Explain why there's suffering in the world.

Originally Posted by Ryda421

de PHX Jose wrote:
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Ryda421

same reason why people cannot unite

elaborate. Some would say that people aren't able to unite because of ignorance or stubbornness. Are you essentially telling me that God is such?
no bro. I say this because ppl are selfish. anytime you tell them about something they will not do it, if there is no benefit for them. but they do not see that sometimes it benefits both people. I don't know. sometimes it just seems like I would rather see someone happy then myself. i only say this because it is easy for me to happy, but it is much harder to make someone else happy.

Originally Posted by NJstress03

i believe there is suffering in the wolrd because of the ignorance and selfishness of man. we care too much about ourselves to worry about some1 elses well being. its leaves us in a "every man for themself" senario which also brings into play a lack of trust. since this also exists we decide to strike 1st before struck upon.
If you want to give up on humanity,life, and belief of a god, or higher power, go ahead. but the meaningness of our existence and the surroundings are too complex for us.

WTH does that mean


if you mean that I have given up, the answer is I have not.

haha got damn. i quoted your guys' for truth.
all my responses were directed to OP!!

good for you, i have not either
Originally Posted by de PHX Jose

haha got damn. i quoted your guys' for truth.
all my responses were directed to OP!!

good for you, i have not either

haha, im glad i wasnt the only one to misunderstand at least, makes me feel a little better.
The one dude here talking about me making posts on NT seems to thing I'm going to starve myself to make a point. Negative fam. By making this thread, Iknow I've evoked thought in the people who've viewed it. Will everyone start giving to charites in the AM? Probably not, but the mere fact that theywere mindful of the situation helps a little.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

The man in the mirror Blink. Man I could give you the biblical reason why but I'd rather keep this argument free. But the man in the mirror. We all have the power to at least help those in need. The money that is spent yearly to kill people could save so many. I'm not sure how we end up where we do, but I'm just thankful I'm where I am.

Still searching for that man my dude. I try to help out the best I can, but there's not much I can do on a global scale. I try to take it a day at a timeand help those that I can.

And you made an excellent point about the money spent in defense budgets.

I'm not trying to fault anyone for being in the position they're in, just trying to understand why such a thing that seems like an easy fix (to me atleast) persists.

At the end of the day, I'm just an idealist who has no place in this world.
Originally Posted by SUSHI AND GRITS

bottom line... anyone living in america is lucky.

Not everyone fam. Suffering occurs in our country as well.

I'm not basing suffering on famine alone, my bad if that's what it came off as.
Can't explain it. Thinking about it results in too many variables and complexities to account for. Only thing I can think of is: there is suffering in theworld because we allow it.
Originally Posted by iBlink

The one dude here talking about me making posts on NT seems to thing I'm going to starve myself to make a point. Negative fam. By making this thread, I know I've evoked thought in the people who've viewed it. Will everyone start giving to charites in the AM? Probably not, but the mere fact that they were mindful of the situation helps a little.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

The man in the mirror Blink. Man I could give you the biblical reason why but I'd rather keep this argument free. But the man in the mirror. We all have the power to at least help those in need. The money that is spent yearly to kill people could save so many. I'm not sure how we end up where we do, but I'm just thankful I'm where I am.

Still searching for that man my dude. I try to help out the best I can, but there's not much I can do on a global scale. I try to take it a day at a time and help those that I can.

And you made an excellent point about the money spent in defense budgets.

I'm not trying to fault anyone for being in the position they're in, just trying to understand why such a thing that seems like an easy fix (to me at least) persists.

At the end of the day, I'm just an idealist who has no place in this world.

I'm the same way man. It sucks to know you can't help everyone doesn't it? The only thing I can do is pray and encourage others to help when theycan. The man in the mirror was for everyone across the globe who has the power to make a change.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by iBlink

The one dude here talking about me making posts on NT seems to thing I'm going to starve myself to make a point. Negative fam. By making this thread, I know I've evoked thought in the people who've viewed it. Will everyone start giving to charites in the AM? Probably not, but the mere fact that they were mindful of the situation helps a little.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

The man in the mirror Blink. Man I could give you the biblical reason why but I'd rather keep this argument free. But the man in the mirror. We all have the power to at least help those in need. The money that is spent yearly to kill people could save so many. I'm not sure how we end up where we do, but I'm just thankful I'm where I am.

Still searching for that man my dude. I try to help out the best I can, but there's not much I can do on a global scale. I try to take it a day at a time and help those that I can.

And you made an excellent point about the money spent in defense budgets.

I'm not trying to fault anyone for being in the position they're in, just trying to understand why such a thing that seems like an easy fix (to me at least) persists.

At the end of the day, I'm just an idealist who has no place in this world.

I'm the same way man. It sucks to know you can't help everyone doesn't it? The only thing I can do is pray and encourage others to help when they can. The man in the mirror was for everyone across the globe who has the power to make a change.

Pray? rofl let's stick to actually positive things and not things that make you feel better auras energies or whatever.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I mean...there are concrete (albeit complex) answers as to the root causes behind the problems depicted...if you're really interested, just research the topics instead of posting pics for shock value.
We know these things go on every day so there shouldn't be any shock to seeing them. I'm reading up on Anselem and Descartes on the matter, so you telling me to do the research in null and void. Instead of the usual criticism, how's about you give more of an explanation.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Humans are exponential, food and many other resources are not.

There's more substance on the planet than most people are willing to believe. As far as other resources, say medicine or shelter for example, there's more than enough man power to build homes and create medical treatment. The only thing one could argue in this case is human greed and the fact that we'd rather have others suffer than to give aid for free.

