Exactly how difficult is golf?

This is a dumb question. But I'll answer: Very, Very hard. He's playing against the top golfers in the world and dominating them. Do you think it'seasy?
About as hard as it is to find objective sports fans on NT: damn #*%*%#% hard.
Hardest sport I have played . You have to be so good to shoot near par. I am still having a hard time getting under 85
Originally Posted by eye see soles

how hard is it to be as dominant as tiger has been?

did you just ask how hard it was to be the best in the history of something?

Pretty hard
Golf is ridiculously hard. Think about it. You're trying to make a ball in a hole 330 yards away with tons of obstacles.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

probably the most difficult, hardest, frustrating sport i've ever played. but also the most fun.

eaxactly. You have to respect the sport and put in hours of work just to be average
What a dumb *@* question

Ya it's hard... is this one of the questions where we are supposed to answer with our arms spread as far as they can go to show you how hard it is?
yeah me and my mom was talking about this ...

like some sports you can play purely off size or athletic ability. i think golf has so many factors incorporated it's ridiculous. props to anyone who cankinda play well. it takes a lot.
One thing...

If you watch on TV this weekend, the courses/greens look fairly flat....but seeing some in person is totally different.
It's incredibly hard just to swing and make solid contact. Go to a driving range and see how difficult it is.
pretty damn hard.
if you put in time to get better at the game then you will come along.
but going out once in a while hoping to succeed will not happen.
Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

How hard is it to dominate like MJ in basketball?
Ask Kobe?

Not trying to open a can of worms, but quit trying to relate golf tobasketball, and on another level Tiger to MJ....It's not the same.
These sports are all hard. None of us can play it at a big time level if we trained for the rest of our lives.
I have to agree with a lot of comments on here. I've played everything from basketball to baseball to football to soccer. And golf was the hardest for meto adapt to. It's very much a mental game, but the physical aspect of it is just as demanding.

I absolutely HATE my life when I go out and shoot horrible, but you always want to keep playing. I never got below 87 or so for my lowest round. I can'teven fathom how guys can hit par or even below par like the pro's do. After playing the sport, you really understand and respect how impressive it is. Andto do what Tiger is doing really is the most impressive thing I have ever seen.
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