen to the line "I will not lose for even in defeat, theres a valuable lesson learned so it evens it up for me" and they think thats admitting defeat. yet no one mentioned it this thread (i dont think anyway) 
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Deuce King

A smart move, how so??  Jim Jones is a glorified garbage man
perhaps, but jay-z rapping over his beat got him more bds spins and played him for even dissing jim jones..he took that and ran with it...jay-z has never dissed anyone since.
At least not blatantly. I was really hopin for Joey to bait him to see how that would turn out b/c that young man said somethings bout Old Man Jigga

Joe Budden has prolly been my favorite/most listened to rapper over the past 5 years, he throws songs/shots at Jay and gets hit wit a Jab and its over...
its kinda messed up but yet very true statement by 50 "Jays a big man, Hes too big to respond..." Jay handles the "riff raff" how he sees fit. hes not gonna respond with more than a bar here and there. 

(and then here's the response to that)" why did Jay respond to jimmy, deshawn, etc , why wont he respond to someone with talent?"

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

You never answered my question concerning Bp2 song
in one ear and out the other but heres how i see it.
Folks often times forget the sequence of events as i stated in an earlier post. 


-summerjam, "ask nas he dont...." calls Nas out. in Jay's words "I set the trap, just to see dude react"

responds with "stillmatic freestyle" (i could not remember its name to
save my life earlier..) and in that diss Nas "gets at "Jay by saying ...

man i was gonna go on this long drawn out response, but this aint even necessary. 

accuses and points out jay to be this and that, jay responds by
pointing out what was said of him in Nas and then in my opinion
dismantling all the contradictions that make up Mr. Nasir Jones. we can
go quote for quote, actually look at the lyrics
and i think we come to
Jay as the winner.

A lot of yall point to Nas
winning the nyc poll, Jay stammering, bleek, etc as Nas' reasons for
winning. then we retort saying if all those things count, then smashin
ya baby moms should count. its an endless debate. 

all i got.
But fam WE DID go quote for quote, line for line, bar for bar in the who spoke the most truth/facts thread a few years back and it was determined Nas told more truth and Jay told more falsehoods. We had broke down about 4 songs in that thread, whole Jay team conceded and started getting extra petty and just waited til the thread died.

ive been here for years man. i remember the thread. folks (or at least myself) dont feel like goin back and forth over and over and over and over again. 
its the same folks who think Jay won, and yall yell stan, D!!! rider over and over, and yall say Nas won over and over. 

but i would love to hear the truths and half truths told in the songs, then go about matter of opinions that are very valid (i.e. Nas career was very quiet until jay poked the sleepin giant) and tell me who won? 

actually dont, cause the sides never change, i wont convince you, you wont convince me. 

I remember me and the homie Illuztrious (and another Nas supporter) went song for song, Hilarious, but still, no one concedes.

one of Hiphop's Great battles. and no one died. 

if it matters, i had my moms  and another lady (outside unbiased opinions) listen to the line "I will not lose for even in defeat, theres a valuable lesson learned so it evens it up for me" and they think thats admitting defeat. yet no one mentioned it this thread (i dont think anyway) 

It's not all about truths/half truths/falsehoods even tho both these N'z were lying left and right so thats really a moot point. You are discrediting impact. Out of all the disses between the rappers Ether had the biggest impact. That's fact, I think we call I agree on that. In Jay's own words "that third it's a lot to take in"
I got Deuces piece on the interview of Jay shook. You don't think dude sounded defeated? And super ugly confirmed to me that Jay lost because it was mad classless and that a side of homie that we never saw before or after that. Ether got to Jay which was the whole POINT. It was to hurt his soul but I think it effected all his fans also.

And let me say my piece on super ugly. When all else fails, go after the women and children. It was cowardly and classless and thats why his mom made him apologize. Let me say that again, his mom made him APOLOGIZE. And then he drops bp2 so that 2 disses in a row thrown at Nas. Dude couldn't let it go because ether hurt him. I honestly think Nas shouldn't even have said anything else but he put the cap on with last real N'
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

 go after the women and children. It was cowardly and classless and thats why his mom made him apologize. 

 Ya'll are really blowing this aspect of the battle out of proportion when this pretty much the root of the beef in the first place. In every single battle where #*#+ gets personal I never hear any fans talking about "he went too far". I don't see anyone saying #*#+ about Pac bringing up Faith in the beef w/ Big or Big with the subliminal to Nas about tying his daughter up.
Freeze me with that "women and children" nonsense. This ain't the Titanic. 

Jay had been indirectly addressing this for years. 

