[| -- Fabolous x DJ Drama: There Is No Competition 2 (The Funeral Service) 2010 -- |]

We can't even get a tracklist though.

This +!#$ should get locked and when the tape actually drops, make a new one. +!#$ got me thinking some good news is up in here when I see this thread on the first page.
Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

This +!#$ should get locked and when the tape actually drops, make a new one. +!#$ got me thinking some good news is up in here when I see this thread on the first page.
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Originally Posted by Twism009

Just happen to see this while checking twitter earlier this morning

Jus bodied the Jay Electronica Exhibit C beat 4 #TiNc2.. 1 song left 2 do.. #TiNc2 will b out next week.. #iswear

I'll believe it when I see it.

EDIT: I hope son isn't jacking for beats throughout this tape, Better be some original tracks after this massive hiatus.

Lets hope its a mix of both
Originally Posted by TripleXL Vol 2

Is this still a 2 cd mixtape? Other side being clue/Desert Storm??

Clue can't be down with how these %#++%* delaying ##*#. He would've had his version done early Dec.

There better be an apology song on this joint.
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