Ex girlfriend left drunken vmail "fyi I hooked up with your brother"


Jul 23, 2012
:smh: . She broke up a me a few months ago but i deaded allll her texts and all that when she tried to reach out. I remember one of her texts I ignored like two months ago said she was in my bro's city for work so thats when it happened. I call my bro and im like you pipe my girl because she left a drunken vmail claiming you hooked up. He acts all shifty and says lemme hit you back after work. :smh:

How am I supposed to react? Tbh im kinda sad for her like she was a good girl and that's such a low move, it makes me lose all respect for her. maybe I hurt her that much it had her acting crazy? What about my bro? Like if one of his old girls texted me id immediately hit him back like why is your old Shorty texting me? He was scheming. Thought about forwarding the vmail to her mom but she's drunk and its hard to make out some of the words (I had to listen to it a couple times to make out what she was saying) :smh:

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your brother is supposed to be FAMILY. FAMILY doesn't do that. You got to put him on blast. It's your ex girl so you really have no ties to her at that point but damn.:x
:smh: . She broke up a few months ago but i deaded allll her texts and all that when she tried to reach out. I remember one of her texts I ignored like two months ago said she was in my bro's city for work so thats when it happened. I call my bro and im like you pipe my girl because she left a drunken vmail claiming you hooked up. He acts all shifty and says lemme hit you back after work. :smh:

How am I supposed to react? Tbh im kinda sad for her like she was a good girl and that's such a low move, it makes me lose all respect for her. maybe I hurt her that much it had her acting crazy? What about my bro? Like if one of his old girls texted me id immediately hit him back like why is your old Shorty texting me? He was scheming. Thought about forwarding the vmail to her mom but she's drunk and its hard to make out some of the words (I had to listen to it a couple times to make out what she was saying) :smh:
you new guys sure do have alot of problems, if your serious cancel that *****
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probably would never trust my brother if he kept some **** like that from me.....if he put it out there before hand, I would give him the blessing to do so....but to hide it? grimy
Yo that gif is hilarious lmao. and yeah thats shady on your brothers part def. I mean if you didn't "Love" the chick then just drop it. Blood is thicker then water. Now if you "loved" shorty, Then i'd say slap box your brother game 5 lol. Or smash one of his shorties IMO.
He just called back and said he didnt smash. So he at least made out with her or something. I actually believe he didn't smash because he never been a closer. Honestly he prob should have because at least then it would be worth it. What a lame. I just told him I aint wanna talk about it. He prob thought he was free and clear since it happened a few months ago. :smh:

What about Shorty? Im debating if she even remembers leaving the vmail. She left a really long one crying and stuff..then hit me back and left the short one that said she linked up with homeboy. Both were at like 3 a.m. last night
Exactly what are we supposed to be discussing here?

Should've just posted this in the thread about nothing.
Disgusting that ur own blood would do that. Best thing you can do now is tell him how mad you are at him and give it time. DON'T CONTACT UR EX NO MATTER WHAT.
Part of me is laughing..like I feel like im supposed to be reeeeeeally upset at both but I almost like dont care. No way that's a normal reaction though.

Yea, I was with her for a while. Nothing really bad to say about her before this, sorta thought we could maybe get back together In the future just because I was too tied up with school to give her what she wanted. I was never avail so she got fed up and wanted to end it. But then when I deaded communication she started hitting me up but ive been enjoying single life. This comes as a low blow, obvi. Bro acting like a thirsty snake and the girl acting like a $2 skeeze.
Ay your brother is trife as hell, I couldn't even get it up knowing my lil bro stroked the nana, bottom line blood is thicker than water but I wouldn't look at him the same
Chalk it up. Bro said he didn't smash. Let her be miserable and keep it moving.

Not my fault his game aint that nice and he cant close. I have no doubt she reached out to him when she was in town. But the premeditation involved with him communicating with her behind my back and meeting her out for drinks and at the very least making out with her, etc is extra snakey

How im supposed to react is the question. Never thought a sitch like this would ever present itself
So is it brother or homeboy? If its brother then u gotta take it as a lesson learned. If its homeboy, dead the friendship. Why would she hook up with him tho? Was he already in her ear?
Not my fault his game aint that nice and he cant close. I have no doubt she reached out to him when she was in town. But the premeditation involved with him communicating with her behind my back and meeting her out for drinks and at the very least making out with her, etc is extra snakey
How im supposed to react is the question. Never thought a sitch like this would ever present itself

You don't contact her at all...Or go smash one of her friends, but that's the tit for tat game :/
be the better man...give your brother hell and then let it go...and ol girl, she already gone...forget her...theres a reason why she's gone
Hes my real brother, same mom and dad. Two years older. He wasnt in her ear... I think she just capitalized on the fact she had to be in his city for work.

Boys I told said they'd beat his @%$. I dont really get why shed do that. This wasnt some skeezer she was a good girl. She musta been hurt something serious. If only her mom knew how trifling her little girl is.. Like I said the vmail before she said that was her crying about how she misses me and how I was never there whenshe needed me. Cray contrast to hey I let your brother swim
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