Ever got sooo @@*+%% up....

i got chocolate pudding on someone bed while high.

i felt bad
I threw up on my friends floor in his dorm, but came back the next day with a carpet cleaning machine and made it right.
nah man... i always make it to the bathroom/outside/trash can... i cant mess up ppl's %%*# cuz i'd be heated if somebody threw up on my stuff
Ehhh, I've never really thrown up on peoples +@$.
But I spill/drop alot of stuff when under the influence.
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

only dumb ppl throw up in bad places, whenever I'm REALLY drunk to the point where I think I'm gonna throw up, I just try to stay either outside or in the bathroom

Yeah, seriously. I always stumble outside to a nice lawn or something.
I threw up at a Georgia State University basketball game, everybody cleared the scene like I had the plague
I almost did at Tao in vegas. I don't really drink so mix that with the fact that I was trying to finish my first cigar and you have one messed up me. Theonly reason I drank was because it was my cousins 21st. Thank god I made it to the bathroom from the balcony. I managed not to throw up but seriously felt likeit. I was chillin in the toilet for 20 minutes until the bouncer told me I had to go back in the club. I chilled in our sofa for a ittle then bounced.Couldn't even dance with any of the fine ##@ broads on the dance floor.
I let loose in a friends bathroom where he and his girl stay. She held my umbrella hostage.

My best friend layed in the floor in my bedroom back in college and let vomit just spill from his mouth.

Yeh its %*%**% up, but it make for a good story later.
Threw up all over my friends kitchen new years eve 2007. Wildest night of my life
. Washed it down with another shot of vodka. Three carbombs & abottle of 99 orange's later I passed out. Next thing I know I wake up back at my house in the morning with the dry heaves
sleeping is mad dangerous drunk. i went to bed after getting messed up off of like 3 cups of jungle juice (one batch had just been made and i wasl ike its notmixed good enough and dude threw in more alcohol into my cup directly
) 4 cups officially of beer than people were forcing me to chug their beerand out of pitchers / play flip cup when im already done, finally a and a shot of soco. aside from watching some chick set a couch on fire when taking aflaming shot and me being a mess i knocked out only to wake up like 5 minutes later and throw up off the side of my bed. i had no shot in hell of making it tothe bathroom smh
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