Ever have evil thoughts?

Jan 30, 2008
I know I'm a good-hearted person but sometimes I have evil thoughts just to entertain myself.

Like today I was driving and I saw a crowd of people standing on the corner, and I just thought to myself, "What if I ran them over?"
All it would've took was just a slight turn of the wheel and they would've dropped like bowling pins. I would've been on the news. Andthen I snapped out of this thought and chuckled. Does anyone else get these kind of thoughts? Do you think it makes a person bad?
i thought about how it would feel to kill a person with my bare hands...

I know im not alone...
I have these more often than "normal thoughts."

...No Charles Manson.
if im at a restaurant and the service sucks i always thought of "dine and ditching"
but i can never do that.
I dislike how when you dont want to think of bad stuff, it always comes into your mind lol.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I know I'm a good-hearted person but sometimes I have evil thoughts just to entertain myself.

Like today I was driving and I saw a crowd of people standing on the corner, and I just thought to myself, "What if I ran them over?"
All it would've took was just a slight turn of the wheel and they would've dropped like bowling pins. I would've been on the news. And then I snapped out of this thought and chuckled. Does anyone else get these kind of thoughts? Do you think it makes a person bad?

my good sir that was on a comedy act....
I'm having evil thoughts right now.
My sister used my hair clippers to cut my nephews hair and just left them on the floor in my room, she drives my car all the time but never puts any gas in it,and my Mom made some food that I bought for myself and now everyone in the house is going to eat it
I'm a junior at FSU and I went to my first freshman party of the new year last Friday and I definitely had some devilish thoughts as a witnessed a flock ofintoxicated chicks everywhere but I couldn't bring myself to take advantage of them no matter how many shots I took. I know this is every guy's dreambut I guess I don't have it in me...
Sometimes I have the weirdest/randomest thoughts

Its usually when I'm really bored and alone
i do...but i think about it in a destiny vs. free will kind of way....like if you ran them over was it your choice or was it destiny?...weird
cue up the mj- you are not alone

I always wonder why that @%*% happen, I wouldn't wanna hurt anyone unless they were a threat to my loved ones.an idle mind is the devil's playground
All the time

It's not like you can help it, sometimes i feel guilty about it
but most of the time i don't. Like I've thought of multiple ways to kill my spanish teacher.

Oh well, ima keep doing it, it's fun
honest to everything i know and love..i really wanna kill someone before die. not even shoot someone or snap their neck but really torture someone. i wanna seesomeones life be in my hands. i wanna see someone begging me to leave them alone and let them live. i think it'd be the most extreme feeling of feelingalive. idk if that makes sense but yeah.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I'm having evil thoughts right now.
My sister used my hair clippers to cut my nephews hair and just left them on the floor in my room, she drives my car all the time but never puts any gas in it, and my Mom made some food that I bought for myself and now everyone in the house is going to eat it

lmao dude..
i dont think the thoughts i have are that evil just little things like beating the crap out of people but that seems normal to me. my latest little devil planis to catch this guy at my job who is trying to talk to me and two other cashiers and is supposedly engaged to another and has a gf out side of work. he liesto bad there is no telling what is true. but i plan on telling one of the other girls to invite him on a date and me and the other girl just happen to"show up" where they are and make him sweat a little. i dont think its evil seems funny to me =)
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