ever feel like you got no future?

Originally Posted by lil rell

try this.

- license suspended since july 08.
- mom has a 3 series bmw waiting for me outside but wont hand me the keys (well duh..)
- owe about $1500 in tickets.
- been single since august 08 (i wonder why...)
- been out of work since october 08
- only landed 2 interviews in the past year.

- never knew how it feels to have at least a 2.8 GPA but can prove that i was one of the smartest in most of my classes on a consistent basis.
i can go on...

Sounds like you're a spoiled loser. I hate types like you who think you're the smartest in your class...yet your GPA doesn't reflect it, which isall that matters. Let me guess, you didn't feel like trying on that test even though you knew the answers? Why did you get your license suspended?Incompetence? All your problems come down to you being a loser, if you fix that you fix your life.
you can't change what you've done. learn from it and move on. i know this sounds cliche but everything really does happen for a reason
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

AntonLaVey wrote:

I don't like the direction my life is taking right now......I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.

Man usually you irk me, but you aint NEVER lied. I was just day dreaming of this this morning. Why are we so afraid to "jump"?
Because it's impossible to see where you'll land.

But you never do.
moonmaster3 - I was think the same thing lol
poor guy cant drive his bmw soo said
come bro you cant be serious smh
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by lil rell

try this.

- license suspended since july 08.
- mom has a 3 series bmw waiting for me outside but wont hand me the keys (well duh..)
- owe about $1500 in tickets.
- been single since august 08 (i wonder why...)
- been out of work since october 08
- only landed 2 interviews in the past year.

- never knew how it feels to have at least a 2.8 GPA but can prove that i was one of the smartest in most of my classes on a consistent basis.
i can go on...

Sounds like you're a spoiled loser. I hate types like you who think you're the smartest in your class...yet your GPA doesn't reflect it, which is all that matters. Let me guess, you didn't feel like trying on that test even though you knew the answers? Why did you get your license suspended? Incompetence? All your problems come down to you being a loser, if you fix that you fix your life.
Lol SAME EXACT thing I thought when I read what he wrote.
No Op. Things happen for a reason. Its time to man up and make goals for yourself. School may or may not be it but dont give up.
nope. came into my second year of college with a 3.75 gpa. software engineering major, and im bout to get a 4.0 after finals are over (if i do good on myfinals). my future is
right now. all you have to do is put in work.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I don't like the direction my life is taking right now......I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.
I've been saying this a lot to myself in the past 2 years. I think I'm actually gonna do it eventually.
Thinking about the things you DO have going for u rather than your shortcomings can be the first step in feeling better, then you'll be in a better mood tofigure out things to improve what you feel is negative in your life
OP we got a few things in common
I'm half way between hopeful and helpless
If u have a break like we do here (Ur post made it seem like your outside of the states) use that time to reflect and try and straighten things out
Originally Posted by lil rell

try this.

- license suspended since july 08.
- mom has a 3 series bmw waiting for me outside but wont hand me the keys (well duh..)
- owe about $1500 in tickets.
- been single since august 08 (i wonder why...)
- been out of work since october 08
- only landed 2 interviews in the past year.

- never knew how it feels to have at least a 2.8 GPA but can prove that i was one of the smartest in most of my classes on a consistent basis.
i can go on...
please do, i need to feel better about myself
" finish each day and be done with it.
you have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities have crepit in;
forget them as soon as you can.
tomorrow is a new day; You shall begin it serenely
and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense "

-Ralph waldo emerson
Originally Posted by Integra Owner

First off, you need to realize that no matter how bad you have it, someone also has it worst.
I hate this logic, especially in a situation like this. I think it eventually leads to laziness, and encourages people to make a bunch of excuses.

People should work hard to meet their own standards without worrying about others.

If he has a GPA under 2.0, should he say, "Well, some people dropped out and aren't trying to do anything with their lives, so I'm not thatbad"?

Come on.
Success is when you can continue to work hard, even in the eyes of failure. Mental toughness will keep you from quitting.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by jhobson5

You can raise your grades. And 9 out of 10 employers dont look at your GPA, they look at you degree and experience. Make sure you do an internship to gain valuable experience and you are fine. I have friends that graduated with 2.5 GPAs and they make 60k 1 year removed from school. Its not the end of the world, just keep it up and it will work out fine.
Accounting or engineering?

Engineering my friend....
There you go. There's a reason why he landed on his feet.
Originally Posted by Integra Owner

First off, you need to realize that no matter how bad you have it, someone also has it worst.
I hate this logic
Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

Originally Posted by jhobson5

You can raise your grades. And 9 out of 10 employers dont look at your GPA, they look at you degree and experience. Make sure you do an internship to gain valuable experience and you are fine. I have friends that graduated with 2.5 GPAs and they make 60k 1 year removed from school. Its not the end of the world, just keep it up and it will work out fine.
I always thought this is this really true...??
you guys sure this is correct? i heard otherwise. all my cousins that graduated got paid based off their gpa. and of course you need internships.but then again they were engineering majors in silicon valley, so maybe its different in different places and fields?
I used to feel like that, then I've discover why I'm here.

I was born to help people. So in result, I've decided I'mma be a doctor.

I know it's an extremely long process, but it's worth it.
Sometimes. But i kno ill make it. Ill be fine. Im extremely calm wen the going gets rough. (but maybe to calm)
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by Integra Owner

First off, you need to realize that no matter how bad you have it, someone also has it worst.
I hate this logic, especially in a situation like this. I think it eventually leads to laziness, and encourages people to make a bunch of excuses.

People should work hard to meet their own standards without worrying about others.

If he has a GPA under 2.0, should he say, "Well, some people dropped out and aren't trying to do anything with their lives, so I'm not that bad"?

Come on.
True but if you use a similar mindset positively than you can push yourself to be more motivated to do the things you want in life. Having anegative outlook on life will only give birth to more negativity
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