Ever got G checked?

Originally Posted by AEA18

Originally Posted by el producto79

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Op often wakes up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat; remembering that dire time in the snack line when he was checked by a G.

Dude probably can't even eat popcorn anymore

Op hears popcorn popping
but OP def coulda said something back

The tall dudes weren't gonna jump some 15 year olds in a theater full of people

i woulda been like *@$@ is up i know you saw me here

but then i woulda left as soon as my end credits were rolling,

dat acting like a thug for the females lifestyle
...you know what they say...the bigger they are the harder they fall...

...most of the time its just some small %$* to ignore...unless being blatantly disrespected...then you gotta bang boy...

...always a time and place for it...let them swing first then its self-defense...then you got a right to punish mofos...imo OP...
When I was in the Navy, a guy I was cool with swung on me hit me a couple of times busted my lip. He had problems with some other dudes I was hanging with. Figured I was rolling with them but I had no clue they were beefing until a big fight broke out at the base club. I didnt wana swing back because he was with a bunch of other cats and they all looked like they wanted to jump in. Plus I was on base and if the Ma's showed up we all would have gotten kicked out the Navy. Needless to say got that got me was shot and killed by some Marines a week later standing outside of Del Taco. His buddies tried to say I had something to go with it. I was investigated by NCIS. Del Taco Surveillance and the girl I was with that night did not place me the scene.
Originally Posted by el producto79

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Op often wakes up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat; remembering that dire time in the snack line when he was checked by a G.

Dude probably can't even eat popcorn anymore
cries whenever they're done in the microwave.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

When I was in the Navy, a guy I was cool with swung on me hit me a couple of times busted my lip. He had problems with some other dudes I was hanging with. Figured I was rolling with them but I had no clue they were beefing until a big fight broke out at the base club. I didnt wana swing back because he was with a bunch of other cats and they all looked like they wanted to jump in. Plus I was on base and if the Ma's showed up we all would have gotten kicked out the Navy. Needless to say got that got me was shot and killed by some Marines a week later standing outside of Del Taco. His buddies tried to say I had something to go with it. I was investigated by NCIS. Del Taco Surveillance and the girl I was with that night did not place me the scene.

Navy hired Marines to take dude out?

Military is serious business?
Like three weeks ago there was this fight outside of a party we were at. My boy and I step outside to see whats up and some dude is talking about "you trying to get at my girl" to some dude. A fight ensues and dude ends up missing the guy and chin checked his girlfriend. My friend and I decided to cross the street and get a better view. While across the street my boy is yelling %%@$ like yeah do a Hadoken.... but dudes that were fighting had there boys there too. So one of the guys gets pissed that my boy is yelling %%@$ and confronts him. This is exactly how it went. My boy will be person 1 and the dude will be 2.  1"Punch that %%%%+ in the face lol" 2"the +$%* you say" 1"nah i was trying to tell ya'll to get out the street before the police was called" my boy gets mad compassionate and lows his voice to talk to dude 2"+$%* you.... walk away before i end you" 1"no man i was just warning you about the police" 2"walk the +$%* home before i kill you" dude walks down the street.... two minute later the police showed up. I caught up to him and he was like yeah i called the cops. Im about the life. lmao.

Fight happens
Boy gets son'd by somedude
Dude tells him he will kill him if he didnt walk away
My boy walks away and calls the cops

Read the whole thing its better
Originally Posted by INS

Like three weeks ago there was this fight outside of a party we were at. My boy and I step outside to see whats up and some dude is talking about "you trying to get at my girl" to some dude. A fight ensues and dude ends up missing the guy and chin checked his girlfriend. My friend and I decided to cross the street and get a better view. While across the street my boy is yelling *%$% like yeah do a Hadoken.... but dudes that were fighting had there boys there too. So on of the guys gets pissed that my boy is yelling *%$% and confronts him. This is exactly how it went. "Punch that %+!%@ in the face lol" "the %*$@ you say" "nah i was trying to tell ya'll to get out the street before the police was called" my boy gets mad compassionate and lows his voice to talk to dude "%*$@ you.... walk away before i end you" "no man i was just warning you about the police" "walk the %*$@ home before i kill you" dude walks down the street.... two minute later the police showed up. I caught up to him and he was like yeah i called the cops. Im about the life. lmao.

