F1 Official Thread - Grand Prix of Britain

thats why i take a lil nap after the first 5 laps, then watch it again after the 2nd round of pit stops which the real race starts :lol:
I support the team rather than a specific driver.  While there are drivers that I like, I wouldn't follow him to support another team.

McLaren is my team, and I was a huge fan of Lewis when he was with the team.  Last year, he left for Mercedes, but I didn't "jump ship".  

So I guess it depends on how you want to view it... do you want to follow a driver or do you want to follow a team?  I get that many view this as an individual sport, but it's always been the team  for me. 
Just watched the replay of the race. Started watching from lap 41, and of course this guy wins again. :smh: :rolleyes

But the driver that stood out the most was Nico Hulkenberg. :wow:
The guy drove an amazing race, he handled himself very well with 2 World Champions breathing down his neck. :pimp:

:x :x :smh:
what happened to the usual Mercedes SLS?

Whatsup guys. So I used to somewhat watch F1 when Michael Schumacher used to drive. I was younger so I would only watch it because my older brother would. I just went to watch the movie Rush and it kinda ignited by interest for Formula 1 again. How did you guys go about picking a driver? I just watched the race in Korea, and it was pretty exciting those last 10 laps. Anyway, I'll be checking this thread out.
Welcome! Glad to have somebody else in this thread :D
It's usually just me, SinnerP, zk1MPLS, and Flashout01 in here discussing F1.
For me, I would always just follow my dad in whatever he liked. He does not have a specific team, he just likes a few drivers. When Lewis Hamilton came in the scene in '08 he fell in love with him. So yea I went ahead with Lewis as my fav driver as well, and since he drove for McLaren I just stuck with them.
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what happened to the usual Mercedes SLS?
It happened when Mark's car caught fire.  Thats the fire-truck which came out right away, BEFORE the Safety-Car was deployed... a HUGE NO-NO.  They were lucky it was on a straight when the cars caught up to the SUV.  Had it been in a blind corner, with the huge speed-differentiation, it could have been a huge accident.  

Afterwards... http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/110402

All in all, massive fail on communication. 

But yeah... huge drive by the Hulk... Sauber's traction was incredible... Lewis just couldn't catch them on the exits.
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I missed the race. :lol: :\ Went to a cousin's birthday event. Been checking the updates on Facebook. I really should download Twitter on my phone in these cases.

Heard Hulkenberg (sp?) had a great race. Hopefully helps his bid for a seat at Lotus. Poor Mark. Pretty much had an HRT this part of the season. Ferrari were nowhere in sight. |I

Guess I missed a decent one -outside of finger boy winning yet again. One win away from clinching the title. :smh: Oh well, on to Suzuka! :D

Well, I've been a fan of the scarlet cars as long as I can remember (started watching in the mid-90s). One of the best-looking cars of the grid for sure -didn't hurt that they won a few races here and there. :tongue: Michael surely helped turn the team's fortunes around, helping the team still remain insanely competitive after all these years. Have always relished their rivalry with McLaren the most. Both had great cars and drivers and the passion those guys had on and off the track was really something to watch. The drivers gave their all on the track; not using politics as much to their advantage (as much as it is a part of F1 today).

Nowadays, you just want each team to do well -but not too well. The last three seasons have been pretty special, albeit having the same result in the end. l I've learned to appreciate most of the drivers and teams on the grid.

Lewis Hamilton is definitely appreciated. Lewis going past Kimi at Spa in 2008 was just insane.

Lewis Hamilton vs Kimi Raikkonen Battle at Spa 2008

Red Bull is a great team... liked them before they started beating Ferrari. :lol: Hell of a turnaround from the Jaguar team of old (or Stewart Ford for those young at heart). But yeah, they are a very good team. Not just Newey. Everything just works for them. Even the pit crew. Fastest pit crew on the paddock. Period. I just want to see the other guys catch up to them.

This season has just been grimey. Pretty much wrapped up with a bow on top for Seb and the Bulls. A lot of drama -and not the good kind. "Multi-21" stood out, but I really believe the thing that turned the season on its head (not in a good way) was the mid-season tyre change. If those Pirellis just didn't disintegrate/delaminate... :smh: Hembry blaming drivers now, too. How can one flat spot do that much damage, though? Definitely missing the tyre wars.
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Oh, and F1 2013 the game is out. Not really keen on purchasing it at all, but might give it a try if I somehow manage to get a copy.
Just tried F1 2013. Still a disappointment, IMO. The old cars and tracks are cool. Everything else is pretty much the same **** , different year. :\

Graphics got marginally better. Uses just about the same amount of resources as the previous iteration.
Lack of road feel (everything still feels flat until you hit a kerb) and jerky force feedback, too.
Cars are easy to catch with all assists off as well. Brake balance is okay... well, a little on the sensitive side. It takes really little effort to lock them brakes up.
Hand gestures when another driver almost clips you is a nice touch. Wish you can go DC and flip someone off. :lol:
Yeongam Circuit pit exit wasn't updated to the current layout.

