Ex girlfriend left drunken vmail "fyi I hooked up with your brother"

Dammm son you went in her and your brother went in her too. The hell :x why you worrying about a jump-off, its your brother who should be getting lesson.
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You guys think she thought that would make me beef with my bro? It won't. Or did she think id be calling her all angry or something? Like trying to get a reaction, any reaction out of me? Only thing it does is make her look gross. Fyi, we are talking about a college educated young professional girl here.

-first of all, girls get freaky when they out of town for work

-she was trying to hurt you for all the pain you caused her by ignoring her.

-to lose this battle, you would have to react to her actions. so you do not react.

-in fact, let it be known somehow that it doesn't phase you. which will drive her crazy. It will let her know that you really don't care about her.
(update FB pic with your bro)

-slap the **** outta your bro for stepping out of line. but family is family.
you're brother is a coward.

the broad isn't important and its ultimately up to you to forgive him.

but dude's definitely a coward.
Your bro shouldn't even be hanging out w/ her as friends after yall broke up. SHADY. Dead them both!
'd, but that's SO wrong.
I had a similar situation as well OP. But it wasn't with a brother. It was with a friend that i've known all my life. This girl and I was together and we fell in love, but things happens and we broke up.

I find out that she reached out to my friend to be friends with her, since we all hung out. I always had a hunch, but she would always say nothing was going on. She even made me feel like crap for directly asking her. Fast forward to this dudes birthday and I find out through Facebook that they've been messing around for a few months behind my back.

I also found out that he was in her ear and engaged in the relationship first. i haven't spoke to this dude in months and on his birthday I give him a call and ask him and he admits to it. Dude was a coward and never told me. He said he wanted to tell me, but the girl told him not to. That didn't fly with me, because I would've had more respect if I found out from him and not through Facebook. He would've been a man about it if he made the decision to not listen to the girl and do what was right. This was a guy who always preached on ethics and doing the right thing. Shocked to see what he didn't do it and sided with the *****.

Long story short--I dead both the chick and the dude.

Was I pissed? Hell yeah, I was! But getting a reaction and going ape **** on dude would've just made me look bad and made her look better. Word to Drake vs. Chris Brown.

My advice to you OP--Just keep it moving and in due time you gotta get past this. He's your brother and blood is thicker than water. He should've known better though.
First of all .. b word move to let loose on her moms. That's below the belt. Secondly, take a second look at that fam of yours. Last time I checked there was an unwritten rule in the bible somewhere that says thou shalt not insert thyself into my bretheren's woman.

@ looking sideways at the girl .. she's your ex girl so whatever she does doesn't matter.
What about Shorty? Im debating if she even remembers leaving the vmail. She left a really long one crying and stuff..then hit me back and left the short one that said she linked up with homeboy. Both were at like 3 a.m. last night

I dont understand the issue. She was your EX. That's your brother, he's blood to you. Was she your wife, nah right? Dude you don't own that funky monkey. ***** is *****. So what your brother caught your sloppy seconds. Stop trippin off that. Eff the bee, she don't wanna dance. on to the next. I don't know how old you are, but you'll see that there are shady people out there, some happen to be the women we date. Roll with the punches and stay true to yourself and you'll be set.
Your brother is terrible.

If he was a real man, he'd, at the very least, let you open hand slap his thirsty face.

It's only right between brothers, son broke bro-code-trust.
you're trippin op. thats your ex right? if you are single you should be focused on yourself and new conquest.
Your brother is a piece of ****, no offense.  If my brother did that to me, it'd take a while before I could even trust look at him again.  Then again, if it's a jump or girl I don't care about then it wouldn't bother me as much.  The shadiness would bother me though, like how can your BROTHER, we're talking flesh and blood, go behind your back with your ex?

As for your ex, you'd be stupid to take her back, so just block her number and block her on any social network.  Make sure there's no way she can contact you and keep it moving...
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