Fight happens
Boy gets son'd by somedude
Dude tells him he will kill him if he didnt walk away
My boy walks away and calls the cops

Read the whole thing its better
This is one of the instances where punctuation and grammer would have made this a lot easier to read. Im still not sure who got son'd. Random dude or your homie.

Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Originally Posted by INS

Like three weeks ago there was this fight outside of a party we were at. My boy and I step outside to see whats up and some dude is talking about "you trying to get at my girl" to some dude. A fight ensues and dude ends up missing the guy and chin checked his girlfriend. My friend and I decided to cross the street and get a better view. While across the street my boy is yelling *%$% like yeah do a Hadoken.... but dudes that were fighting had there boys there too. So on of the guys gets pissed that my boy is yelling *%$% and confronts him. This is exactly how it went. "Punch that %+!%@ in the face lol" "the %*$@ you say" "nah i was trying to tell ya'll to get out the street before the police was called" my boy gets mad compassionate and lows his voice to talk to dude "%*$@ you.... walk away before i end you" "no man i was just warning you about the police" "walk the %*$@ home before i kill you" dude walks down the street.... two minute later the police showed up. I caught up to him and he was like yeah i called the cops. Im about the life. lmao.

Fight happens
Boy gets son'd by somedude
Dude tells him he will kill him if he didnt walk away
My boy walks away and calls the cops

Read the whole thing its better
This is one of the instances where punctuation and grammer would have made this a lot easier to read. Im still not sure who got son'd. Random dude or your homie.


hopefully this is better. 
You can't let a dummie get in your head like that....ignore it. If its directed at you, speak on it. That's the way they perceive respect. Simple as that.
Was just listening to "G-Check" last night

I've never been checked. Closest thing was when this sophomore wanted to fight me when I was a freshman. I nicknamed him "Rotisserie" cuz he was so dark. Anyways, we were in Science class before the period started, shooting the poop, when he yells "Oh SH" out of nowhere and runs to the bathroom. My friend and I find out he peed himself, so we make fun of him from that day forward.

He then gets his homeboy to tell me that he wants to fight me in P.E. class, so I'm like yea whatever. I'm outside the gym waiting for him, and he comes with like 5 of his friends. They say they won't jump in so I'm like "alright let's do it" and drop my backpack. This guy then says, "Alright, hit me first" and calls me the B word. I then proceed to clown him for not even wanting to start the fight, and he leaves. He moved to Iowa the next day (no lie). I guess I just have that kind of effect on people.
Originally Posted by Weekz

NT, i want to know if i was justified.
Today I was supposed to bath my little brother, he is six.  I was reading something online while he was saying he was ready to be bathed.  I guess because I didn't attend to him fast enough (he is impatient and bossy), he came into my room and started peeing on me
 (i understand if u laff) and my chair and on the floor.

I then hit him once on the face and twice on the butt pretty hard.  He started crying and my grandmother came up to see what was the matter and he told her that he peed on me because i hit him for no reason and she believes it (she never liked me anyway).

So now she goes on and on about how im wicked and cruel and how if i were her child she would beat me (irony..).
Six-year old with the mean G-Check
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

When I was in the Navy, a guy I was cool with swung on me hit me a couple of times busted my lip. He had problems with some other dudes I was hanging with. Figured I was rolling with them but I had no clue they were beefing until a big fight broke out at the base club. I didnt wana swing back because he was with a bunch of other cats and they all looked like they wanted to jump in. Plus I was on base and if the Ma's showed up we all would have gotten kicked out the Navy. Needless to say got that got me was shot and killed by some Marines a week later standing outside of Del Taco. His buddies tried to say I had something to go with it. I was investigated by NCIS. Del Taco Surveillance and the girl I was with that night did not place me the scene.

Navy hired Marines to take dude out?

Military is serious business?
Naw they were gang banging. They were rolling rolling 60's crips. This was almost ten years ago though.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Was just listening to "G-Check" last night

I've never been checked. Closest thing was when this sophomore wanted to fight me when I was a freshman. I nicknamed him "Rotisserie" cuz he was so dark. Anyways, we were in Science class before the period started, shooting the poop, when he yells "Oh SH" out of nowhere and runs to the bathroom. My friend and I find out he peed himself, so we make fun of him from that day forward.

