EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

if he's dead then how we gonna find out more info​
We won't.
if he's dead then how we gonna find out more info​


i think he's dead and they're making sure no explosives

also, if you have the scanner up on your computer and you watching cnn or msnbc, you can see how far behind tv is . . . shows the potential of editing between live events and tv broadcasts
theyll wait at least an hour of no movement before moving in.. He'll bleed out.. If they do that stuff to lesser known criminals, there is no way they take a chance here
someone took pictures of the sweep of their home today
these dont sit well with me

nothing is gonna be the same when this situation is over

sidenote: if they were going thru peoples houses, how didn't they find dude . . . even if he came into that house after the police left, where was he before that . . . their paths should have crossed
Sorry if this has been asked a billion times, but does anyone have any cliffs from 2pm till now? I had to go into work for an emergency and had no access to media. Last I saw on the news the kid apparent was in a mall area with a turquoise shirt... Now he's in a boat?
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