Ex...another man's child...she got at me over the weekend.

she got knocked up within 6 months of ya breaking up and ya been together for 8 years?! Its been 3 years now and she wants to come back? Disgusting...where's your pride man? Move on bro .. a few years from now when you're happy when someone else, you're going to look back and realize how much of a fool you were to even consider going back .
Whats with you NT dudes falling for these women with kids that arent yours? Its pretty simple, if its not yours then move on
don't do it op... an "ex" is called an "ex" because it's an EXample of what you shouldn't have again in the future... trust me.. i know
Originally Posted by Sportdelapolo

Originally Posted by tim teufel

So all it took was six months for her to get preggo by that other dude after ya broke up and u debating of giving her another shot? Son I'm pretty sure she was already seeing this same dude behind ur back while ya were together if she had dudes kid that quick.

wait... 6 months??? when has it taken more than like 2 or 3 dates to smash a girl? serious question. 6 months is dumb long for her to get pregnant.
The problem here is that they were together 8+ years.. and she was being reckless and got pregnant only 6 months after breaking up. You don't see a problem there?
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by cap1229

If he uses her he could get trapped like how she got trapped when she went out and lived that yolo life and got pregnant.

Not worth it.

So you admit that it CAN be a trap in this thread, eh?

I do reiterate that it's probably not worth it tho.

You will never see me denying that unplanned pregnacies can't be a trap to both parties involved. Never. its more of a trap for her then it will ever be for him and thats real life.

Eh, I don't know about that seeing as the female is the one who controls the "undo" button....and child support, and most custody battes unless she's a fiend, and a lot else. Don't wanna derail this thread tho, so if you'd like to engage in more friendly bastard banter, bring it on over to the other thread.
Yeah I had to dead that before I found myself back in the same *%$%...appreciate the feedback from all.
She split her zygote with the neighborhood crack dealer a few months after breaking up with you and you are seriously considering messing with her again???!! Dude you don't do nothing with her off principle. She was checking for him while ya'll were together. This is inspiring! EVERYONE LISTEN!! YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE AnD EAT IT TOO!!!
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Leave it alone homeboy. You are too wrapped up in reminiscing about the p, when in reality it won't even be the same. Move on or you are just asking for problems down the road.
Keep it moving bro, she made her best already, same thing happened to my boy, she now has a 5-6 year old daughter and he has a 1 year old son...I think they still mess around and overall I think is a silly @#+ situation because they both have significant others, that's what happens when you when you are not mentally prepared to fight for your relationship and then you regret letting go and then these things happen...would have been much easier to just fight it out...no point in fighting for it now bro, DON'T DO IT TO YOURSELF....you guys didn't fight for it 3 years ago, WTH is the point of doing so now with a kid + baby father in the way.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

She split her zygote with the neighborhood crack dealer a few months after breaking up with you and you are seriously considering messing with her again???!! Dude you don't do nothing with her off principle. She was checking for him while ya'll were together. This is inspiring! EVERYONE LISTEN!! YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE AnD EAT IT TOO!!!
keep it moving, she is miserable now and that is the only reason she hitting you up. Best believe if life was good you wouldn't be posting this question. You don't need her drama man, her baby daddy drama or the responsibility of putting back all the pieces of her messed up life.
My advise to you is to move on. or if you havent, ask her what happen to the dude she was pregnant with. Not to play you or anything but shes using ur kindness or comfort level of how you treated her. I bet you the guy she was with, just wanted to hit it and he left. now she needs you to pick up the pieces, thats not your responsibility. dont fall for it youll find someone ten times better trust and believe, just try to occupy yourself with work, schoool or even porn something to elude the past cause i was in the same situation and im still trying to get those sexual encounters out of my head, notice i said sexual because mentally we didnt click. Now if you decide to go against youre gut and be with this chick now you have to see this kid thats not yours and take care of it and who is to say she might leave you for SOMEONE better and come back a yr later. youre nobodys yo yo understand.  let her take the L move on if you have to slay a couple of hood chicks go for it. Sounds like too much drama she didnt appreciate you know whos to say she would appreciate you later. Know that you have value,respect and self worth.   another senario you get back with her but she cheats on and you dont know, shes pregnant and she says its youre kid just to trap you and then we see eyou on the maury show, come on papo, if youre not reading her warning label then you only deserve the sideeffects from those contents
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

if you're a jerk.. you'd use it to your benefit and take advantage of the situation
if you're a good guy... let her down easy and tell her there's no going back (if you feel that way)
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