Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

How does that make any sense? Think about it. Dude is surrounded by police, but he's gonna jack a squad car and get away???? :lol: Yall watch too many movies.
Maybe they've been surrounding an empty cabin this whole time? He got away before most of the cops, SWAT, etc. arrived? Idk, I'm not the one who reported it and he person who did seems reputable.
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What a blue print for terrorists. I wonder when the real enemy who would want nothing more than the destruction of America will put a plan like Dorner's into reality. Hell judging by some of the sentiments here, there are tons of NTers that are willing to be recruited.
Confirmed house is fully engulfed in flames.

and ammunition is going off which makes me think he could have had ammo on fire for the last 3 hours making them think he was firing.
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"he may have escaped"
Lol soooo they gas him which set off his own ammunition which caused the fire? They gonna pull his body out lookin like swiss  cheese talkin bout it was his own ammo......
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