You coming home to dishes and empty soda cans
I got your %!*%# in my Rover man
I never kiss her, I never hold her hand
In fact I diss her I'm a bolder man
I'mma pimp her, it's over man
When I twist her in the Gold sedan
Like I'm Goldie man, you've been chosen man
Jigga man, ice burg with the frozen hands
Wedding bands don't make it rosy man 
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

 go after the women and children. It was cowardly and classless and thats why his mom made him apologize. 

 Ya'll are really blowing this aspect of the battle out of proportion when this pretty much the root of the beef in the first place. In every single battle where #*#+ gets personal I never hear any fans talking about "he went too far". I don't see anyone saying #*#+ about Pac bringing up Faith in the beef w/ Big or Big with the subliminal to Nas about tying his daughter up.
Freeze me with that "women and children" nonsense. This ain't the Titanic. 

Jay had been indirectly addressing this for years. 

You coming home to dishes and empty soda cans
I got your %!*%# in my Rover man
I never kiss her, I never hold her hand
In fact I diss her I'm a bolder man
I'mma pimp her, it's over man
When I twist her in the Gold sedan
Like I'm Goldie man, you've been chosen man
Jigga man, ice burg with the frozen hands
Wedding bands don't make it rosy man 

yet they laugh they A!! off when Cam r kellys his face...

on wax, real life, Jay won. 
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

 go after the women and children. It was cowardly and classless and thats why his mom made him apologize. 

 Ya'll are really blowing this aspect of the battle out of proportion when this pretty much the root of the beef in the first place. In every single battle where #*#+ gets personal I never hear any fans talking about "he went too far". I don't see anyone saying #*#+ about Pac bringing up Faith in the beef w/ Big or Big with the subliminal to Nas about tying his daughter up.
Freeze me with that "women and children" nonsense. This ain't the Titanic. 

Jay had been indirectly addressing this for years. 

You coming home to dishes and empty soda cans
I got your %!*%# in my Rover man
I never kiss her, I never hold her hand
In fact I diss her I'm a bolder man
I'mma pimp her, it's over man
When I twist her in the Gold sedan
Like I'm Goldie man, you've been chosen man
Jigga man, ice burg with the frozen hands
Wedding bands don't make it rosy man 

So why do you think his mom made apologize homie? Tell me why Jay apologized?

He had been addressing it subliminally so after ether it just so happens that he didn't care and wanted to put it on blast? Sure it's a shot at Nas but he also indirectly attacked his daughter. You dudes think that's cool? that's lame to me and forced.

That's why both of them don't really like to talk about the battle because it went too far.

I thought Pac went to far too. I lost respect for him for that and for more reasons which why I really don't care for Pac. ++%! that ##$%# Faith. She is a harlot too.

and that line doesn't make any sense because he never gave her a wedding band.
jthagreat wrote:

ive been here for years man. i remember the thread. folks (or at least myself) dont feel like goin back and forth over and over and over and over again. 
its the same folks who think Jay won, and yall yell stan, D!!! rider over and over, and yall say Nas won over and over. 

but i would love to hear the truths and half truths told in the songs, then go about matter of opinions that are very valid (i.e. Nas career was very quiet until jay poked the sleepin giant) and tell me who won? 

actually dont, cause the sides never change, i wont convince you, you wont convince me. 

I remember me and the homie Illuztrious (and another Nas supporter) went song for song, Hilarious, but still, no one concedes.

one of Hiphop's Great battles. and no one died. 

if it matters, i had my moms  and another lady (outside unbiased opinions) listen to the line "I will not lose for even in defeat, theres a valuable lesson learned so it evens it up for me" and they think thats admitting defeat. yet no one mentioned it this thread (i dont think anyway) 

Yo, if you remember the thread what are you asking for? It's all there in the thread line for line.

I already mentioned the BP2 line. Some ppl may deny it but the only ppl who won't admit Jay loss are Jay stans because even Jay acknowledges he loss. I don't bother arguing that cuz it's clear as day he knows it. The arguments usually come in when ppl give their reasons why for why he didn't lose but don't get me wrong Jay knowing he loss is enough for most hip hop fans.

As far as the banging his ex. I looked in to that as Jay's obsession. Son wanted Nas on RD badly, got shunned, Nas went about ignoring him most of his early career. Jay was a nas stan himself, so the way I see it Jay had Nas on his mind so much he even wanted to be in the same ({}) Nas was in. Shh is weird and nasty son. It's that whole idol worship Jay engages in and thrives off of. At the base level it's an insult, but dudes can't seriously be telling me they keep their baby mother's who are their exes (no longer with them) or ex fiance or ex-wife (ex-whatever really) from having sex with other dudes. Disrespectful line and act but with Jay it is in no way enough
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