He then gets his homeboy to tell me that he wants to fight me in P.E. class, so I'm like yea whatever. I'm outside the gym waiting for him, and he comes with like 5 of his friends. They say they won't jump in so I'm like "alright let's do it" and drop my backpack. This guy then says, "Alright, hit me first" and calls me the B word. I then proceed to clown him for not even wanting to start the fight, and he leaves. He moved to Iowa the next day (no lie). I guess I just have that kind of effect on people.
He definitely checked you. 
Originally Posted by Pinoysneak5

Half of the time "idiots" act tough is because they packing heat. and they are just looking for a stupid reason to use it. Nobody cares if you "stepped up" if they already crying and burying you in the cementary. Being a man is a state of mind you dont have to prove anything to anybody. Real men know when to walk away.

Originally Posted by INS

Like three weeks ago there was this fight outside of a party we were at. My boy and I step outside to see whats up and some dude is talking about "you trying to get at my girl" to some dude. A fight ensues and dude ends up missing the guy and chin checked his girlfriend. My friend and I decided to cross the street and get a better view. While across the street my boy is yelling %%@$ like yeah do a Hadoken.... but dudes that were fighting had there boys there too. So one of the guys gets pissed that my boy is yelling %%@$ and confronts him. This is exactly how it went. My boy will be person 1 and the dude will be 2.  1"Punch that %%%%+ in the face lol" 2"the +$%* you say" 1"nah i was trying to tell ya'll to get out the street before the police was called" my boy gets mad compassionate and lows his voice to talk to dude 2"+$%* you.... walk away before i end you" 1"no man i was just warning you about the police" 2"walk the +$%* home before i kill you" dude walks down the street.... two minute later the police showed up. I caught up to him and he was like yeah i called the cops. Im about the life. lmao.

Fight happens
Boy gets son'd by somedude
Dude tells him he will kill him if he didnt walk away
My boy walks away and calls the cops

Read the whole thing its better

The end had me rollin.
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Was just listening to "G-Check" last night

I've never been checked. Closest thing was when this sophomore wanted to fight me when I was a freshman. I nicknamed him "Rotisserie" cuz he was so dark. Anyways, we were in Science class before the period started, shooting the poop, when he yells "Oh SH" out of nowhere and runs to the bathroom. My friend and I find out he peed himself, so we make fun of him from that day forward.

He then gets his homeboy to tell me that he wants to fight me in P.E. class, so I'm like yea whatever. I'm outside the gym waiting for him, and he comes with like 5 of his friends. They say they won't jump in so I'm like "alright let's do it" and drop my backpack. This guy then says, "Alright, hit me first" and calls me the B word. I then proceed to clown him for not even wanting to start the fight, and he leaves. He moved to Iowa the next day (no lie). I guess I just have that kind of effect on people.
He definitely checked you. 
How so?
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

When I was in the Navy, a guy I was cool with swung on me hit me a couple of times busted my lip. He had problems with some other dudes I was hanging with. Figured I was rolling with them but I had no clue they were beefing until a big fight broke out at the base club. I didnt wana swing back because he was with a bunch of other cats and they all looked like they wanted to jump in. Plus I was on base and if the Ma's showed up we all would have gotten kicked out the Navy. Needless to say got that got me was shot and killed by some Marines a week later standing outside of Del Taco. His buddies tried to say I had something to go with it. I was investigated by NCIS. Del Taco Surveillance and the girl I was with that night did not place me the scene.
Did it happen to be a black kid named Marvin??
One time.

I used to come out to San Diego to visit relatives when I was young and one time when I was 11 or 12 I came out here from down south and met this Mexican chica at the bowling alley. Funny because I now live a couple miles from where it used to be.

Anyway, me and my brother were walking with these girls on the second day of hanging out with them and these three loc'd out kids were walking by us grilling us down. I wasn't afraid of fighting so I shot a cold look back and one of them said " $*+@%$* half-breeds" because me and my brother are both light. I got pissed and as soon as the girl I was with felt me tense up and step that way, she looked at me and told me "you don't know those guys, they're crazy." She was local so I took her word for it.

I felt played, but San Diego was wild back then from what I know now. She probably saved me a trip to the ER. Night turned out good too, so eh...

But yeah, I got checked.
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