What? Resources are limited, plenty enough for all for about 100 years Then what? we either choose now or all die in harmony by the year 2100
Once again your OP is quite unclear.

You asked explanation as to why there is suffering. The vague question was answered several different times, and in several different aspects.
Resources, human nature, survival of the fittest, geography.

If you wanted a philosophical or religious argument you should have stated so instead of continuing to ask "yeah I know but......"
-To those who talk in terms of "natural resources" or simply just "resources," why is it that with non renewable resources there wereobviously more in the ground five centuries ago but his lot in life was much worse than today and there were even greater deposits of mineral wealth tenthousand years ago and man's existence was nasty brutish and short. Today, many countries rich in natural resources inside their borders have some of thepoorest people and the opposite is true for some of the most resources poor nations. The ability to use resources is a much more potent explanation for globaldifferences in wealth.

-For those who blame capitalism (assuming you are simply just confusing it with fascism or corporatism), how was the human condition in the centuries beforeCapitalism became to start to sprout in the Late Middle Ages in Western Europe? Even Karl Marx was acutely aware that Capitalism was far superior to what hadproceeded it, which were various forms of what we would call Feudalism or Manorialism, where those with political power directed economic activity in a topdown manner.

Capitalism works and as a result it is hard to criticize its results relative to the results of all other system so to keep things simple, capitalism isbasically private ownership and control of private property and to keep the fruits of his productivity, economic activity is based on agreement rather thancoercion or social customs and people specialize and trade and do so in a manner that is influenced by the prices that emerge within the market place. I havetrouble seeing instances in history where true capitalism, based on private property, mutual agreements and prices allocating resources, have appeared with ina society and after a generation left it poorer. The only systems that ultimately leave a society poor then when the system was first implemented are systembased around coercion like imperialism, colonial mercantilism, communism or fascism/corporatism.

- The zero sum view of the world also does not stand up well to empirical proof. If the amount of wealth was as static as some of you have explicitly orimplicitly stated then it is hard to explain how it is that since the middle ages the human population has increased about tenfold but the lot in life of theordinary person has improved dramatically since the Middle Ages. The amount of wealth in the world is not static, the "pie" can expand and expand ithas done in modern history. The fact that some people are still starving and living in deep poverty is a situation that deserves more attention. What is oftentimes falsely inferred from those scenes of deep poverty is that our high standard of living, here in the US or Canada or Western Europe or Japan, is onlypossible because of those people's suffering (this is not to say that some policies by governments in the wealthier countries are blameless for some of thepoverty in the less wealthy countries).

- Greed can be bad in the sense that it will prevent someone who is able from giving and giving generously to his fellow man and thus provide at least areduction in the symptoms of poverty. On balance though greed has instead proved to be a force that has attacked poverty at it most fundamental levels. Greedis a constant fact of life and has caused a great deal of misery but when it is harness by the right sets of rules and incentives, it because industrialcapitalism, whose long arc has bent towards reductions in poverty and increasing standards of living for the ordinary member of that society. Greed is likefire, it has cause a lot of damage but once i twas harnessed it generally produced much more good than bad.

-Something that has caused a great deal of suffering is the human tendency to accept violence as perfectly acceptable way to government or social and politicallives. Everyone is guilty of making the initiation of the use of force a way of doing business. The elites start wars largely for their own gain and selfaggrandizement or because of twisted thinking that makes them believe that invading a country, enslaving the people and making them extract wealth from theground is going to be more cost effective than simply trading. It was once considered acceptable to use torture (corporal punishment) or widely applied deathsentences in order to maintain law and order despite the fact the crimes per capita ratio were often times a multiple of our current rates of violent andproperty crimes, despite us being so "soft on criminals." It was once accepted that political murder was the legitimate means of deciding who wouldbe the next ruler and at best this was limited to palace murder and more often it would mean civil wars fought in the country side, to the detriment to thealready struggling economies of the pre modern world.

I wish that some of you guys would put your brains to work and think through the oft repeated claims to how things are. Apply some basic knowledge from historyor just general common sense and as yourself how the world was before or without those things that some of you named as causes of poverty. When you realisethat poverty and brutality are our the default states of being and understand many bad practices like colonialism and corruption are things that make it evenmore difficult for the victims of such practices to rise beyond this default position of deep poverty and misery.
Life's not fair. Either you luck up, or you %*%$ up. I was taught that at a young age....

Rexanglorum, everytime I read one of your posts, it's basically what I'd think about a topic [if we have the same views], but just a little morelenghty and articulate. I enjoy readin' that.
For a country like the USA to be able to exist, another country must suffer....it's all about balance.
There is a perfect answer bound in religion...and it makes sense...but NT is not a good place to discuss religion so i wont bother...
As long as there's greed, lust, & apathy in the world, there will always be suffering.
Originally Posted by SUSHI AND GRITS

bottom line... anyone living in america is lucky.
People like this have a blind eye to whats going on in their own country.
I ask myself this question all the time.
Why would God (if he exist) make anyone,espeically youth suffer?
Why not make felons, drugies or someone who is old enough to make right/wrong decisions?
Originally Posted by blazersfan

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by blazersfan

I know you said no religion bashing, but this topic is one of the reasons I refuse to follow blindly.


But have you made strides to see what you do believe in?
I make strides everyday to become a better person, not on what I should believe in. If I was to do that I would be fighting myself forever. There is no clear answer, so why should I?

How would you know if you haven't tried?
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