Explain why there's suffering in the world.

Explain why:


Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by iBlink

That would almost suggest that some are more worthy of being on the better end of the stick than others. If that's the case, what constitutes one as more deserving than others?

Do you really believe everyone is equal?
I really believe everyone is born equal. What one does in the course of their being is what determines whether said equality remains or not.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by veGAtts

i dont believe in any religion, so this concept doesnt bother me as much. Why do humans always need a cause or a reason behind things that just are?
Because some things do deserve to be explained. There's no reason why you and I can go to sleep well fed and safe, while a fellow human in another country goes hungry. It's simply not fair. So explain.

what i am saying is there doesnt have to be a reason for things to happen. Things happen randomly all the time, why people try to prescribe some mystical"meaning" behind random chance is illogical.

i might be treading near cliche territory but why in the world would anybody assume things would ever be in any way fair regarding ANYTHING. Why do you believethat because there is unfairness something had to "cause" it?

It is just plain cockiness on the part of humanity. When we son't have a real explanation for something we have this need to have a cause behind it, sousually people will say something like "god caused it" or "its for the greater good" or some other crap. Quite frankly, when bad thingshappen, its usually just random chance. THINGS HAPPEN WITHOUT A "REASON" ALL THE TIME.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by blazersfan

I know you said no religion bashing, but this topic is one of the reasons I refuse to follow blindly.


But have you made strides to see what you do believe in?
I make strides everyday to become a better person, not on what I should believe in. If I was to do that I would be fighting myself forever. Thereis no clear answer, so why should I?
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by iBlink

That would almost suggest that some are more worthy of being on the better end of the stick than others. If that's the case, what constitutes one as more deserving than others?

Do you really believe everyone is equal?
I really believe everyone is born equal. What one does in the course of their being is what determines whether said equality remains or not.

You can't help where you are born, much less who your parents are. As much as americans love to claim it doesn't matter in regards to this topic itdoes.
Originally Posted by veGAtts

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by veGAtts

i dont believe in any religion, so this concept doesnt bother me as much. Why do humans always need a cause or a reason behind things that just are?
Because some things do deserve to be explained. There's no reason why you and I can go to sleep well fed and safe, while a fellow human in another country goes hungry. It's simply not fair. So explain.

what i am saying is there doesnt have to be a reason for things to happen. Things happen randomly all the time, why people try to prescribe some mystical "meaning" behind random chance is illogical.

i might be treading near cliche territory but why in the world would anybody assume things would ever be in any way fair regarding ANYTHING. Why do you believe that because there is unfairness something had to "cause" it?

It is just plain cockiness on the part of humanity. When we son't have a real explanation for something we have this need to have a cause behind it, so usually people will say something like "god caused it" or "its for the greater good" or some other crap. Quite frankly, when bad things happen, its usually just random chance. THINGS HAPPEN WITHOUT A "REASON" ALL THE TIME.
Because everything that we know can be traced back to a catalyst. There has to be a reason why two people can be born in the same idea of purity,yet one experience the better end of the balance most people have mentioned.

For you to suggest that things just happen randomly, I could still ask you why.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by iBlink

That would almost suggest that some are more worthy of being on the better end of the stick than others. If that's the case, what constitutes one as more deserving than others?

Do you really believe everyone is equal?
I really believe everyone is born equal. What one does in the course of their being is what determines whether said equality remains or not.

You can't help where you are born, much less who your parents are. As much as americans love to claim it doesn't matter in regards to this topic it does.

Then I would once again refer to my question about the totem pole in regards to a balance.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by veGAtts

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by veGAtts

i dont believe in any religion, so this concept doesnt bother me as much. Why do humans always need a cause or a reason behind things that just are?
Because some things do deserve to be explained. There's no reason why you and I can go to sleep well fed and safe, while a fellow human in another country goes hungry. It's simply not fair. So explain.

what i am saying is there doesnt have to be a reason for things to happen. Things happen randomly all the time, why people try to prescribe some mystical "meaning" behind random chance is illogical.

i might be treading near cliche territory but why in the world would anybody assume things would ever be in any way fair regarding ANYTHING. Why do you believe that because there is unfairness something had to "cause" it?

It is just plain cockiness on the part of humanity. When we son't have a real explanation for something we have this need to have a cause behind it, so usually people will say something like "god caused it" or "its for the greater good" or some other crap. Quite frankly, when bad things happen, its usually just random chance. THINGS HAPPEN WITHOUT A "REASON" ALL THE TIME.
Because everything that we know can be traced back to a catalyst. There has to be a reason why two people can be born in the same idea of purity, yet one experience the better end of the balance most people have mentioned.

For you to suggest that things just happen randomly, I could still ask you why.
Not randomly, but by choice. Nothing is scripted by a higher power (ie chance)
Balance, some people gotta suffer, for others to gain....

Its a never ending phase, that will continue to the end of time.
Are you really saying it sucks to be at the top because you know the bottom exists?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Are you really saying it sucks to be at the top because you know the bottom exists?

