Explain Your NT Name

I've recently been collecting a lot of retros. They make me hot.

Formerly SWOBOY.
Al = short for my name, people call me it all the time

AlBooBoo = Mac Dre cd

5 = air jordan V is my favorite sneaker but a v at the end wouldn't look right
Super- I have super powers
Villian- cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime; scoundrel.
83- born year

Name is an oxymoron.....
P -the 1st intial of my nickname
Mighty- i feel as tho im mighty until someone proves me different
Well in 04' I was a Randy Orton backer (still am as long as he stays out of trouble).
A lot of people on here DS their shoes and worried about down the line and stuff. Me, I wear all my Js. Even my OGs. I clean them after every wear andeverything so they all look good. How you expect your shoes to be wearable down the line if you don't bring em out sometimes.
The process of belief is an elixir when you're weak.

I must confess at times I indulge it on the sneak, but generally, my outlook's not so bleak.
King Lincey - My last name is Lincey. Jesus is the KING of Kings, so I'm King Lincey.

IM A HELION - I own a Helio Ocean. It sucks.
The Great Hibachi:

The - Pronounced "THEE!"

Great - Because I'm nothing less.

Hibachi - Old basketball nickname, stolen from Gil.
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