Going to be the 2K of motorsport if they keep this up. Just appalling.

The presentation is the only thing I like about the game. Sigh.

Anyway, will try to see if there are any fixes to these bugs in the game.
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Tried a few tweaks in the controller settings. Circuit still feels flat but steering is a bit more responsive. Low-speed grip is a bit lacking, IMO. Using the default setup here.

Improved quite a bit compared to last year, though.

Their choice to not put out a demo for F1 2013 so they can "focus more on the game" is just total BS. I reckon last year's demo hurt sales quite a bit. Not even a dozen patches helped much. Trying to pull another fast one for consumers. :smh:
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Yikes. http://en.espnf1.com/f1/motorsport/story/128871.html

Costs crisis

Formula One and the $100 coathanger
ESPN Staff
October 9, 2013 « 2014 engines could create rifts | Grosjean eyes repeat fight with Raikkonen »

Some involved in F1 are feeling the pinch. Some. [emoji]169[/emoji] Getty Images
The huge costs facing teams competing in Formula One have been revealed by the Times with reports that they are hit with massive costs by circuits desperate to recoup as much money as they can in the face of huge charges imposed by the sport.

F1 in figures

£536m Dividend taken by CVC Capital Partners from Formula One as the sport's major shareholder

£446m Amount paid to the 11 teams

£272m The amount paid to the top four teams - Mercedes, Red Bull, Ferrari and McLaren - leaving £174m divided between the other seven

The report says that teams pay an average charge of $300,000 (£180,000) every race weekend for hiring facilities at circuits outside Europe. Everything costs, including hiring of fridges (a snip at £1200 for the weekend) to coathangers (£60).

With Formula One charging huge fees - up to $40 million - to allow the circuits to host races, track owners have to try to gain income wherever they can.

The Times quotes one team source as saying they were in effect being taxed for racing. "It is like a football team turning up at Old Trafford for a match against Manchester United and discovering they have to pay for the changing rooms, the hot water and the soap. It is just another cost that the big teams probably don't notice but is a major factor in the budget of the smaller teams in the sport."

The elephant in the room

"There's a nasty four-letter word doing the rounds in the paddock at the moment. It begins with 'c' and ends in 't', and is increasingly being used as a threat to the very future of the sport..."

Read more here

The report goes on to say the smaller teams, already under huge financial pressure, may have to stay away from some of next year's in-season tests with daily running costs around $500,000. "We've put together calculations that estimate $8 million for us to attend the four tests," Andy Stevenson, the Force India sporting director, told the newspaper.

[emoji]169[/emoji] ESPN Sports Media Ltd.
"There's a nasty four-letter word doing the rounds in the paddock at the moment. It begins with 'c' and ends in 't', and is increasingly being used as a threat to the very future of the sport..."
I was totally thinking of another word, but anyway...

Yeah, the costs are getting ridiculously high.  It used to be just the bottom 2 teams, say, Minardi & Sauber, but now it's probably closer to half the grid, with McL, Ferrari, Merc & RBR able to survive.  Even front-running team like Lotus are struggling badly. 
I was totally thinking of another word, but anyway...

Yeah, the costs are getting ridiculously high.  It used to be just the bottom 2 teams, say, Minardi & Sauber, but now it's probably closer to half the grid, with McL, Ferrari, Merc & RBR able to survive.  Even front-running team like Lotus are struggling badly. 

Was surprising Kimi wasn't getting paid. Far from Ferrari paying him not to race. :lol:

Finally this finger boy knocked the other Finger Boy off pole. :smokin

Maria's death apparently related from her crash injuries. |I
^ Yeah, wasn't overly surprised about that... you had to have guess with injuries that severe, they would have come with a lot of baggage. 

About time Seb had some tech gremlins. 
Huge middle-stint for Seb... won him the race.  Shame Mark couldn't get past Romain.

Missed the race (again)... never really got around to watch grands prix in the afternoon (local time). :lol:


Not even close...

So Kaz really was on to something when he was using vacuum cleaners for engine sounds.... :wow:
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