Ever hear of "D. B. Cooper" ?

cool story. dude was mad smart and thought everything through. i don't really know if dude survivied, but still a cool story.
Made me want to look him up after watching Prison Break.
I watched this story a while back on the discovery channel or TLC. But the feds had put trackers or die packs (something of that nature) in the parachutes sohe just threw those out and used his own.
Coincidentally, there was a front page article about D.B. Cooper in today's newspaper. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to read it.

I was watching a TV show a couple of weeks ago that mentioned similarities between D.B. Cooper and some guy that used to live in Utah that did the exact samething - hijack a plane, ask for money and then parachute out of the plane - and survived. Because it happened relatively close to the D.B. Cooper incident,many "experts" claim that they're the same person. Who knows.

Whatever is the case, this story is just mad eerie. I get goosebumps every time I see the composite drawing of D.B.

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