That's definitely not what I'm saying.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by veGAtts

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by veGAtts

i dont believe in any religion, so this concept doesnt bother me as much. Why do humans always need a cause or a reason behind things that just are?
Because some things do deserve to be explained. There's no reason why you and I can go to sleep well fed and safe, while a fellow human in another country goes hungry. It's simply not fair. So explain.

what i am saying is there doesnt have to be a reason for things to happen. Things happen randomly all the time, why people try to prescribe some mystical "meaning" behind random chance is illogical.

i might be treading near cliche territory but why in the world would anybody assume things would ever be in any way fair regarding ANYTHING. Why do you believe that because there is unfairness something had to "cause" it?

It is just plain cockiness on the part of humanity. When we son't have a real explanation for something we have this need to have a cause behind it, so usually people will say something like "god caused it" or "its for the greater good" or some other crap. Quite frankly, when bad things happen, its usually just random chance. THINGS HAPPEN WITHOUT A "REASON" ALL THE TIME.
Because everything that we know can be traced back to a catalyst. There has to be a reason why two people can be born in the same idea of purity, yet one experience the better end of the balance most people have mentioned.

For you to suggest that things just happen randomly, I could still ask you why.
you can always ask why, i learned that in 2nd grade when you just want to be annoying just ask why, when you get an answer, ask why, its endless.

i am saying, there IS NO REASON WHY.

You should be asking yourself WHY do you think there has to be?

PS - I dont think you can claim "everything that we know can be traced back to a catalyst" because that is simply not true. We know our planet orbitsa star we call the sun. Why couldnt it orbit a different similar star? Why is the earth the exact size that it is? Why is the circumference of every circleexactly Pi times bigger than its diameter? Just because something is true does not mean there is a "cause." Some things just are.

When a baby boy is born what is the reason he is a boy? Because he has a Y chromosome, but why did that have to happen, why couldn't he have had to Xs andbe a girl? The reason why = the baby had to be one or the other, pretty much just random.
You guys keep saying that some people have to suffer, yet cannot explain why.

For other's to thrive? Then does that not take away for your own advancement; knowing that you left a fellow being down trodden?

For other's to thrive? What, then, makes you more deserving than they to thrive?
i believe there is suffering in the wolrd because of the ignorance and selfishness of man. we care too much about ourselves to worry about some1 elses wellbeing. its leaves us in a "every man for themself" senario which also brings into play a lack of trust. since this also exists we decide to strike1st before struck upon.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Ryda421

same reason why people cannot unite

elaborate. Some would say that people aren't able to unite because of ignorance or stubbornness. Are you essentially telling me that God is such?
no bro. I say this because ppl are selfish. anytime you tell them about something they will not do it, if there is no benefit for them. but theydo not see that sometimes it benefits both people. I don't know. sometimes it just seems like I would rather see someone happy then myself. i only say thisbecause it is easy for me to happy, but it is much harder to make someone else happy.
Originally Posted by veGAtts

You should be asking yourself WHY do you think there has to be?

PS - I dont think you can claim "everything that we know can be traced back to a catalyst" because that is simply not true.

Because there has to be a explanation, besides this balance/location, for men to live like kings and others to barely cling to life.

Everything has a catalyst. I never said that we as human beings (a falable creature) can properly identify each one, but there is.
Originally Posted by iBlink

You guys keep saying that some people have to suffer, yet cannot explain why.

For other's to thrive? Then does that not take away for your own advancement; knowing that you left a fellow being down trodden?

For other's to thrive? What, then, makes you more deserving than they to thrive?

To answer that question is simply logic.

Humans are exponential, food and many other resources are not.

It really is that simple, unless you want to make it about religion/God I really don't see what there is not to get.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Ryda421

same reason why people cannot unite

elaborate. Some would say that people aren't able to unite because of ignorance or stubbornness. Are you essentially telling me that God is such?
no bro. I say this because ppl are selfish. anytime you tell them about something they will not do it, if there is no benefit for them. but they do not see that sometimes it benefits both people. I don't know. sometimes it just seems like I would rather see someone happy then myself. i only say this because it is easy for me to happy, but it is much harder to make someone else happy.
I hear you man.
Originally Posted by iBlink

You guys keep saying that some people have to suffer, yet cannot explain why.

For other's to thrive? Then does that not take away for your own advancement; knowing that you left a fellow being down trodden?

For other's to thrive? What, then, makes you more deserving than they to thrive?

Your Answering your own Questions, Yes man.......PEOPLE SUFFER.....ITs either, money, the government, politics.... People on top are all crooks, they know withthe money, the power, the connects they have they would do something to cure the disease these people have and they money they need, if they were too dosomething about, then maybe there would be a change....and lesss people would have to suffer.
I mean...there are concrete (albeit complex) answers as to the root causes behind the problems depicted...if you're really interested, just research thetopics instead of posting pics for shock value.
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