Explain why there's suffering in the world.


Apr 23, 2008
No religion bashing PLEASE. I still believe in God, but one of the most enigmatic topics that leaves me baffled about anything to do with an all powerful beingis the question on suffering. Back in Philosophy I had to read some of Descartes works, but his logic was more abstract that left me saying "yeah...but" quite often. What do you all think NT?




Because without pain and suffering there can be no pleasure. I hate to reference a movie, but Agent Smith hit the nail on the head in the first Matrix when hewas talking to Morpheus.
To me its all part of the balance, cant have one without the other. Godliness..devilishness..happiness..sadness..joy...pain.
That would almost suggest that some are more worthy of being on the better end of the stick than others. If that's the case, what constitutes one as moredeserving than others?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

To me its all part of the balance, cant have one without the other.
+1. Happiness/Sadness, Rich/Poor. The world isn't fair.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

pics werent necessary.


if the more fortunate people dont see it or experience it for themselves then they act like it doesnt exists and block it out of their brains
I know you said no religion bashing, but this topic is one of the reasons I refuse to follow blindly.

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

It isn't about who's worthy and who isn't, but rather right (or wrong) place right (or wrong) time.
But to have a balance, as a few of you are suggesting, would serve the purpose of one being better than the other, or one outweighing the other.If that's the case, can you truly say is it better to be on the upper end of the totem pole, while knowing what atrocities those on the lower endexperience?
Originally Posted by blazersfan

I know you said no religion bashing, but this topic is one of the reasons I refuse to follow blindly.


But have you made strides to see what you do believe in?
Originally Posted by blazersfan

I know you said no religion bashing, but this topic is one of the reasons I refuse to follow blindly.

This is the main reason I chose not to ascribe to any one religion in particular. It's the biggest qualm I have with the God (in which Iunderstand him to be).
Originally Posted by Ryda421

same reason why people cannot unite

elaborate. Some would say that people aren't able to unite because of ignorance or stubbornness. Are you essentially telling me that God is such?
i dont believe in any religion, so this concept doesnt bother me as much. Why do humans always need a cause or a reason behind things that just are? We knowscientifically why it rains, but there is no real "philosophical" reason for it to rain. Same here, scientifically I know why these people aresuffering (lack of nutrition, disease, etc) that doesnt mean there is some bigger deep reason behind it all.
This is why I don't believe. We "learned" in high school that suffering is part of the human condition (that's the official catholicexplanation), but I don't see it.

I really thought about it at my cousin's funeral last month. 32 years old, engaged, and cancer claims him? What good could possibly come from that? How isthat part of a plan?
Originally Posted by veGAtts

i dont believe in any religion, so this concept doesnt bother me as much. Why do humans always need a cause or a reason behind things that just are?
Because some things do deserve to be explained. There's no reason why you and I can go to sleep wellfed and safe, while a fellow human in another country goes hungry. It's simply not fair. So explain.
Originally Posted by iBlink

That would almost suggest that some are more worthy of being on the better end of the stick than others. If that's the case, what constitutes one as more deserving than others?

Do you really believe everyone is equal?
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